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camp olympia
a prophecy. four demigods. an alarmingly dangerous quest.
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some of the powers i've mentioned for the roles are a little unusual, and not your everyday abilities, so to clarify a few things, i've put a brief description for each power below. feel free to build on this and create your own strengths and limitations! if there are issues, i'll let you know and if you have further questions, feel free to ask me!

shadow travel
the ability to travel from one place to another, via shadow. the user with this ability must need a dark enough shadow in order to travel, and they'll be able to travel short or large distances (with limitations, of course). shadow travelling is easier when it's for just the user, but to carry someone else with them through shadow travel is difficult, and can be very draining. similarly, instead of the user just traveling on his/her own, the user can manipulate a shadow, shifting it's position to send someone else to another place via the shadow (good to get rid of enemies quickly, and also good to get someone to safety at a moment's notice). (for more info)

fog generation
the ability to create fog. this one is more standard than some of the other powers. essentially, creating fog can hide the user from others, and also make it hard for other friends or foe to see through, however the user themselves is able to navigate through the fog he/she creates without much effort. users can also clear out the fog that they create just as quickly, and they can also clear out existing fog, which comes about naturally. fog is not to be confused with smoke, however. (for more info)

accord manipulation
the ability to cause concord between others, in an attempt to keep a group in agreement, and to essentially ensure that there's internal harmony. this is a sub-variation of mind control, in a way, since the people this power is inflicted on feel a sudden need to agree with whatever's being told. this does not necessarily ensure peace, however, for the power could just as easily encourage everyone to agree on a decision that's bad/wrong/more violent. (for more info)

peace inducement
going hand in hand with accord manipulation, peace inducement allows the user to inspire peace and to deflect feelings of distress or rage in other people, which the user would be able to sense. it is a sub-variation of emotion manipulation, however only leans one way. the user can induce peace, for a certain period of time, but they cannot do much else to change their emotions, or change their minds. people may still be thinking the same things, just at a calmer rate. (for more info)

pretty standard, the user is able to heal injuries for themselves, or other people around them. like every power, there are limits, and so the healing can not be used to bring a person back from the dead, nor can it be used to treat fatal wounds. in such a scenario, the healing would only eradicate some of the pain, but a fatal wound will remain fatal. small injuries can be healed in full, whereas bigger injuries only have the healing process sped up a little. healing also applies only to humans and demigods, and no other living creatures/things. (for more info)

energy transference
this applies only to humans and demigods, and also mythological creatures, but essentially, the user is able to draw on the energy of a person or mythological creature to either strengthen themselves, or to pass it on to someone else in need of it. this is a very useful ability out on the battlefield, to prevent people from tiring out. energy can only be taken from a person's life source, which will eventually be replenished on its own in due time, so if quite a bit of energy is taken, it can cause fainting spells. the user can also just transfer his/her own energy to someone else, though it would render them weaker for a short period of time. (for more info)

subliminal messaging
the user is able to send subliminal messages. this essentially means that the user can plant thoughts or ideas into a person or creatures subconscious, making them think that those thoughts were their own all along. it is a sub variation of mind control as commands can be given this way. this is not the same as telepathy, wherein a user can exchange thoughts with another person. in this scenario, victims are unaware of the message being received. face to face contact is usually required for this to work. (for more info)

the user is able to look through a kind of seeing glass (mirror, water, etc) and see a person, location or object. usually, some kind of reflective surface is required, but for the child of iris, the presence of a rainbow can form a clearer picture. to find a person, ideally, the user must have something that belonged to them, so looking at locations or objects are easier. the user is also capable of communicating with the person they're looking for through the scrying, as long as the other person is in a position to see the reflective surface on the other side. (for more info)
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full name
age (18-22)

height & weight
body & skin
scars & markings
tattoos & piercings
face claim

positive traits (3 min, with description)
negative traits (3 min, with description)
likes & dislikes
mental ailments

demigod info
godly parent
powers (refer to power section)
strengths (1 strength = power related, 1 strength = physical related, 1 strength = mind related. you can do 2 or more strengths of each, however, if you choose to do so, you need the same amount of weaknesses for each)
weakness (1 weakness = power related, 1 weakness = physical related, 1 weakness = mind related)
preferred weapon (please keep in mind that while demigods train with multiple weapons, they can only be extremely skilled with one)
fears (1 major, 2 minor โ€” this is very important so please put some thought into it!)

