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Fantasy ❲ lore ❳ when the ѕυи goes down


– pixie dust


sirens & mermaids ;

a siren at the age of 100 to 200 would be 17 to 20 human years. a siren at the age of 200 to 300 would be 21 to 24 human years.

powerful sirens are able to appear as young as they desire, sometimes able to disguise themselves as children. most sirens are only able to appear the age that their siren age would be converted to. (ex: a mermaid at 223 siren years would appear as a 21 year old human.) a mermaid ages one human year after 25 human years pass.

despite their modified appearances, powerful sirens have no difficulty looking through the mask. younger sirens have more trouble and can see flickers of the real appearance of the siren and the fake appearance. if a mermaid is weak, their minds are tricked into perceiving the disguise as true.

this roleplay does not follow actual mythology. mermaids are a subdivision of sirens. mermaids are born without the ability to sing like sirens. because they lack one of the main attributes that make sirens so deadly, they are considered a more "gentle" versions of sirens.

mermaids have a more tender nature than sirens. they are sometimes incapable of effective self-defense, hence why humans were easily able to collect their scales.

normal sirens (noble, poor, etc.) only have two unique powers, while royal sirens have three unique powers. please try not to duplicate any abilities, as to grant each siren an individual power.

ranks are established by power. the stronger the siren, the higher they rank. sirens are born with distinctive markings that signify their rank. purple tattoos symbolize royalty, gold represents nobility, blue stands for middle class, and white markings equal poverty. it is possible for a siren to move up into ranks, even if it is a rare event.

no two sirens are born with the same tattoos. a siren child's marking may be similar to their parent's, but it will never be exact.

this breathtaking kingdom is the home of the royal family of the sirens. it was made centuries ago, but the artisan who crafted it was a powerful siren who built this sturdy palace with magic that let it maintain its secureness. well-trained soldiers defend the entrances of the palace and trusted guards protect each room in the palace. the royal family is flanked with guards and soldiers wherever they go and are never seen without any protection. this well-fortified kingdom has never had any successful break-ins and is hidden from any humans.

hydrare is an advanced underwater city where only the most privileged and wealthy sirens live. its structures are similar to the kingdom and is filled with arches and bridges and towers. there is a sunken human kingdom that is a prized treasure in the middle of this city that was turned into the city's own kingdom that houses many rich sirens. in fact, it is rumored that the queen and the princess themselves sometimes arrive at this beautiful city to appreciate the many sights! hyrdrare prides itself on its beautiful structures and famous monuments.

this underwater city has both poor sirens and rich sirens. in fact, it is the most populated siren city underwater and is famed for the amount of humans who have discovered it. fortunately, no mortals have escaped with their lives, but it is worrying how many have tracked this hidden city.

this old town may be the most dangerous town of all the places underwater. it is infamous for homing many outcasted or poor sirens. many mermaids have disappeared over the years, but nobody knows the cause of the mysterious disappearances. this town is notorious for its many dangerous gangs or criminals. it has many prisons filled with unpopular sirens who have all committed horrible crimes. nobody would ever desire to live in corithan, but some sirens are too poor to afford another home.
humans & mortals ;

humans have gems that symbolize ranks. for humans, red gems resemble humans in poor status, orange gems symbolize middle class, green gems represent nobility, and white jewels show royalty. the jewels are generally cut into hexagons and embedded into the skin. it is even rarer for a human to move up in ranks, than for a siren to be promoted. humans hold ceremonies whenever a mortal changes ranks, to display the rare event to the public. painful as the process may be, many humans go out of their way to boast about their jewel.

this breathtaking kingdom is one of the main attraction spots. the royal family who lives in this palace are benevolent people and have a fair rule. it is rumored that this kingdom has more than six hundred rooms, each decorated with diamonds and beautiful gemstones.

this desert city fares surprisingly well, despite being far from any sources of water. it's a miracle that this city is still active.

this city is convenient for agriculture, with its rich soil and many crops. a stream runs through the city, providing a steady supply of fresh water. the people who live here do not fear sirens and are unafraid to approach the river.

this colorful city is thriving with beautiful flowers and provides a breathtaking landscape for visitors to appreciate. it is known for its vivid and vibrant scenery and it's eccentric people.

this snow village is famed for their parties and hosts the most wonderful celebrations. laughter and festive music can be heard miles away from this village.

this barbaric village (hence its name) was created in the jungle. the people are skilled in combat and war and are undefeated, even though there are few residents in this village.

this city is on the mountains. the houses are clustered together, and surprisingly, the mountain has yet to have collapsed on any of their structures!

this poor village is filled with beggars, but it is known to have the happiest people.

the guidelines ;

【 O 1 】 Respect me and my wonderful co-mod deer deer ♥︎ if you don't, you'll be kicked from the roleplay.
【 O 2 】 We're one big family, so don't get in any drama. Drama in the roleplay will be recommended though.
【 O 3 】 Don't make a mary-sue or gary-stu that have secretly powerful abilities that can defeat all evil in the world by the ultimate power of love. I've made the mistake before. Don't do it. (There will be no limit on the amount of characters you can make.)
【 O 4 】 Please do not plagiarize and be respectful to everybody. Any sign of plagiarism and you will be kicked from the roleplay.
【 O 5 】 It's definitely not a rule, but it'd be recommended to join the discord chat. Many new ideas will be posted in the discord and not on RpN, so if you would like to be updated, just click on the link.


