1920's Mafia


Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee

(Characters available are in the Overview)





Position in Mob:


Appearance (From the 1920s or from a movie or show that takes place in the 1920s):

Appearance Description (one detailed paragraph, at least):

Clothing they normal wear (one detailed paragraph, at least):

Bio/Personality (three detailed paragraphs, at least):

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

(minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

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William Alan Hendrix

"Sarge" | "Willy" | "Country Boy"

28 Years Old

Caretti Family




William sports a somewhat imposing figure. He stands at 6'2" with a broad-shouldered and well-built athletic frame. His eyes are a cool -- almost icy -- tint of bluish-gray, while his skin is perpetually tanned to a light shade of bronze, a token of his partial Cherokee heritage. Will's face typically remains clean-shaven and his dark brown relatively close-cropped. A faint scar runs across his left cheek down to his jawline, with more present across much of his body, hidden under layers of clothing.

As a rule, William prefers to dress simply. He typically dons a simple charcoal-gray fedora and overcoat. Under the latter, he wears a white dress shirt with a black vest and tie. His starched dress pants and impeccably-shined loafers are also black. A silver chain hangs from Hendrix's neck, typically tucked into the collar of his shirt. The chain is strung with two items: his circular military identification tags and a silver-and-gold St. George medallion. When appropriate, he also wears a shoulder holster under his coat.


William was born and raised in the rural Blue Ridge Mountains of northern Georgia. He was the middle child of his family, with an older brother, Lance, and a younger sister, Elise. Their father was once a rich and well-respected war veteran who paid whatever price to ensure his children had the best available tutors and wanted for little. However, he abruptly fell into an alcohol-fueled depression following the loss of his wife -- and subsequently, his fortune -- to typhoid fever. Thereafter, he made life difficult for the children, his neglect punctuated only by bouts of physical abuse. When William was sixteen, the children fled home, making their way to Atlanta to escape their father.
Lance carved out a meager existence as a steelworker to support his brother and sister, while Will and Elise finished their studies, working odd jobs on the side whenever possible.

With the outbreak of the Great War, Will -- against his siblings' wishes -- traveled to France to volunteer for the French Foreign Legion, hoping to send back his military pay for their benefit. He served with the Legion as an infantryman for two and a half years, fighting on the front lines of the Gallipoli Campaign. Hendrix acted as the platoon's sharpshooter by day, but at night he and his unit specialized in "infiltration tactics": the brutal and bloody business of trench raiding. During the Battle of Verdun in late 1916, William was wounded by German artillery fire and medically discharged from the Legion, having received several commendations for his service.

Hendrix returned home, managing a largely successful recovery from his injuries before immediately reenlisting with the United States Marine Corps. William served as a junior NCO, seeing action with the American Expeditionary Force at Belleau Wood and the Argonne Forest. His brother, Lance -- who had also enlisted and been sent overseas as part of the AEF -- was killed in action at Saint-Mihiel.

Afflicted by wounds both mental and physical, William returned home in 1918. He had a falling out with Elise, who blamed him for Lance's death and for leaving them in the first place. Crestfallen, William finished out his enlistment with the Marine Corps, spending a year as a combat instructor at Parris Island. Afterwards, he traveled north to Chicago in search of employment. Shortly after his arrival, he joined the Illinois Army National Guard.

Before long, his skill set earned the attention of the Caretti Family, who offered him a position as an enforcer: a man willing and able to carry out the rare violent tasks required by the reformed gang. Will ultimately accepted and has spent the last two years as a hitman and bodyguard for the Carettis, occasionally using his connections to funnel small amounts of military-grade equipment to the gang. Despite their estrangement, Hendrix continues to send much of his ill-gotten gains home to Elise, who believes he is making a living as a humble businessman.

Personality & Characteristics

Though once boisterous and full of life, William is now soft-spoken and reserved. This has led to him being characterized as stoic and tense, even uptight... a not entirely inappropriate description. Nonetheless, he exudes an air of cool professionalism and is often exceedingly polite. Ravaged by "shell shock" and survivor's guilt, he is somewhat mistrustful of those around him and does not form close personal attachments easily... a lesson learned in the trenches. However, anyone able to crack his outer shell would find a surprisingly warm and loyal friend. He values discipline and honoring one's word. Despite his increasingly jaded outlook on the world and man's ability to unleash violence upon one another, he remains something of an altruist at heart.