history (either block it out according to important events, or based on certain ages in their life, up to the present day)
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child of erebos.
the demigod child of erebos, the god of darkness and mist, is also considered the leader of the group, based on the first line of the prophecy. the truth, however, is that he's never been on a quest, despite being at the camp the longest. this isn't for lack of trying. he mainly had a hard time learning how to control his powers, since they were highly dependent on his emotions for the longest time. he's gotten a little better with his control recently, but he still has his moments. the child of erebos has received, from his godly parent, powers of shadow travel and fog generation.
role status : taken by erised erised

child of harmonia.
the demigod child of harmonia, the goddess of harmony and concord, is considered to be the group's mediator. she has always believed that peaceful discussions were the best way to solve a problem, and on a quest, harmony among everyone is important, if they're to make it back alive and successful. as of late, however, she feels like she might go against all she believes in since she's not the most talented fighter in the camp, and she's sick of everyone treating her like she's useless. the child of harmonia has received, from her godly parent, powers of accord manipulation and peace inducement.
role status : taken by thirteen thirteen

child of asclepius.
the demigod child of asclepius, the god of healing and medicine, is kind of like the medic of the group. with a natural inclination toward healing, he puts himself at risk to ensure that everyone else is safe and tended to. he's happy to lend a hand wherever he can, though since he's the newest to the camp, having joined only a month ago, he's still trying to get acquainted with everyone. and, admittedly, not everyone is a fan of him because he's known to be a little cocky, and he has a checkered past. the child of asclepius has received, from his godly parent, powers of healing and energy transference.
role status : taken by constellation constellation

child of iris.
the demigod child of iris, the goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods, is known as the group's navigator. she's good with reading maps, as using some choice methods to find out which are the safest routes to use. this is mainly because she's made it by on her own for very long. she's opinionated and fiercely loyal, but something she hasn't told anyone is that she's struggling to tell the difference between visions and reality, and she's afraid that it's slowly going to drive her crazy. the child of iris has received, from her godly parent, powers of subliminal messaging and scrying.
role status : taken by christy christy
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child of iris
the goddess of rainbows and the messenger of the gods
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basic info
full name
arlo mackenzie 'mack' van dyke
november 5th, 2001
mack is originally of dutch, russian and scottish ethnicity, however she was born and raised in australia till she was twelve, after which she moved to the united states.
since mack was raised in brisbane, her accent is primarily australian, though certain words are pronounced with a bit of a new yorker accent since she's been living there for around six years now.
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appearance info
89 lbs.
hair + eyes + body
mack has a very slim build, and combined with her short stature, she seems to appear like a malnourished child. since joining camp olympia, she has gained a little more muscle, though she still appears to have hardly any meat on her bones. mack has hair that is kind of like a mix between light brown and ginger, like the shade of her mother's hair, and it usually falls to her elbows in slight waves. her hair can appear darker in low lighting. mack has fair skin that's been lightly tanned due to constant exposure to the sun, and her eyes, while naturally grey, often mimic a kaleidoscope, which she thinks is her godly mother's doing. as she's the goddess of rainbows, mack's eyes often shift between shades of grey, green, brown and blue, and they shift continually, merging into different colours and shades.
scars & markings
mack has multiple scars on her body, both fresh and fading. this is mostly evidence of not only a reckless childhood, but a reckless life in general โ€” and that's pretty common for most demigods. the more prominent ones include a scratch on her back from a chimera โ€” which is still fading despite her acquiring it two years ago, since it was quite deep โ€” as well as a puncture wound on her left calf muscle, during a rather competitive game of 'capture the flag' when one of the ares campers from the opposing team threw their spear at her out of anger for her capturing the flag and winning her team the game.
tattoos & piercings
mack's ears are pierced three times each, but she has no tattoos. if she were to get one, she knows the first one would be of a small rainbow, on her wrist.
face claim
teresa oman
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persona info
positive traits
[ optimistic ]
mack always likes to look on the bright side and make the best out of even the worst situation. you'll never find her worrying about what could happen because she's busy trying to show people the good in what's already happened, while trying to think of more solutions.

