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welcome to the character sheet thread! post your apps here, i’ve moved the sheet from the interest check to here. i cant wait! happy creating!


GRADE (excluding senior):
MOST DEFINING TALENT(if your character has one):
INVENTORY(list, stay reasonable):

PERSONALITY (no list, go for a descriptive paragraph!):
FAVORITE MEMORY (roleplay, or detail it):
FATAL FLAW(something that could get your character killed):
PREFERRED PASTIME(what your character would do in their freetime):
WHO WERE YOU BEFORE EVERYTHING?(like backstory, but IC interview):

ESTIMATED ACTIVITY(how often you can post):
DISCORD?(yes or no, if yes, put username and #):

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NAME: Vincent Moretti
BIRTHDATE: 2/7/2004
AGE(14-17): 16
GRADE (excluding senior): Sophomore
MOST DEFINING TALENT(if your character has one): Acrobatics
Martial Arts
INVENTORY(list, stay reasonable):
Common clothes
School bag
ALIGNMENT: Evil/Neutral
PERSONALITY (no list, go for a descriptive paragraph!): False smiles hide the malicious nature of this being. True happiness would only be found when he could finally crush others around him whom he considered to be fundamentally flawed. His firm belief is that by removing the flaws and cracks in the world we currently exist in, that he came make another one. One that is perfect to him. He is very skilled at deception, hiding things or emotions has always been one of his most redeeming qualities that would first come to mind.
FAVORITE MEMORY (roleplay, or detail it): The moment he finally gained a second-degree black belt in Krav Maga.
FATAL FLAW(something that could get your character killed): Envy
PREFERRED PASTIME(what your character would do in their free time): Experiment
GREATEST FEAR: Fear of failure
WHO WERE YOU BEFORE EVERYTHING? (like backstory, but IC interview): Vincent before the apocalypse was a quiet young man who would be searching for the proper means to achieve his utter goal in the finale of his lifetime. He had a clear career choice in mind, but he never really put a lot of thought into that branch of society. He was mostly focused on gaining social prestige when he finally left high school. His household was quite wealthy which meant that they had certain connections, and that would be Vincent's golden ticket to power. All he would have to do is begin climbing the ladder while knocking others down a peg or two.
ESTIMATED ACTIVITY(how often you can post): Pretty active
FAVORITE FOOD(and why): Borscht, because it is flipping delicious.
DISCORD?(yes or no, if yes, put username and #): 0112# Formal Mutt
The athlete:


NAME: Kathrine Hawkins
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDATE: August 9th.
AGE(14-17): 15
GRADE (excluding senior): Freshman

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Katie looks like any other teenager fresh off a growth spurt. She's 5'8" and is gangly as get out. She still hasn't quite grown into her limbs and says that she feels more like a tall child then someone nearing adulthood. Katie's olive tone skin is usually fairly tan once the weather starts to warm out and spring and summer sports really get back into full swing. Due to her preference for short sleeves and shorts, she usually ends up sporting a farmer's tan. Her arms, legs, and face are prone to freckling. When life was still normal, Katie took a lot of pleasure in changing her hair color often. Now, the once bleached and honey blonde hair has started to give way to her medium tone brown roots.

MOST DEFINING TALENT(if your character has one): Katie always jokes about her totally sick 6-foot verticle leap. This is, of course, not true. In all actuality, it probably is her agility.

SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES: Katie's most practical skill is her basic first aid knowledge. Katie as sustained many, many, injuries in her time, and she's gotten pretty good at taking care of the ones that don't require a hospital visit. Katie is also a quick runner, and very agile.

WEAKNESSES: Brute strength is not on her side. Her strength is about average for being 15, but that's not saying a whole lot. Katie is not the brightest bulb in the pack either. It was no secret to anyone that she struggled through most of her classes, her grades usually hanging out around a C. She's full of hubris and really feels invincible at times.

AILMENTS: Katie is nearsighted and has ADD.

INVENTORY(list, stay reasonable): Everything is contained in her softball bag. She has a small first aid kit, a reusable water bottle, a change of clothes, a multi-tool, wallet, phone+charger, a single batting glove, and her bat.

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good.