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Ω. What is the setting of the roleplay?
There isn't an exact "setting" per say, however, to clear up any confusions, both the Sirens and Humans have their own Kingdoms, classes, and lifestyle. The human kingdom and its inhabitants are still susceptible to plagues (kinda like the black plague, cancer, and other ailments). Items such as guns, tanks, etc. do not exist. So weapons like swords, bows and arrows, daggers, etc. are most likely used. At the same time, humans do have phones and are used to communicate (pigeon carriers , letters, etc. are also used to communicate). The human kingdom has villages, towns, ports, that are "part of their world". And, as for the Sirens, they also have their own "cities" and "towns" under the Royal Kingdom. The setting is medieval but also borderlines the 1800s.

Ω. Are characters first come, first serve? And are we allowed more than two characters? When is the character application due?
The characters, unfortunately, are not first come, first serve. Every application will be looked over and checked by the GM and moderators of the roleplay. You are definitely allowed to make more than one character (really, make as many as you want), as long as you can handle them all and if they are approved. Applications due date is TBA.

Ω. What roles can we apply for?
You may apply to become a Siren, Mermaid, or a Human.

Ω. Can we play traitors?
Of course! Your character doesn't necessarily have to like the Royal Heads of their kingdom. There can be a secret society of Sirens who are against the Queen and there can be bandits or the likes who are against the King and Queen of the human kingdom as well!

Villains are also welcomed to be played and a part of the roleplay as well!
sirens &mermaids

Legend says that during foggy nights at sea, a soft, melodic voice could be heard through the sphere. If one listens close enough, one could recognise a voice singing in the distance. But, be warned, things are not always as they seem. Lured at sea, the sailors are drowned by their ignorance to the warnings of the stories foretold from those who managed to survive and escape such treachery caused by the hypnoticness of the creatures that lives in the waters: the sirens. Sirens are more aggressive and cruel in their ways, taking things by force as they are powerful foes and rulers of the depths below the sea. The queen, herself, is a being to be reckon with, ruling the seven seas and the body of waters.

Ω. What is the hierarchy of the Sirens&Mermaids?
The Sirens are at the top of the pyramid. Below them are their subspecies, the mermaids who are too gentle and trusting for their own good. At the bottom of the pyramid are the other creatures that live in the sea that could be familiars to the powerful sirens and mermaids, regardless of rank.

Ω. What are the ranks of the Sirens&Mermaids?
Royals - The royals include the royal family consisting of the Queen and the Princess. Those in this class have tattoo markings to signify their stats with the color purple.

Noble - The noble class include those under the royal family. So, specifically the wealthy class are those who hold positions such as Lords, Ladies, Duchess, Barons, Baroness, etc. Those in this class have tattoo markings to signify their stats with the color gold.

Middle - The middle class are the ones who work under the nobilities, keeping their business afloat. However, some middle class sirens have their own businesses but are localised businesses rather than "enterprises". Some middle class citizens include some soldiers and guards, bakers, teachers, cooks, employees, market shop owner, etc. Those in this class have tattoo markings to signify their stats with the color blue.

Poor - The poor class are those that lives in an area of poverty and are those without anything. They are usually out-casted if they do not give anything to society. Some jobs that those in the poor class include being servants to not only the royal family but also the nobles. Those in this class have tattoo markings to signify their stats with the color white.

Note: Depending on your Siren or Mermaid's rank, their marking's color will signify their status. Each Siren and Mermaid will have distinct tattoos|markings from another Siren or Mermaid. Although rare, it is possible for Sirens and Mermaids to move up or down in rank.

Ω. Is it possible for a siren to live or be born in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, etc.? Also, in the roleplay, would you say the sirens are freshwater sirens or seawater?
Yes, it is possible, but they'll either have "migrated" to the sea or just stayed in the water source. But if they stayed in the rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. they may not have any relationships.

Sirens, in this roleplay, would be saltwater but in some cases, the sirens are freshwater (born in lakes, etc). Saltwater sirens can deal fairly well in freshwater but they need to be in saltwater within a period of time or else they'll get ill. Or, more powerful sirens can be supported within a longer period of time in freshwater but they'll get some painful feelings or such on their tails if they stay for too long.