[ loyal ]
putting her friends and family above everyone and everything else can have its downfalls, but mack sees it as a good thing. she would do anything and everything within her power to ensure her loved ones were safe from any kind of harm, and she would easily endanger her own life for it without a second thought, or even forego doing the right thing to keep a person safe.

[ brave ]
mack doesn't scare easily, which is probably because she's seen many things, but she's generally a very curious soul, which tends to drive out the fear factor. you can bet she'll be the first one to step into a pit full of chimeras โ€” the only difference between her and hercules is that while hercules would do it for battle, mack would do it in an attempt to befriend the creatures.

[ vivacious ]
it's no secret that mack is a lively and very animated girl. it seems like her adhd is in overdrive most of the time, and while she hates coffee, it looks to most like she's had buckets of it because she's practically bouncing off the walls. it's an endearing quality, sure, but it also means she can rarely sit still. nevertheless, many people consider her cheerfulness quite contagious.

[ caring ]
mack has a big heart. she's quick to forgive, she melts when she sees an animal โ€” especially one in need โ€” and she's the first to offer help to a person in need, whether it be friend or foe. she just can't hold grudges, and she can't stay mad for long. she doesn't like to see people suffer. that being said, for a friend to double cross her would be a huge thing, and something she'd never forget. and because of her impulsive nature, it could just mean an arrow in the back in return (quite literally).
negative traits
[ reckless ]
mack has a tendency to act without thinking, which is perhaps what got her so many scars in the first place. she may yield results, but she also causes a lot of chaos on the process, effectively hurting herself each time, sometimes fatally. she rarely thinks of the consequences of her actions. not until they hurt someone other than herself and she feels the immense weight of guilt.

[ stubborn ]
mack usually has some very strong beliefs, though regarding some of the most stupid topics. she'll get into an argument with someone about why dogs are the superior race and defend her words to the very end, even if the other person has some very good points in opposition. usually when her mind it set on something, she can't be swayed.

[ emotional ]
mack's decision making โ€” the one that makes her so reckless in the first place โ€” is primarily based on emotion. she'll choose to attack another person if they hurt a friend of hers without giving it a second thought, and she'll choose to abandon an important step in the quest if it meant having the chance to save someone from danger instead. she can't let other people get in the way of danger. she's too self-sacrificial that way.

[ disobedient ]
mack doesn't really like being told what to do, especially by people she doesn't think are fit to be leaders. if she trusts your judgement, she'll happily do what you say, but otherwise, she tends to make decisions on her own and carry them out, regardless of how stupid they may be.

[ gullible ]
unless she has her own opinions of the matter, it's quite easy to get mack to believe in something, as long as the sentence is worded properly. this is even more easy to do if the words come from a friend or similar loved one. in the same way, if a foe were to taunt her and tell her untrue things about a loved one being in danger, she'd easily believe it, not willing to take the risk, even if it could be a blatant lie. sometimes it's not so good to have prophetic dreams because they'll definitely influence her decisions.
likes & dislikes
[ likes ]
animals (and most creatures really, both real and 'mythical') , sunshine , rainbows , collecting seashells , sparring , talking to people , her friends and family , capture the flag , candy + sweets , junk food , coke (the soda, duh) , camp feasts , christmas , horror movies , music , knock-knock jokes (they're cheesy and fun okay).​

[ dislikes ]
the ocean + deep water , injustice , discrimination , most of the gods tbh (they're fucken selfish) , monsters , needles (hospitals suck, she'd rather succumb to her wounds) , social media , impatience in people , animal abuse , bigots , having her picture taken (so she's a little camera shy) , being ordered around , threats to her loved ones.​
mental ailments
mack has adhd and dyslexia, which is not so uncommon among demigods. aside from this, mack has no other mental ailments.
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demigod info
godly parent
iris, the goddess of rainbows and messenger of the gods.
powers & abilities
[ powers ]
subliminal messaging : the user is able to send subliminal messages. this essentially means that the user can plant thoughts or ideas into a person or creatures subconscious, making them think that those thoughts were their own all along. it is a sub variation of mind control as commands can be given this way. this is not the same as telepathy, wherein a user can exchange thoughts with another person. in this scenario, victims are unaware of the message being received. face to face contact is usually required for this to work.​
scrying : the user is able to look through a kind of seeing glass (mirror, water, etc) and see a person, location or object. usually, some kind of reflective surface is required, but for the child of iris, the presence of a rainbow can form a clearer picture. to find a person, ideally, the user must have something that belonged to them, so looking at locations or objects are easier. the user is also capable of communicating with the person they're looking for through the scrying, as long as the other person is in a position to see the reflective surface on the other side.​