PERSONALITY (no list, go for a descriptive paragraph!): Despite the current circumstances, Katie is a fairly upbeat person. She's always been someone who was super chatty and tries to be a personal cheerleader to all of her buddies. She took excessive pride in being seen as someone who was warm, welcoming, and easy to get along with. She's the type of person who'd moved in the classroom repeatedly for talking to whoever she was sat next to. Despite her chipper and charismatic demeanor, she was never able to fully connect with her teammates. She always tried to just write it off as her being an underclassman and tried to not let it bother her. It upset her more than she probably let on, but she didn't want to bring down the vibe of a team and make things worse for herself. She asks a lot of questions and can sound like an airhead at times because of this. She has trouble retaining information and has to write down anything if she's going to need to recall it. She isn't honest with people in most situations. She will often lie to spare people's feelings or to protect her own and doesn't consider long term consequences of these actions. She doesn't really consider consequences at all. She's pretty reckless in her behavior and doesn't take time to think things through.

FAVORITE MEMORY (roleplay, or detail it): One winter when Katie was around 5 or 6, her family took a vacation into the mountains. A pretty sizable storm rolled in. The power got knocked out and they were in the dark for two days and it was uncertain when the roads would be cleared. Her parents spent those days playing so many games and goofing around with the kids so they wouldn’t afraid of being stuck. Back home, everyone was always so busy. Her parents worked, and Katie and her brother were involved in so many activities it felt like they were always late to something. It was so nice to just spend time with them, having no where they needed to be. It wasn’t until Katie was older that she understood what was really going on during that trip, but she always regarded it as the most fun vacation she’s ever taken.

FATAL FLAW(something that could get your character killed): Her hubris.

PREFERRED PASTIME(what your character would do in their freetime): Softball practice, since it was rare that she'd actually see any real game time.

GREATEST FEAR: Dying is way up on that list, but she's also severely claustrophobic.

WHO WERE YOU BEFORE EVERYTHING?(like backstory, but IC interview):
β€œI mean, I guess I was just like any of y’all really. I’ve lived here in Starlight City my whole life. My parents knew what they were doing when they moved here. They wanted the house on the hill, white picket fence, 2.5 kids, you know, the works. As soon as they put down roots they popped out my older brother, and then 3 years later came me! Mom said that I was such a handful that they decided that was more then enough kids for them. We got a golden retriever puppy and lived the suburbia dream.

I had a lot of excess energy as a kid, to say the least. I would run my parents ragged every single day if they’d let me. They started to put me in all sorts of sports to tire me out and I really took to them. Softball, volleyball, soccer, you name it, I've played it. Softball was my favorite by a long shot. Travel league, fall ball, tournaments, I played it all. I think I was pretty good! I wasn’t the best on my team, but I was pretty dang close! I mean, I made the varsity team as a freshman which was a huge honor. I didn’t get a lot of play time, but I understood. I was only a freshman, of course they’re going to play their upperclassmen first. They earned that right. But I think they saw me as some sort of wannabe, and never really wanted anything to do with me outside of practice.

Admittedly, I didn’t get the best grades in the world... Listen! School is hard! It’s not like I wasn’t trying, because I was. I just have a hard time taking test. They never said anything, but I think it really disappointed my parents that I wasn’t smarter. They went to go visit my brother at college and they haven’t... I wonder if they’re...And my brother...”

ESTIMATED ACTIVITY(how often you can post): During quarantine, 4-5 times a week in the late afternoon. Once I have to start going back into work, 2-4 times a week.
FAVORITE FOOD(and why): Cheesesteak! It reminds me of going into the city with my friends at university.
DISCORD?(yes or no, if yes, put username and #): ReillyKate#1501
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Name : Marlon LeBlanc
Gender : Male
Birthdate : March 11
Age : 15
Grade : Freshman

Physical Description
Coiffed blonde hair. Milky-white skin. Pale eyes reminisce of the ocean. Bespectacled. Supplemented by a commonly rather grumpy and unwelcoming expression, Marlon certainly doesn't look to be the athletic type at first glance. Upon closer inspection, however, one might notice a surprisingly toned build- though not beefy or overly muscled. Moreover, his movements are incredibly agile, graceful even. Even more noteworthy, though, are his quick feet. He's even 5'11, which is certainly nothing to scoff at for a freshman. Yet still, he entirely lacks the outgoing and approachable look of his peers. What separates the real sports players from the bench-warmers. Marlon is rarely ever quiet, his face contorts into wildly exaggerated expressions when he talks. The widest grins, the most arrogantly smug looks, the glares of determination that burned with the light of the fire within him. He walks confidently, and commands a mildly intimidating presence. His clothes aren't really anything special, though. A lot of plain t-shirts, beaten-up sneakers, a bomber jacket, ripped at the shoulder, likely from the lost-and-found. He also wears a tongue ring. . . something he should likely be too young to have.

