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1-on-1 RP: Looking for Long-Term Partner+Friend!


New Member
Hello there! I'm pretty new here but I've roleplayed for a few years. I'm looking for a long-term partner and someone who is at least willing to indulge me with some non-roleplay related chitchat. I am very friendly and love to talk and get to know new people, so expect me to ask questions or generally talk alot!

So about RPs:

- I DO NOT do fandoms. At all. None. Sorry, but I do not like RPing in anything other than original settings.

-I prefer MxF. You could maybe talk me into FxF.

-I play males or females, so whichever floats your boat!

-Posts that are 2-3 paragraphs. Decent detail, and no one liners please. (I tend to return what I get, so I can return 4-5paragraphs if that's more your thing.)

-I like any types of pairings and most settings. Medieval, Modern, Fantasy, scifi. As long as we can, together, come up with an interesting plot I'm game!

-Romance is a preferred genre, sappy, bitter exes and anything inbetween.

I bet at this point it's pretty obvious I don't make these posts often. I usually just respond to posts I find interesting, but I'm feeling a bit more passive recently. If you have any fun, creative, dramatic, ideas that fit within the few rules above email me! I'd love to get another RP started and to make a new friend!
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Welcome! I recently became a new member as well.

I would love to role play with you. I believe that I meet with your standards.
Hey, I'm new to the site and am looking for rp partners as well. PM me if you'd like to play :)
Hey, How are you? I am willing to roleplay with you.

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