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Fandom 🇪🇻🇪🇷🇾🇹🇭🇮🇳🇬 & 🇳🇴🇹🇭🇮🇳🇬 - (𝟷𝟷/𝟷𝟽)


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a load of potentially interesting trash
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hello! the following is a compilation of all the fandoms i'm currently interested. at this time, they happen to be star wars, henry danger and doctor who. i may potentially be interested in marvel or supernatural given the plot you approach me with is interesting enough. i am not interested in original rps.

here’s a little bit about me ::
➳ i’m 20 (and because of this i’d only like to write with 18+)
➳ you can call me ginger - she/her pronouns : D
➳ lgbt+ friendly
➳ i work part-time so, no, i’m not constantly available
➳ i'm currently working through college
➳ ooc chat is loved and very much wanted
➳ original characters are accepted and welcomed
➳ est zone
➳♥ taylor swift is god ♥

what i’d like from you ::
➳ please be a literate and advanced writer
!!! plot with me !!!
➳ be lgbt+ friendly
➳ let me know your time zone and overall availability
➳ have a writing sample available upon request

- the henry danger and doctor who tabs are not currently completed, but please contact me anyways if you're interested -

code by spidey
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:: star wars ::

firstly: i am always looking for star wars rps omg secondly: i only ever want to rp in the clone wars era

sorry if i just lost you~ but if i didn’t, hello! i’m looking for a very specific type of rp that is completely open to adding in your ocs, no matter who they are.

all i want to do is follow the clone wars tv show (start at the beginning, eventually get to rots??, etc) and add in our own plots and characters. i want the rp to have anakin, obi-wan and ahsoka (and basically every other canon character) )be a very big part of it, but that doesn’t mean we always have to be in the jedi temple or following them exclusively - we can have a whole separate plot going for oc pirates on tatooine that has nothing to do with canon characters, for example. does that even make sense? if it does and you’re interested, message me.

side note: i have watched through clone wars multiple times and very knowledgeable on overall lore, in case you were wondering.

- please know that i’m open to playing any canon character, but i’m going to need you to write obi-wan most of the time as my oc is his second padawan -
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:: henry danger ::

i love this show. like, i really, really, realllllllllly love it. ANYWAYS-

i just wanna come up with our own fun plots. maybe rewrite some episodes so they have that thing called 'character continuity'. and i want to get into the darker side of things - like henry struggling with his double life, ray dealing with childhood trauma, jasper being fed up with ray's crap, etc...i'm open to anything.

code by spidey
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:: doctor who ::

my idea for this is kinda out of the box. well, it' actually completely out the box but...it's fun?

basically: a human!tarids yayyyyyyy

i have so many ideas for this it's not even funny, and i'm open to any iteration of the doctor being used. just...please don't hate clara though. i'd kinda like it if she was a big part of our rp.
code by spidey

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