[ strengths ]
power : her scrying allows her to spy on her opponents easily, provided they don't realise she's witnessing something. it's also great for scouting places during quests, so the team knows what they'll be walking into and they can be prepared.​
mental : her bravery is definitely a strength (even if it leads to stupid decisions). she won't back down from a fight, and her optimism makes it nearly impossible for her to fail (most of the time).​
physical : she's extremely fast. she's got a pair of feet on her, alright. she's been very good at escaping opponents that way, and then striking when they least expect it. it's a tactic that has proved to be good so far.​
physical : she's also got excellent aim, with a bow and arrow being her primary weapon of choice. she never misses her target as long as she's using a bow and arrow.​

[ weaknesses ]
power : those with strong minds can often rebuff her attempts to plant thoughts in their minds. it will still work, but require much more effort than usual. those with strong minds are usually gods and goddesses, and perhaps exceptionally practised demigods.​
mental : her recklessness always gets the better of her and puts her in danger. her inability to think things through before acting hasn't always been a good thing, and could eventually be the cause of her downfall.​
physical : mack isn't very physically strong, in all honesty. she could easily be overpowered, especially because of her size and skinny frame.​
physical : aside from lacking physical strength, since she's so susceptible to injury due to her recklessness (and insists on going on despite being badly wounded) she has no regard for her health, and could easily make her condition much worse by ignoring her wounds or failing to acknowledge it even if people ask.​

preferred weapon
while mack is quite adept with a sword, she much prefers long range weapons. specifically, a bow and arrow.
[ losing loved ones ]
evidenced by the fact that mack would easily throw herself into the line of danger to save someone, mack is clearly very scared of losing her loved ones. after one big loss in her life, mack became determined to do whatever she could to prevent another, even though she knows deep down that she can't always save everyone. despite this, she tries her best, even if sometimes those decisions are among the more dangerous ones (or stupid ones. she's a stupid girl, this one is).​

[ deep water ]
ever since she's been a little girl, mack has had an immense fear of large/open bodies of water, especially deep ones. she can't go swimming without having a panic attack, and she certainly can't be within ten feet of the ocean (she'll collect shells far away from the shoreline). it stems from an incident when she was a child, and she nearly drowned in a river. it was due to a monster, during one of her travels with her father, and while she was saved, she can't quite forget what it felt like to be held underwater for so long, and feeling like she was going to die that way.​

[ needles ]
not so much a fear as it is something she hates with every fibre of her being, but mack will never willingly go near a needle, specifically one used to inject her with something or take her blood. no thanks. it's not the same as her with other sharp objects. there's just something about needles that makes her prefer being mauled by hellhounds than going near one.​
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background info
since she was born, mack has lived under the care of her grandmother, her babulya. her father was around, of course, but he was a traveller, busy with his research of ancient architecture and mythology, and as a result, he wasn't around much for most of her childhood. mack was still happy since her grandmother was an affectionate woman who always believed that mack would go on to do great things, and at eight years old, her grandmother was the first one mack told about the very first prophetic dream she had.

her grandmother strongly believed that it was a sign, that she was a messenger of sorts, sent to protect people with her prophetic dreams, but unfortunately, the one person she could not protect was her grandmother. the dream that mack had had was of a car, and just a week later, her grandmother was on her way home after buying some groceries when she was thrown off the road by a drunk driver.

this resulted in mack's father's return. mikhail van dyke was upset over the loss of his mother, and mack was devastated that she hadn't put two and two together sooner. and unfortunately, it was just the first of many dreams.

due to no longer having a caretaker, mikhail decided to take mack along with him during her travels, and she was since homeschooled. it was probably for the better, since she got expelled from her schools each year, due to reckless behaviour. she just couldn't help it. it was in her blood, and she couldn't not stand up for her friends. even if it included violence.
with her father, mack travelled to many places and saw many things. she learned a lot too. not typically things you'd learn in school, but fascinating things nonetheless. the next time she had a prophetic dream came when she was ten, and until then, due to the peace she felt, she believed they were gone for good.

