Story 10 minutes writing challenge


For here I come to kill the rotten heart.
Nothing was the same as before.
The forests withered, not a single trace of life left behind. Here and there you could still see the last bits of flames rage.
In the distance you could hear faint weeping. It came from a figure not quite human, but not as monsterous as all the other creatures you´d expect at such a dreadful place.
The human lookalike arms fromed into huge black claws where traditionally the hands would be. If you looked closely you could make out a lifeless body in those claws, covered in wounds. Those wounds didn´t seem to had come from a fire or anything added by nature. Those wounds seemd to come for a certain kind of magic. A forbidden art in these lands. The being holding the body seemed severely injured as well, or so you might expect as blood came running down it´s back, floodingly you might say.

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