Will is occasionally referred to as "Sarge", a reference to his military service. However, many among the Caretti family prefer to gently poke fun at his Southern heritage by referring to him as "Country Boy". Hendrix tolerates the teasing in stride, rarely delivering so much as a witty retort. Despite his polite demeanor, William is straightforward and candid -- even blunt -- in conversation. Though he can be diplomatic when needed, he doesn't particularly care for deceit between those he works with, regardless of intent.

When it comes to matters of romance and intimacy, William is not particularly innocent... though he is relatively inexperienced. His only serious relationship was with a Frenchwoman, whom he was forced to leave behind following the end of the Great War in 1918. He has not pursued any relationships since. Though William spends a considerable amount of his free time training or exercising, he has several other pursuits which he also devotes his attention to. Namely, he is something of a bookworm, with a wide range of interests in fiction and nonfiction. He also regularly follows the sports of boxing and American football on the radio. However, Will's indifference toward baseball is yet another frequent source of jokes at his expense.

Hendrix has a variety of combat and survival skills he has picked up over the years. Growing up in the wilderness of the northern Georgia mountains, Will and his siblings learned early how to live off the land. Hendrix is an excellent marksman, a trait nurtured in the heart of the wilderness when missing a shot would mean he and his siblings going hungry. He continued to hone this skill, gaining proficiency with a variety of small arms during his tenure in the French and American militaries, earning a reputation for superb marksmanship amongst his comrades. William is also a seasoned martial artist, having received varying levels of training (formal or otherwise) in bare-knuckle boxing, catch wrestling, bayonet fighting, Savate, and Judo.


+ Firearms: Will grew up around guns, learning to use them as a way of life. He maintains a fascination with their inner workings.

+ Martial Arts: Though he learned the arts of hand-to-hand combat as a method of survival, William continues to practice martial arts as a means of self-discipline and exercise.

+ Altruism: Hendrix appreciates acts of sacrifice and charity to those less fortunate.

+ Discipline/Duty: Learned through years in military service, William continues to value rigid adherence to the chain of command.

+ Honesty: Will appreciates somewhat who is candid and blunt.


- Arrogance: William has seen dozens of former comrades killed by overconfidence.

- Exploitation: Despite his current line of work, Hendrix is deeply uncomfortable with the abuse of innocents.

- Laziness: Hendrix cannot abide the shirking of one's duties, even those that seem trivial.

- Sadism: William does what he can to carry out humane kills, finding torture and unnecessary suffering abhorrent.

- Intrigue: Naturally mistrustful, Will does not appreciate the intricacies of deceit, diplomatic or otherwise.

Family, Friends, and Enemies

To be determined.

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Name: Rosalie Caretti

Nickname: Rose

Age: 19

Family: Caretti Family

Position in Mob: Youngest Daughter of the mob boss

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (From the 1920s or from a movie or show that takes place in the 1920s): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f91fc4a_FaeOldly.jpg.b9d4917eaa61c0599d79a4388e33bb08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f91fc4a_FaeOldly.jpg.b9d4917eaa61c0599d79a4388e33bb08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (yes, it doesn't look like it's from something that takes place in the 20s, but it is)

Appearance Description (one detailed paragraph, at least): Rose has inherited the looks of her French grandmother, for whom she was named after. She has big brown eyes, and golden blonde hair. Rose looks different from most girls in her time, even her best friend, whom lives with her, Leonor Frazini. She does not have the short, bobbed that most girls have. Instead, her hair is long, long enough that it goes down to her waist. She does not wear lipstick or rouge. Rose still uses the old-fashioned way of pinching her cheeks to achieve the blushing look. She has a sweet and innocent smile, that has truth in it, the truth that she has no idea of her family's true nature. Her innocent look is not the kind that one would expect from a Mafia family. Especially since her innocence is genuine.