this time, she saw herself, and she felt trouble breathing. it didn't make sense since the dream was quite murky, but a few days later, as her father and her were crossing a river, she was pulled in. she never got a look at what pulled her in, but the event traumatised her, instilling a deep fear in her, of water bodies and being submerged in them. her father got her out, but never saw what caused her to fall in.

as time went by, mack continued to have more and more dangerous instances. this time she could see the things attacking her, and they weren't... normal. monsters was the only word she could use to describe them, and her father understood. he knew who her mother had been, and he knew what he needed to do. in order to keep his daughter safe, he gave up on the travelling to move to new york. the home of camp olympia.

mack was about twelve when the move happened and she was taken to the camp by her father and the help of a satyr (whom she was fascinated by), and mack immediately felt at home. she even got an explanation for her prophetic dreams โ€” apparently most demigods got dreams of some sort that had a tendency to be somewhat like visions though usually of the present. very few demigods, on the other hand, were susceptible to dreams that told the future.

such demigods were usually tasked with serving as the camp's oracle. mack didn't want to do that, because she didn't like the idea of giving out prophecies that could end in failure, so she instead chose to just live with the prophetic dreams, which were further amplified for her because her mother technically was the messenger. just like her babulya said all those years ago.
late teens
mack grew up in camp olympia, making many friends and gaining many skills (as far as battle was concerned, that is). she stays there during the summers, like most campers, and has the opportunity to go live with her father for the rest of the year if she wishes to attend school, but mack opted against doing so. her father abandoned his passion for travel to keep her safe, so she believed the best way to avoid bringing danger into his home was to continue to let him pursue his passion. he could continue his research and she would just stay at camp year round, and get the chance to visit him every christmas when he comes to new york to meet her, without fail.

mack misses him a lot, of course, but she looks forward to all the postcards he sends for every place he goes, and she knows that this way, he'll always be safe from her dangerous life.
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code by @fudgecakez
[div class="bg"] [div class="bookmark"] [div class="image1"][/div] [div class="bbutton"] GENERAL [/div] [div class="lbutton"] LOOKS [/div] [div class="pbutton"] PERSONA [/div] [div class="tbutton"] INFO [/div] [div class="abutton"] BIO [/div] [div class="image2"][/div] [/div] [div class="textcontainer"] [div class="book"] [div class="ogpage"] [div class="fa"] child of
[/div] [/div] [div class="bpage"] [div class="scroll"] [div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]NAME[/div] [div class="answer"]Chandra Laya Ramachandran[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]NICKNAME[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]Chand[/div] [div class="answer"]Laya[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]AGE[/div] [div class="answer"]19[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]D.O.B.[/div] [div class="answer"]15th July[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]ZODIAC[/div] [div class="answer"]Cancer[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]GENDER[/div] [div class="answer"]Cis Female[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]SEXUALITY[/div] [div class="answer"]Bisexual[/div] [/div]

[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]NATIONALITY[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]South Indian[/div] [/div] [/div]