Most Defining Talent
Speed, endurance, physical strength

Skills and Competencies
Quick thinking, long-distance running, sprinting, hitting things. Telling stories. Stealing. Intimidation.

Most everything to do with personal interaction. Or book-smarts. His memory isn't great either, and by no means is he likable. Easy to anger.

Nearsightedness, mild nicotine addition (smokes)

A duffel bag that contains a baseball bat, a lighter (and matches if it were to fail), a pack of cigarettes (with few left, most likely), a few towels, a box of cliff bars. A ratty old teddy bear. An old-fashioned radio.


Chaotic Good

Marlon is loud, brash, and imposing. He's honest to a fault, can be rather combative, and has a tendency to speak out of turn. Simply put: he's rude, at least when you first meet him. It becomes obvious, however, that he means the best, if you let him stick around long enough. He wants to open up, to shed his skin, to emerge from the walls he's put up around himself. He wants to reveal his sentimental side, he wants to be able to be tender, to be able to care about his friends. Deeply, he's quite an anxious person. But rarely has he ever felt able to open up to people- those around him don't tend to hang around. As such, he's most comfortable when he can present himself as a tough, overly-confident, borderline narcissistic punk. He's also had to act very mature from a very young age, but tries to forget about it through his delinquent persona.

Favorite Memory
It's strange how only a glimpse can bring so much comfort. Marlon couldn't remember how old he was when he last heard his father's voice. Young. Young enough to bounce around his bed, ecstatic, enthralled by his father's umpteenth reading of Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree. He couldn't remember how his father looked, but deep within him Marlon knows that the man sitting in the chair across from his bed was most certainly his father. He shared with Marlon those pale, ghost-green eyes. The soft hum of a late-night radio indicated that he was clearly trying to put Marlon to bed, but Marlon's energy was apparently boundless. Looking back, the soft turning of pages, the drum of his father's voice, the dimly lit room, every piece of the puzzle brought him a sense of tranquility.

Fatal Flaw
Marlon would do anything to save someone he'd grown attached to. He does not fear death. Moreover, while he thinks well on his feet, he can neglect to consider consequences later, long-term.

Preferred Pastime
Listening to his radio. Sometimes he'll run or swing around his bat while listening.

Greatest Fear
Being alone. Alcoholics.

Who were you before everything?
"How far back is 'before everything!?' Life's been a shithole for me forever, I tell you. Sure got a hell of a lot worse when the whole world was destroyed. But I've got my life. Don't have to worry about dropping out anymore. Oh, yeah- Let's mention that one first. I was, yeah, the stupid kid. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't cram a damn thing into my head. So I gave up, stopped doing my homework. Was just ticking down the days before I turned 16 and I would drop out. Didn't even get the time to think about shit like careers and whatever. Yeah, sure, there were some parts of school I liked. I tried to make friends. I joined the sports teams, but my grades and my habit of 'getting in trouble' kept me off the field. Coaches wouldn't let me on. They couldn't argue my talent, and I'd usually make the cut for whatever it is I tried out for. 'Just jump up to a passing grade and I'll let you play'. Ugh, the number of times I heard that! Couldn't they just take me for what I'm worth and let me do what I'm good at!? Then I'd do something stupid, I'd add to my criminal record, and they'd kick me off the team. Time and time again. Oh well. Onto the next one.

"Ah, yeah, I grew up in a dumpster. Starlight City wasn't all glitz even before all the bullshit. Like, 'dry mold on the stairs', 'water damage in the ceiling', 'windows barely holding on to the frames' kind of dumpster. The kind of crap apartment you only find in the poorest parts of town, where all the desperate people live. Dad was hit by a car, Mom worked for booze, rarely came home, so I did what I needed to get food on my plate. Now, I want to make it clear that I never hurt anyone. I never robbed or mugged anyone. But sure, I might've shoplifted. Did something a little more. But I never enjoyed doing it, just you know."

