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Multiple Settings 1 x 1 one roleplay (message me if keen)


New Member
Hi, I’m looking for a roleplay partner (who will play a female/ Muse A) who would be keen to roleplay any of the plots below. Send me a message with the plot you’d be keen to roleplay and we can go from there. Thank you!

(1) Muse A and Muse B attend the same school, they are neighbours but more importantly they are best friends. Although over the last few months, they have started to build a romantic relationship. They are not official, but you could say they have a “thing.”

However, Muse B doesn’t live the best life especially with his father in the picture. His father is very physically abusive when he’s been drinking. The only way to cope with his pain from the injuries and the hatred towards his father is to pop pills. Muse B is aware of the dangers, but he doesn’t know how else to cope with his father’s mental and physical abuse.

The thing Muse A has no knowledge about is Muse B’s drug addiction. This addiction has involved him with criminals and criminal activity. The only reason he isn’t in jail is because he hasn’t been caught. Muse B has been the driver in robberies. He has been a witness to those who have been beat up by those he associates with. Muse A doesn’t know because she’s out with friends or sleeping when this is all happening.

Muse A is the most popular girl in school, she’s on the cheer squad and has a great group of friends. The thing is they actually are all very close friends and have grown up with each other since the diaper days along with Muse B. Muse A has a very close friend called Charlotte, her best friend of all time and who means a lot to Muse B too. They were all a big family until..

Muse B and his associates were high as kites, but they were also perceived as very dangerous. Very dangerous, except for Muse B. He still wouldn’t harm a fly. They were walking down a street where a girl approached them- thinking it would be funny, they mugged the girl of all her belongings. But she wouldn’t give up without a fight. Before he knew it, one of his associates had fired a bullet. BANG.

Muse B was shocked. But he was even more shocked when he saw the girl lying in a pool of her own blood.. it was Charlotte. Him and Muse A’s bestfriend.

Muse B took off unsure of what to do, his hands were shaking and he was a mess.

Will she find out about him and what he did? Second degree murder. Will she forgive him?

(2) Based on movie “can’t buy me love”

Muse A is the hottest, most popular girl at Ridgemond high school. Along with her talent, it gave her the head cheerleader label in her squad.

Whereas Muse B is the opposite.. he’s the school geek and very unpopular. He has a set of good friends, but no one else know’s who he is.

Muse B wants to be popular, so he can get close with Muse A. He would be the luckiest guy in the world if they were together. But the idea of popularity and girls who want him (but never used to look at him) could make him turn into the stereotypical “jerk”or “heartbreaker/player”

Muse B had been mowing her lawns (employed by her mother) for years now, and she still never noticed him. As the years past, he admired her more than before. She had become more and more beautiful.

Muse B decides that he is sick of being in the lowest rank of popularity at school. He wants to know what it is like to have the girls, the parties, everyone knowing and loving you. Muse B knows that Muse A needs the money- as her father isn’t giving her as big of an allowance anymore. (Which he happened to overhear when he was putting the lawnmower away.)

Therefore Muse B offers to pay Muse A $1000 for her to pretend to date him, as it would boost his popularity.

Will they develop feelings for each other? Will he take his popularity too far? And if she does, will she tell everyone about their little deal?

Romeo and Juliet who?

(3) Muse A and B are both polar opposites. She’s popular, in the ‘it’ crowd and is able to charm her way through school. Whereas Muse B is your outcast, he is unpopular and is rather reserved. It’s because of his rather bad past of getting into fights, robbing a department store and getting wasted every weekend. Muse B was hanging out with the wrong crowd after his mother passed away not long ago. He decided that it could no longer go on, so he moved schools after he was expelled and decided not to make new friends. Muse A and B have a secret relationship that no one knows about. It’s like Romeo and Juliet. However, they get partnered up for a school project to talk about love, as they are studying Shakespeare. Will they live their forbidden love in the shadows forever? Will she risk her popularity for him? Or will they break up?

• I am Muse B
• Please be female
• Please be at least semi-lit

Oh, your first plot idea, is absolutely great!!

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