Clothing they normal wear (one detailed paragraph, at least): Rose dresses much more conservatively than most girls do. Her dresses are much more understated and she does not wear dresses that sparkle too much. She prefers wearing softer colors as oppessed to bright ones, as she does not like to stand out and she hates being noticed. Her dresses, for the most part, are as short as most girls are, though she does have a few longer ones (those are mostly dinner dresses). In bed, she still wears long, conservative nightgowns, instead of pajamas, like more and more girls are doing. She has expensive jewelry, but she doesn't wear it very often. The one piece of jewelry she always wears a gold locket with a little blue and a gold butterfly on it. She wears it because her father gave it to her as a gift when he was born. On the back of the locket there is 'RC' for Rosalie Caretti.


Bio/Personality (three detailed paragraphs, at least): Rosalie Caretti, more often called "Rose," was named after her French grandmother, whom, according to her father, she is just like, and her father reminds her of that fact on a daily basis. She was given the nickname "Rose" so she would not be confused with her grandmother. Her father says that she looks just like her grandmother and has her same personality. Her father is close to his mother, and thought naming his youngest child after her would be a good way to honor her. Rose is very close with her father and he often showers her with gifts, more than he does with any of his other children. Rose loves her father very much, but she often tires of the fact that her father being so overprotective of her and she often longs for more freedom.

Rose was raised in the lap of luxury, though that by no means has made her spoiled. She was actually quite kind. She enjoys helping the poor and she will always give what she can. She also does not care for spending too much money on dresses, even though she has many designer dresses. When she outgrows her dresses, she donates them so that someone let else who is much less fortunate than her can have something fine. When her father lets her out, she will always make some time to help the poor. Rose is quite accepting and tolerant of people and she doesn't care about what a persons race, sexuality or gender.

Rose, for all her goodness, is quite shy. She is terribly timid and she often speaks with a stutter. The only people she doesn't stutter around is her best friend, Leonor Frazini, and her family, as they are the only people she feels comfortable around. She avoids talking to people as much as possible and when she does talk to people she always says as little as possible. Rose is a bit of a coward too and is very cautious in the decisions she makes. She misses out on a great deal of life due to being so scared of what would happen to her.

Rose is quite honest and has never told a lie. She has always tried to be as honest as possible, even when it can be hard. She tries her best to be the best she can be, but sometimes her curiosity can get the best of her. She often begs her father, who has kept her in the dark about the life he really lives. In an attempt to her as innocent as possible, her father keeps her in the dark. Rose is also a bit of a prude. She blushes at the mention of anything sexual and tries to avoid it as much as possible.

Rose is quite educated and she loves reading. Her room has a bookshelf that is overflowing with books. She often stays up late into the night and reads. She has a yearning for knowledge and she reads anything she can get her hands on and she wants to know as much as she can possibly know. It has been that way since she was a little girl. Her father spoils her with books sometimes instead of the fancy dresses and shoes and jewelry and other accessories that he usually buys her. Rose often appreciates the books her father gives her rather than the outfits he gives her.

Rose is quite physically weak and was never trained in any sort of combat since her father thought it might taint her innocence. She has often begged her father to teach her how to fight and learn how to defend herself, despite how much Rose has said that it could be beneficial to her. She is also indecisive and has a hard time making decisions. She often waits to the last minute to decide and she often feels like she has made the wrong decision.

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

-Gardens: There is a small garden in the back of Rose's house, which Rose spends most of her time in and she loves it there.

-Being let out of the house: Rose's father rarely lets rose out of the house and she always cherishes her time out of the house.

-Movies: Rose loves going to see movies, even though she doesn't go often. She loves how they transport her to another world. Her favorite actress is Louise Brooks.

-Helping Others: Contrary to what people would the daughter of a mob boss would be, Rose loves helping others and often gives money to those in need.

-Animals: Rose has always had a soft spot for animals and even has a pug named "Lou," whom she named after Louise Brooks.


Dislikes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

-Being Useless: Rose's father doesn't let Rose do much, so she feels quite useless most of the time.

-Hatefulness: Rose dislikes when people are cruel and hateful

-Drinking: Rose considers drinking a vile action and she has never done it and she never will.

-Abuse: Rose hates seeing people in pain, especially when it was physical pain caused by a person.