About Me

Timezone : EST
Estimated activity : Can post every other day, or more, as needed.
Favorite Food : Apple cider donuts! An orchard just down the road makes the best cider donuts in the world, and they taste super nostalgic (and delicious).
Discord : kikuQ#0009

❝ lukas. ❞
it really is the end of the world.​

❝ person. ❞

【name】— lukas moore
【gender】— male
【age】— 15
【grade】— freshman
【d.o.b.】— october 18
【skills and competencies】— other than speaking skills, lukas has passed down basic handyman skills from his car mechanic of a father.
【weaknesses】— lukas finds it difficult to find silver linings. pessimism is the word. laziness and pessimism plague him as well.
【ailments】— none
a gray hiking backpack. inside:
money. it's useless paper now.
his father's .357 with a small cardboard package of spare ammunition.
crinkled disposable water bottle. half full.
dead smartphone.
dull folding knife.
3.5 granola bars.
【ailments】— none

defining talent】
β€” lukas is a naturally gifted and charismatic speaker.

❝ physical description. ❞

born half caucasian half latino, lukas rises to a staggering 5'8. his body isn't lanky, but he isnt fat either. there is hardly any real muscle definition under his shirt and small biceps under his sleeves. his light brown skin seems a tinged version of his brown hair. his face doesnt boast personality, and the soul behind his rusty eyes doesnt seem to speak. there is a small scar running down his right cheek, but it has no entertaining war story behind it. he sports a white shirt with dark green long sleeves and dirt-stained sweatpants. his favorite combo.

❝ conscience. ❞

【alignment】— true neutral
【fatal flaw】— horribly tunnel visioned, lacks awareness in the peripheral unless specifically focused on it.
【preferred pastime】— sleeping or being with a loved one.
【greatest fear】— death, specifically a painful one

❝ personality. ❞

lukas moore is a boy of really nothing to actually say. he doesn't ever find much to his liking, so what he does end up liking he likes very much. once upon a time, lukas was just what he was. an incoming highschooler too attached to his own life at home to ever care about girlfriends, popularity, or keeping up with music or fashion trends. this kind of lifestyle translated into a minimal amount of friends at school and a public image that amounted to "oh, lukas? i havent talked to him yet." despite his demeanor at school, lukas did really enjoy the friends he once had, comradery and his relationships being something highly valued to him. just like any normal teenager, a good time consisted of a friend or two and something fun to kill the time with. lukas never really felt it until everything fell apart, he finds himself to be rather fearful in the current situation. cowardly could be the word to use. everybody is, but they all hide it well, and so does he.

❝ who were you? ❞

who was i? well, i don’t really know. i’m not really sure what i was, but i don’t know if i really hated that or not. back before.. this, i lived in carson city. my parents moved to starlight city when i was an eighth grader. my mom was pregnant with a little sister, and we moved here for the whole small town kind of thing. i do miss my friends from carson city.. i wonder whats going on there. the whole β€œfight for survival” here, especially with.. i dont even know what they are. gangs? its dangerous. im still wrapping my head around everything, even though its been a while. my parents, well, i havent seen them since they left for california. i more than doubt they’re still around.