[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]ROLE[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]Daughter of Harmonia[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="lpage"] [div class="scroll"] [div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]FACE
[/div] [div class="answer"]Illeana D'Cruz[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]HEIGHT[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]5' 4"[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]WEIGHT[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]115 lbs[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]BUILD, SKIN[/div] [div class="answer"]Mesomorphic.[/div] [div class="answer"]Rose-Beige Tones.[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]HAIR[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"] Chandra's hair is dark brown, usually with streaks of lighter colors interspersed within the strands. It's not something that she's done on purpose, it's always been there.[/div] [div class="answer"]When wet, Chandra's hair is in it's natural form, curly and a bit frizzy around the crown of her head. .[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]EYES[/div] [div class="answer"]A honey-hazel brown[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]TATTOOS[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]N/A[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]SCARS[/div] [div class="answer"]One across her palm. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]PIERCINGS[/div] [div class="answer"]Just for earrings. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]DISTINCT
[/div] [div class="answer"]Dimples! Chandra has two dimples on either side of her cheek that are only seen when she smiles. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]ACCENT[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]A light Indian accent that almost makes her sound like an Auntiji. .[/div]
[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="ppage"] [div class="scroll"] [div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]POSITIVE TRAITS[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]PATIENCE: If Chandra's patience could be summed up in a simple analogy, it would be in comparison to the ocean. The girl's patience is almost like an endless pool, but only is tried during certain occasions. Chandra's patience can also be seen in perilous situations, as she remains quite calm and understanding within a crisis.[/div] [div class="answer"]AMBITIOUS: Chandra may come off a sweet and understanding, but do understand, that when her eyes are on a goal, she'll follow it to no extent. Her ambition is easily a driving force and a instigator of her perseverance, and thus is considered a positive trait. [/div] [div class="answer"]ELOQUENT: Chandra expresses herself succinctly according to the situation at hand. Need to grease some palms or get what what you want? She's mastered the art of negotiation. [/div] [div class="answer"]PERCEPTIVE:Chandra is very attuned to the states of her teammates/those who she pays attention to. It's useful in situations where she must use her powers.[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]NEGATIVE
[/div] [div class="answer"]PRIDEFUL: Chandra takes pride in her work, but when it's doubted, she takes a considerable amount of offense. It can get to the point where she can't see anything wrong with what she's doing. [/div] [div class="answer"]DEFENSIVE:She feels like the weakest link, so when she's questioned, she gets really really defensive about what she's doing. Be careful, this can turn to lack of communication. [/div] [div class="answer"]WORKAHOLIC:When her ambitions go into overdrive, Chandra's known to have a distinct lack of time-management---and basic self management, really. [/div] [div class="answer"]INSECURE: As stated before, Chandra's in flux with her position on her team: she knows she's not the best fighter, but she's tired of being discounted. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]LIKES[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]Dogs![/div] [div class="answer"]Accomplishment[/div] [div class="answer"]Praise[/div] [div class="answer"]Tying her hair up.[/div] [div class="answer"]Seeing her powers in action.[/div] [div class="answer"]Being valued.[/div] [div class="answer"]Books.[/div] [div class="answer"]Learning[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]DISLIKES[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]People who tell her how to do her job[/div] [div class="answer"]People she feels threatened by[/div] [div class="answer"]Being questioned[/div] [div class="answer"]Spiders[/div] [div class="answer"]Her father[/div] [div class="answer"]Stagnance.[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]MENTAL AILMENTS[/div] [div class="answer"]Chandra, like most other demigods, has ADHD and dyslexia. Other than a side effect of insomnia, Chandra has no mental illnesses.[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]THEME[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]La La Lost You - NIKI [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="apage"] [div class="scroll"] [div class="heading"]CONCISE HISTORY[/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]Context.[/div] [div class="answer"]Born to Shanti and Kannan Ramachandran, Chandra's late night arrival was forever captured with her name, which means moon, or one of the lunar body. Kannan was rather soft spoken, but still managed to rouse the crowd nevertheless. Her step mother, Jaya, was rather loud and used her voice at increasing decibels to communicate. Chandra was rather close to her gentle father, preferring the stories of his gods and goddesses compared to her step-mother's incessant squabbling about some trivial thing. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]Childhood.