-People in Misery: Unlike what people think the daughter of a mob boss would be like, Rose hates seeing people in misery.

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

-Grandmother (Rosalie Caretti): Her paternal grandmother, whom lives in New York, often comes to see her grand children in Chicago and often buys them expensive presents, the most expensive she leaves for Rosalie.

-Father (Name TBA): Rose and her father are very close, and he quite protective of her.

-Mother: TBA

-Oldest Brother: TBA

-Older Sister: TBA

-Older Brother: TBA

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

-Leonor Frazini: Leonor is Rose's father's ward and before her father died (Leonor's mother died giving birth to her), Rose and Leonor were best friends. They still are.

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

-Varenzo Family: She is known by the Varenzo family, though she has no knowledge of them. Though they are enemies simply because of their families rivalry.



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Emilia Inez Varenzo


Inez (if really close)




Varenzo Family

Position in Mob:

Eldest Daughter





Appearance Description :

The number of inches of her shoe heels makes up for her somewhat short stature of 5'3".Her wavy short black hair brings

out her cognac brown eyes. Emilia's skin is of a healthy tan due to her daily walks outside on

weekdays along with a light brown mole visible by her right cheek.

Clothing they normal wear :

Emilia's go to attire is always a long black or other dark colored dress that goes in different simple styles. This has been

her trademark for outside events but it never made her look dull among others. The only times she is seen in a white clothing is during

a birthday of a family member or a close one. She is always on high heels even on her daily walk routine. She rarely wear heavy makeup where

she finds the use of eyeliner and a natural lip gloss is enough.

Bio/Personality (will be adding more after other incoming family members):

As the eldest daughter from the Varenzo family she have a reputation to maintain which she does effortlessly.

Her cold silence along with her gaze can be already considered as a weapon.Emilia is not into the means of killing, for her

killing will end pain and torture and she isn't into violence also. She believes one can bring someone into total ruins not through

violence but through wit and merciless "kindness".

She is always tasked with gaining connections and "friends" that is being accomplished despite being the silent one.

She doesn't like being in groups that's why she isn't into mingling with the higher groups of society unless needed.

Emilia prefers to be alone at most times but maintains healthy relationship among her family and other people.

For the good of the Varenzo family is one of her priorities which explains reasonable obedience towards

the family head but if it needed a tying of the marriage knot then she will surely hesitate defy her father and will find more better options besides it.

She is frank and honest at all times. She can easily get caught lying except during poker games. Her participation in 'games' always gets her in trouble.

Emilia will drop her silent attitude during the presence of children especially when left alone with them. Taking things personally isn't her nature but

once take she is willing to dirty her own hands.

Likes :

Cafes: She always stops by during her daily walk routines where she sits down with a

cup of black coffee and a book or journal.

•Bookstores: If cannot be found she can be in one of these unwinding or just looking for a rare book.

•Games: Not just any game but a game where scandals and intrigues are involved, a huge chess game with

people involved or just a card game where the stakes are high.

•Candor: Just be honest and straightforward, no beating around the bush.

•Travelling: If Emilia is not from this family, she could be already going around the world.


•Rude People: First of all things she observes about a person is how is their manners are.

•Oppression: Emilia likes to destroy people but only to those who deserve it and not the

innocent people who are should be out all these.

•Bumptious people: She can't stand these kind of people especially if they really got nothing to prove.

•Talking in public: Being the center of attention is one of the few things she cannot handle.

•Waking up early: Mornings is the most time she is in her weakest state. Emotionally and physically.




Got 'friends' she can depend on during different situations.