&&β€” ❝ the normal.❞

Anastasia Pierre
September 16th

Ana is a girl of small height and full figure. Standing at 5'2", with an hourglass figure. At most, she weighs around 130 pounds, maybe 132 if she's eaten well. Not that that's the easiest thing to do now. Shoulder length brown hair with blonde and red highlights, that is now often a tussled mess and in a bun or ponytail. Her skin is slightly sun-kissed, though naturally, she's a bit paler. Her eyes are a dark hazel color, flecks of gold, and green peppering her pupils. Ana is also not blemishless. Her arms, legs, and hands are covered in various scars from escaping and a few fights. The largest one is a jagged cut on her hip, that looks like either a dog got to her, or someone with a makeshift knife. Not to mention she has some blackheads, but she's been pretty lax on her skincare routine lately.
Ana has an incredible voice that most people agree a 16-year-old should have. Rather sultry, she had a decent following on YouTube and Instagram and was somewhat of a local celebrity.
- Ana has some first aid experience. Basic stuff like stitches, setting a broken bone (though she's not exactly confident with that,) how to make a tourniquet and sling, etc, etc. Included in that knowledge is CPR, for both adults and children.
- She's a fairly good actor, and it's come in handy pretty often. Though she's used to learning lines and performing onstage, this little skill of hers has gotten her out of a sticky situation or two.
- A decent cook and baker, she was often giving her friend group baked goods. Which means she can turn the canned food and such that everyone is stuff with now into something decent.
- Ana is a little physically gifted, she's a decent runner and able to hold her own in a fight, though they aren't exactly her strong suits. It helps with her survivability though.
- She can hold her own in a fight, but Ana could be overpowered pretty easily by someone who actually knows what they're doing. The only upside is she's pretty small, so dodging and maneuvering
- Ana is allergic to shellfish, so...someone could poison her with it?
- She broke her ankle pretty bad when she was younger, about 9 or 10, and still has some issues with it. Sudden pain, a bit of trouble when it comes to spending or having to land hard on her feet.
- Ana often finds it hard to give up on something, even if she probably should. During school, it worked out pretty often even if it meant she was tired pretty often. Though now...it constantly leaves her with a feeling of guilt because she's smart enough to know when to give up, but Ana feels like when she does, she's letting more than just herself down.
- Mild Depression, general paranoia
  • Inside of a dark blue JanSport book at Ana has:
    • A change of clothes, including extra underwear, a bra, and two pairs of socks
    • A reusable water bottle and some lemon flavor packs
    • Granola bars, two mini packs of cheese-its, and one of those bottles of dissolvable yogurt chips for babies (Strawberry flavored)
    • Basic first aid supplies
    • Two epi-pens
    • Her cellphone and charger (in case she can ever find a place to revive it)
    • A family picture of Ana, her parents, her son, and baby-daddy
    • A metal hatchet
    • Some paracord, a small sleeping bag, and collapsible shovel
Chaotic Good
Ana at first comes off as a kind, caring, and open-minded young woman. And that's true. Ana smiles a lot, likes to laugh, and make people laugh, and she's also what you would call a mom friend. She's always worried about her friends, making sure they don't do anything dumb and takes care of themselves. She was also often making sure that the younger students were okay. Standing up to bullies and telling them off, she has a strong will, and what most would call good morals. But, while she may seem like an open book, there are many things people don't know about her.

Ana showed a different personality to each group she was a part of. Granted they were all pretty similar, kind, and caring, but one group didn't know she liked video games, and another didn't know she had a son. Then another ground didn't ever see her angry while a different one did. It was all a juggling act to make sure nobody ever got to close or figured out more than they needed to. Sometimes it got a little overwhelming, and when groups intermingled it was...not the easiest thing to handle. Anyway, anger was a rare emotion seen, normally dealt in silence with a clenched jaw and maybe a harsher tone than normal, But Ana was the type of woman you could always rely on.
Anastasia didn't know how long she had laid in that hospital bed, a pain she couldn't even begin to explain the only thing Ana was able to feel for 12 hours; nothing a 14-year-old should go through. But it was all worth it. She sat up, supported by three pillows and the adjustable back of the bed, a small bundle in her arms. 7 pounds and three ounces, her son slept peacefully gentle cradled in her arms. Ana knew that her life was never gonna be the same. That she would never again be able to truly enjoy her childhood. But that didn't matter, Ana was going to work hard in order to provide a good life for her baby.
Ana is secretive as hell, everyone who knew her at school didn't actually know what her personal life was like. While it might not seem like a fatal flaw, someone looking for information who isn't the merciful type can either seriously harm her or someone else to try and get her talking. Chances are, it still won't work.
Other than performing in local plays, Ana spent a lot of her free time hanging out with her friends and families
Drowning, Never finding out what happened to her son, losing everyone she cares about

Ana was the girl who seemed to have it all. Born into a loving household in a nice neighborhood, never wanting for anything. While her parents weren't rich, per se, but they were certainly comfortable. She did well in school, was always kind and caring, she was the type of popular girl who tried not to be mean to anyone. That was...a lot harder when she reached high school. Freshman year, she fell prey to the same ploy most Freshman girls did and ended up getting with one of the older Athletes. It was the best way to get her name popular again quickly, especially with the older kids. And well...she got pregnant. Neither of her parents were too happy, but Ana was determined to go through with it. While the baby daddy wasn't exactly in the picture, well he was but wasn't at the same time. Anyway, her reputation suffered just a bit when her pregnancy, when she came back to school after a brief break, Ana did a bit of damage control. And now nobody actually remembers she has a kid. Life was pretty good.

EST (East Coast bb)
Pretty active, I don't do much IRL.
Bratwurst. They're very tasty, I like sour-kraut, an apparently no matter what flavor they are, they're delicious. Even the fake plant ones are good.
Yes. Fire_Maiden#0138 (It says I'm idle, but I'm on pretty often)


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