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1 on 1 Roleplay, paranormal.


Do you hear it? The screams of Gacha salt?
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Good evening,

I am relatively new to this site, so my method of gathering roleplayers has to be changed and modified drastically from my old ways, thus I may have a few things left out, if so please state what it is and I will gladly remember it for next time.

In anycase I have come to you all with a rather interesting idea, while the whole paranormal investigator deal has been over-done in the past i feel I have a good idea for us to play around with, from the title one would easily guess it involves the paranormal, and of course the fact i've mentioned it already. We would be investigators, delving into the world beyond ours to see, experience and document the strange happenings all across the world.

From ghosts, myths, old folk tales, Yokai, and many other different tales, from these we can cook up a great deal of ideas and such, creating a fun little story for the both of us to enjoy. Coming into this i suggest you have some sort of knowledge of folk lore and ghost stories to bring to the table, can't fill a plate with air can you? I can elaborate more upon this idea on your request, also this is not gona be a love story, happy endings can and will happen, but at a cost.

In anycase I shall get to the rules and shimsham we all have to put down.


My limits are your limits, you don't like something? Tell me, I'm flexible.

I am a paragraph writer, again I meet your amount of content, you do 4-5 paragraphs, i do that, maybe more if I'm in the mood. If you do 10 or more, thats kind of where my capabilities drop off... unless its a crucial point, to which i can go for miles.

In anycase I hope you.. well.. err... I guess reply to this thread, heh, have a nice day.
I love this idea! It really seems like the perfect open plot to constantly be able to create new twists and surprises. A warehouse 13 like. I also tend to mirror other's posts. Usual is 2-3 solid paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. Would you rather speak of details like gender and such in PM or here on the board?
LaReynaLoca said:
I love this idea! It really seems like the perfect open plot to constantly be able to create new twists and surprises. A warehouse 13 like. I also tend to mirror other's posts. Usual is 2-3 solid paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. Would you rather speak of details like gender and such in PM or here on the board?
Ah, sounds great, also I've never heard of warehouse 13, checking it up now and it seems pretty good, ancient artifacts and the like are great fun especially with paranormal involved, I'm still getting used to the system here but PM seems to be a good way of keeping our conversation from clogging up everything down here, now then... where can I find this I wonder.
Honestly....I can't find out how to do it either :sweat: I am also a new member to the site. Not to role playing though.
Same here, 7 years for me.. hmm.. give me a moment xD  
Seems one must reach over 10 posts to PM others, those who can PM can PM those who can't, they still can reply. So, I guess we talk here.
Lets see, the target, or atleast the meat of our plot and story will come from ghost stories and legends, ranging far and in between. My personal favorites tend to be much older German folk tales and of course the good old Japanese Yokai and ghost stories, lovely things those are. Not all the points of things we include have to be evil and "ooh I'm a spooky evil ghostie." We could have a thing of our own making as well, a sort of recurring theme that appears and causes these things to take form and start harming people.. well there's an idea.. Guess my rambling does have some bonuses~! I suppose we could be sending our characters on a hunt for this certain thing?

As for characters we can have as many as we please, but we still gotta flesh them out of course. Feel free to toss out any ideas you have, I was trying to find a good analogy about us tossing ideas back and forth but it just came up with pie throwing clowns.. no idea why though...
I LOVE the spooky ghosty vibe( Halloween is my birthday, I swear that is the truth (: so the scarier/weirder/funnier the better.) Just curious, how do they get the jobs? Are they stationed somewhere specific? It could be a small office of some kind to make appointments, payments, even for walk in's xD I know lots of stories from Ancient Maya, Greek and Celtic mythology to throw in the mix, so maybe we could take turns picking each artifact or story that they would follow next? :3

And now you made me hungry for pie.....
heh, the office idea, i like it. Sometimes jobs would come to them, sometimes they would go to the jobs, sometimes the jobs would come crashing through the roof playing the spongebob squarepants theme song (weird week, ghost just obsessed with the show) And I must admit your birthday is awesome, mines April 20th, enough said. We can definitely take turns, we can also mix and match things to pull some incredibly insane shenanigans. Celtic mythology.. I love that mythology really, my personal favorite creature, the Dulahan, belongs to it. A knight dressed in completely black armor, atop a skeletal horse, it is said if one sees their face they are marked for death... Also weirdly enough in one interation of the tale all Dulahan were women for some reason, no idea why they came up with that... and get this, big scary headless knight atop a skeletal horse bringing death? Classified as a fairy, yep, Hildegard, bringer of death, tinkerbell's cousin.
Exactly! And that is better than having a birthday on christmas....You must get so many nice pres- Ehem. Nevermind.

That's an awesome creature. And the fact that they're women is even better (;

Did you have an idea for the first story for the Investigators?
hmm, lets see... our first one should be one that allows us to flesh out our characters at first, I do have one in mind but it will have to be maybe story 2 or 3. Involving one of the Dulahan mentioned before of course, but I shouldn't get ahead(get it? ...get it? ...alright I'll stop) of myself, the first one should be a good kicker, perhaps something that gets them stuck with soemthing that brings them even more into the fold of the paranormal. Perhaps at first they were simply colleagues? History researchers? Researching folk lore and tales to record and search through for any lost or ancient history? Find and recover what is lost sort of deal?
xD I got it.

And alrighty, maybe then we could use the Necklace of Harmonia. Greek mythology, a beautiful, gold, old necklace. Any woman wearing it will remain eternally young and beautiful, but it also brought horrible misfortune to all of its wearers or owners. The female of the pair could have gotten a mysterious, yet beautiful gift. Convinced it is just the confidence boost that makes her look so golden in the mirror, it would almost seem worth the constant stream of bad luck and/or life threatening events that begin occurring rapidly after she gets it.

("Hephaestus, blacksmith of the Olympian gods, discovered his wife, Aphrodite, goddess of love, having a sexual affair with Ares, the god of war. He became enraged and vowed to avenge himself for Aphrodite's infidelity by cursing any lineage of children resulting from the affair. Aphrodite bore a daughter, Harmonia, from Ares' seed. Harmonia grew up and was later betrothed to Cadmus of Thebes. Upon hearing of the royal engagement, Hephaestus presented Harmonia with an exquisite necklace and robe as a wedding gift. In some versions of the myth, only the necklace is given. In either case, the necklace was wrought by Hephaestus' own hand and was cursed to bring disaster to any who wore it.")-______.Com
hmm, that could be a good little thing to explain the constant stream of unfortunate events. Atleast until they figure out about it, which i would imagine would go like this "So.. thats whats been causing all this trouble for us?" "yep." *sound of a chain jingling and then crashing of a window* "Thats for the kitsune shennanigans you piece of trash!" But perhaps they cannot get rid of it, whenever thrown away it returns to them by "random happenstance" such as, and not limited to, appearing on the wearer's neck again, flying back THROUGH the window it was thrown out of, placing itself in place of an object you were casually going to grab. i tend to add quite abit of jokes and humor to my rps, but I can always be serious when needed to~!

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