Michael Vincenzo Caretti


Mikey, Mike

Age: 26

Family: Caretti

Position in Mob:

Don's Eldest Son




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/mv5bmta2mda2njixmzjeqtjeqwpwz15bbwu3mdu0ndk5ntm.jpg.75b7133bc67179c7ceb0159762ee0741.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/mv5bmta2mda2njixmzjeqtjeqwpwz15bbwu3mdu0ndk5ntm.jpg.75b7133bc67179c7ceb0159762ee0741.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Description (one detailed paragraph, at least):

Clothing they normal wear (one detailed paragraph, at least):

Bio/Personality (three detailed paragraphs, at least):

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

Dislikes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):



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Name: Leonor Foyle

Nickname: None

Age: 21

Family: Caretti

Position in Mob: Ward of the Mob Boss

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (From the 1920s or from a movie or show that takes place in the 1920s):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3063524e_AlineBohun.jpg.6573b56a032ca6ec4e96921c4a27a397.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3063524e_AlineBohun.jpg.6573b56a032ca6ec4e96921c4a27a397.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Description (one detailed paragraph, at least): Leonor, unlike her best friend Rose, has her hair in a cut short in a bob style that curls. And unlike Rose she wears lipstick and rouge, as that is nolonger seen as scandalous in the modern society she lives in. She usually wears either bright red or dark red lipstick and she always makes sure her cheeks have a colorful and rosy hue to them. She doesn't pinch her cheeks anymore. She had even began wearing lipstick and rouge before it became commor for women to do so. Her nails are always painted, usually silver or red. Her nails aren't very long, but they are a decent length. She has clear blue eyes which are usually surrounded by makeup that is similar to Theda Bara, Leonor's favorite actress.

Clothing they normal wear (one detailed paragraph, at least): Leonor loves wearing flashy and extravagent clothes that glitter with ever she moves. Almost every outfit she has has some form of shine and sparkle to it and Leonor makes sure of that. She loves wearing designer dresses, which she pays for with the large amount of money her parents left her, for which she is grateful. She loves dresses with sequins and rhinestones. She also wears glittering headbands and shoes with heels. She loves that short dresses with dropped waits are in fashion. She had already been wearing shorter skirts which were starting to become popular at the end of the last decade.

Bio/Personality (three detailed paragraphs, at least): Leonor's mother died giving birth to her. Her mother was able to hold Leonor and tell her how much she loved her before she died. For for the first seven years of her life, she was raised by her father, who raised her with tender love and affection. Then he was shot. Her father was the second-in-command and best friend to the mob boss of the Caretti family, so she went to live with him and his family. She knew about the life her father lived, but she never brought it up to her best friend, Rose, who is Caretti's youngest daughter. When her father was alive, he would take her to Caretti's house and Leonor would play with Rose. Leonor loves Rose like a sister and the two do everything together. Leonor feels the need to protect Rose, since Rose is so innocent and knows nothing about the life her father truly leads.

Leonor is confident and brave and she acts like she's not afraid of anything, when really, she's terrified she'll mess up in life and lose the people she loves. She loves the Caretti's like a family and she is scared that she might lose them, like she lost her Mamma and Daddy. She is especially afraid she will lose Rose. She is afraid to lose Rose since she is so close to her in age and they have seen each other almost everyday since Rose was born, as Rose is two years younger than Leonor. They have become very close and even call each other sisters, as that is how they see each other. They feel as though they have passed the friendship mark years ago. Leonor is grateful that she has found such a great friend in Rose.

Leonor love to party and have a good time. She never drinks around Rose, as she knows how much Rose dislikes drinking, but when Rose isn't around she gets quite tipsy. She goes out to speakeasy's and kisses random men. She never tells Rose where she goes late at knight, as she doesn't want Rose to question anything. She will do anything possible to have a good time as she loves nothing more. She loves doing the Charleston and she is quite good at it. She often goes out dancing.

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

-Rose: Leonor adores her best friend and they are like sisters.

-Rainy Days: Leonor loves the feeling of rain on her skin.

-The Caretti's: Leonor is so grateful the Caretti's took her in.

-Movies: Leonor loves going to the movies as she loves that they take her to a new place.

Clothes: Leonor loves clothes and is always buing new ones.

Dislikes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

-The Varenzo's: Leonor hates them simply because of how she was raised.

-Rudeness: Leonor hates when peopl are rude for the sake of being rude.

-Haughtiness: Leonor gets very annoyed when she sees this.

-Dishonesty: Leonor hates it when people feels they have to lie.

-Cheaters: Leonor has always been bothered by those who cheat to get ahead.

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

-Sophia Foyle (Mother): Leonor's mother died giving birth to her.

-Francis Foyle (Father): Leonor was close to her father, before he died.