The freshwater sirens will have the same problems as the saltwater. Depending on how long they have lived in freshwater, they may have more complications if they've lived in freshwater longer or shorter times in freshwater may allow sirens to adapt to saltwater.

Nevertheless, between both sirens living in different waters, all sirens must get used to the water they are in. Complications such as rashes, trouble breathing, itchy fins, etc. may result in being in different type of waters, so definitely getting a siren's tail wet in different type of water is better than jumping into a "line of fire" and causing one's self to well . . be subjugated to illnesses and the likes.


Ω. What are the ranks of the Sirens&Mermaids?
Royals - The royals include the royal family consisting of the Queen and the Princess. Those in this class have white jewels.

Noble - The noble class include those under the royal family. So, specifically the wealthy class are those who hold positions such as Lords, Ladies, Duchess, Barons, Baroness, etc. Those in this class have green gems.

Middle - The middle class are the ones who work under the nobilities, keeping their business afloat. However, some middle class sirens have their own businesses but are localised businesses rather than "enterprises". Some middle class citizens include some soldiers and guards, bakers, teachers, cooks, employees, market shop owner, etc. Those in this class have orange gems.

Poor - The poor class are those that lives in an area of poverty and are those without anything. They are usually out-casted if they do not give anything to society. Some jobs that those in the poor class include being servants to not only the royal family but also the nobles. Those in this class have red gems.

Note: It is quite hard more rare than a siren getting a promotion and moving up in their rank, for humans to move up in their ranks. A human is given their own distinct gems that are etched in their flesh, however, when a human changes rank, there's a big ceremony for the changing of the gems and it can be quite painful, but regardless, most humans go out of their way to boast about their gems.

Ω. Is there anyway a human can tell a siren is a siren when there in the human form?
Yes, because the sirens will still keep their markings and they will have "sirenoid" features, such as peculiar eyes or glowing skin or colorful hair that doesn't seemed dyed or such. More skilled humans can identify the sirens very well and learn their rank or powers or etc, but normal humans can just identify sirens by those features. When the sirens are in human form, they are able to sing without killing anybody and in human form, all their powers are non-existent except water manipulation or for those powerful sirens, water animal language. They are still able to contact their familiar though. humans still have to be very careful when sirens are in human form though, because they could potentially lure humans to the seaside where other sirens in their siren form would kill the human.

Ω. What effect does the jonesing aka failure drug do to humans, sirens, and mermaids?
The drug is being passed secretly around the black market. failure (jonesing's more casual title) is actually made of mermaid scales, unbeknownst to the user. It grants the human sirenoid traits after each use. The powder is deadly to sirens, despite being made of their scales. A small dose of failure can subdue the siren or knock them unconscious for long periods of time. If a siren takes this powder, they will lose their abilities and the markings that signify their rank.


Ω. Would you say that all sirens have some form of abilities to manipulate water in some way? I know most sirens would only have one ability aside from royals who have two abilities, would it could be a common thing for all sirens to be able to manipulate water to a certain extent? How about speed swimming? Would that be common for sirens?
Yes, all sirens have some sort of way to manipulate water. Most sirens would have similar water abilities but different at the same time. For example, some sirens can freeze water, some sirens can heat up water, etc. [this would go under the siren's specific power abilities]. Water manipulation could be a common power for sirens, but they are only allowed to manipulate water in one type of way specifically. Royals and nobles have the most advantage due to their upbringing, most definitely.

At the same time, speed swimming is a given since all sirens are born in water, it's like walking/running but for sirens instead. Some sirens could potentially be faster than others, but it depends like how some humans are faster runners than others.

Note: Royal Sirens have three unique abilities while nobles, middle class, and poorer Sirens and Mermaids have only two unique abilities.

Ω. What are the similarities and differences regarding Mermaids and Sirens in terms of abilities and appearances?
Royal Sirens are the most powerful, underneath them would be the rest of the "civilisation". If the mermaid or siren is powerful, regardless of rank, they usually have the ability to converse or communicate with water species. They sometimes have familiars, who they are able to speak with through telepathy or through the mind. Some are even able to transform into their familiar's species.

Most sirens and mermaids are able to transform into mortals, but they usually have sirenoid traits (such as glowing hair, colored hair that isn't dyed, retractable fins, markings, fangs, glowing eyes, etc). If the siren is extremely powerful, they may be able to look completely like a human. It's extremely rare for a siren acting as a human to be able to have their siren/mermaid powers, but it isn't impossible. Sirens still have their singing voices in human form, but it is a lot weaker.

Mermaids have the same abilities as sirens and all the appearance traits, etc. but the only attribute they're lacking is that they are unable to lure animals to drown with a song. So, mermaids can not use siren song.


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