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

-Rosalie 'Rose' Caretti: Leonor has been best friends with Rose since she was little and the are very close. Leonor considers it her duty to protect Leonor.

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

-The Varenzo Family: Knowing her 'uncle's' relationship with the family, she hates them.



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René Caretti

That's "Boss" to you.

48 Years Old

Don of the Caretti family




René is a slightly heavyset man, no doubt due to the fact that his mother was French and his father was Italian; a love for food was bred into him. He is an frightening man, though he only stands at a height of 5'9". Scars litter his body, mostly from his younger, scrappier days. Most prominently, a crescent-shaped scar runs from his gut to his shoulder blade and on his left cheek a thick scar arcs from where a bullet grazed him. Even with all his scars, René's most intimidating feature are his eyes. The dark grey orbs give him a somber look at the best of times and a ferocious one at the worst.


René favors dark suits and wool coats. Always well fitting, and always mute colors. He doesn't wear fedoras but instead prefers the bowler, if he wears a hat at all. His shoes are black and well-polished. When he dresses down for a bit of dirty work (which he'll participate in every now and then to let off steam) or relaxing, he wears white shirts and dark grey slacks.


On February 13th, 1878 Rosalie Armistead and Paul Caretti welcomed into the world their first and only son. Rosalie named him René. Her child might carry an Italian surname, but by God she was going to be sure that some part of him was French. Paul had been charming. He had been older than Rosalie by ten or so years, and she had been so young, freshly immigrated to the United States. The world had been so big for her and then suddenly so small once it became all about Paul. He'd been in his thirties, overcome with lust for this young beautiful french woman with her alluring gaze and sultry accent. Mistakes were made, and suddenly the pair of them had a child. The problem was that Paul Caretti was a bad man involved in a rough life. He went missing three weeks after his son was born and wasn't found until the next Thursday in back alley with four of his fingers and all of his teeth missing.

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

Dislikes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

I am so sorry for taking so long!

[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]



Michael Vincenzo Caretti


Mikey, Mike

Age: 26

Family: Caretti

Position in Mob:

Don's Eldest Son




View attachment 133784

Appearance Description (one detailed paragraph, at least):

Clothing they normal wear (one detailed paragraph, at least):

Bio/Personality (three detailed paragraphs, at least):

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

Dislikes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):


[QUOTE="Esoteric Truth]


René Caretti

That's "Boss" to you.

48 Years Old

Don of the Caretti family




René is a slightly heavyset man, no doubt due to the fact that his mother was French and his father was Italian; a love for food was bred into him. He is an frightening man, though he only stands at a height of 5'9". Scars litter his body, mostly from his younger, scrappier days. Most prominently, a crescent-shaped scar runs from his gut to his shoulder blade and on his left cheek a thick scar arcs from where a bullet grazed him. Even with all his scars, René's most intimidating feature are his eyes. The dark grey orbs give him a somber look at the best of times and a ferocious one at the worst.


René favors dark suits and wool coats. Always well fitting, and always mute colors. He doesn't wear fedoras but instead prefers the bowler, if he wears a hat at all. His shoes are black and well-polished. When he dresses down for a bit of dirty work (which he'll participate in every now and then to let off steam) or relaxing, he wears white shirts and dark grey slacks.


On February 13th, 1878 Rosalie Armistead and Paul Caretti welcomed into the world their first and only son. Rosalie named him René. Her child might carry an Italian surname, but by God she was going to be sure that some part of him was French. Paul had been charming. He had been older than Rosalie by ten or so years, and she had been so young, freshly immigrated to the United States. The world had been so big for her and then suddenly so small once it became all about Paul. He'd been in his thirties, overcome with lust for this young beautiful french woman with her alluring gaze and sultry accent. Mistakes were made, and suddenly the pair of them had a child. The problem was that Paul Caretti was a bad man involved in a rough life. He went missing three weeks after his son was born and wasn't found until the next Thursday in back alley with four of his fingers and all of his teeth missing.

Likes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they like them):

Dislikes (minimum of five, plus one sentence each on why they dislike them):

Family (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Friends (plus one sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):

Enemies (plus ones sentence each, at least, describing their relationship):


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