[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]Chandra enjoys her days in the small flat her father maintained. The family remains rather small, but is marked with important events, such as Chandra's first few days at school, and the addition of a pet. Chandra's early days progress rather smoothly, considering that her energy is dismissed as simple youthful verve, and her trouble reading is attributed to her brain warring with learning new languages. Chandra finds that she's particularly adept at making her friends be friends, and manages to calm a fight down with her two best friends. As the childhood begins to wane, both Kannan and Jaya confess that Chandra is not biologically their child: Kannan had a child with someone named "Shanti". [/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]Pre-Adolescence[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]Problems with school continually increase, especially with the academic aspects. Chandra's having a hard time focusing and reading properly. Jaya dies from heart failure. Chandra's safety is questioned during an incident at school--authorities say that she's catatonic, but Kannan soon realizes that his daughter hasn't been upfront about seeing and experiencing terror from various monsters. Kannan suspects that "Shanti"'s nature of amicable understanding is developing in his daughter, who has been undermining regular mortal authority with her swift diplomacy that had been passed off as innocent charm in the past. Kannan has a panic attack as he realizes what he must do to safeguard his child, and Chandra is able to initiate a feeling of peace to somewhat halt the progression of the panic. He realizes that there is far more to his daughter than simple eloquence with words.[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]Teens[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]The Ramachandran family makes their way to New York for Camp Olympia, where Kannan truly believes that his daughter will be safe. Kannan keeps his distance, slightly leery of his daughter's powers, and makes minimal contact. Chandra grows up, developing important skills and is claimed by her mother, and slowly begins to resent her father. [/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="heading"]fin[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tpage"] [div class="scroll"] [div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]GODLY
[/div] [div class="answer"]Harmonia: Goddess of Harmony and Concord[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]POWERS[/div] [div class="answer"]ACCORD MANIPULATION: the ability to cause concord between others, in an attempt to keep a group in agreement, and to essentially ensure that there's internal harmony. this is a sub-variation of mind control, in a way, since the people this power is inflicted on feel a sudden need to agree with whatever's being told. this does not necessarily ensure peace, however, for the power could just as easily encourage everyone to agree on a decision that's bad/wrong/more violent.[/div] [div class="answer"]PEACE INDUCEMENT: going hand in hand with accord manipulation, peace inducement allows the user to inspire peace and to deflect feelings of distress or rage in other people, which the user would be able to sense. it is a sub-variation of emotion manipulation, however only leans one way. the user can induce peace, for a certain period of time, but they cannot do much else to change their emotions, or change their minds. people may still be thinking the same things, just at a calmer rate.[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]STRENGTHS[/div] [div class="answer"]POWER: With her powers, Chandra is akin to a skilled diplomat. This can be put in the terms of team cohesion, or even opposing party negotiations. She can use her peace inducement power to stall for time, but her actual manipulation can go a long way to maneuver into the outcome that she wishes to see. [/div] [div class="answer"]PHYSICAL: Despite being rather weak in the physical aspects, Chandra is quite flexible, and her small stature aids her in getting into those difficult places. [/div] [div class="answer"]MIND: Chandra is extremely rational. She uses her understanding of various situations and perspectives to fully develop an opinion, so you can be sure that any decision she takes is well understood and she's well informed.[/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]WEAKNESSES [/div] [div class="answer"]POWER: Chandra must be very careful with her choice and flow of words. Those who aren't impressed with her phrasing might be resistant to any sort of manipulation. Another drawback is her intended target: Chandra gets quite tired if Accord Manipulation is used on more than one person. [/div] [div class="answer"]PHYSICAL: Chandra is not a strong fighter by any means. She's adept, sure, but not skilled or talented by any means. She's insecure about this, feeling as though this is what makes her the weakest link, or not worthy of consideration. [/div] [div class="answer"]MIND: Chandra has the potential to get too overwhelmed when considering all possibilities, and this can either result in a breakdown or a migraine. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]PREFERRED
[/div] [div class="align"] [div class="answer"]Despite not being much of a fighter, Chandra uses the Urumi. It's a smaller sword with a flexible-whip like blade. It's quite close range, which she prefers.[/div] [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]FEARS
[/div] [div class="answer"]LOSS OF LEGACY: Chandra is very, very particular about her name and reputation. She doesn't want her name to become soiled with the implication that she's a weak link, nor does she want anyone to forget her. To put it very simply, Chandra intends to leave her name as a mark of her presence on this world, and she's determined to protect her stance and reputation.[/div] [div class="answer"]HELPLESSNESS: Despite being eternally grateful for her fluidity as a diplomat, Chandra has the fear that her powers will fail her when she needs it the most, or simply will be unhelpful in a dangerous situation. In the context of this fear, this means that she lets her team down. [/div] [/div]
[div class="flex"] [div class="heading"]FEARS
[/div] [div class="answer"]TRYPOPHOBIA: Holes. Chandra simply cannot deal with patterns of small holes. It makes her shudder. [/div] [div class="answer"]ANGINOPHOBIA: Fear of choking. It's unrealistic, but she's always worried that someone's gonna choke in front of her and she's going to forget how to do the Heimlich. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[/div][/div] [div class=miniwords]orrin atwater [div class=miniwords2]son of erebos[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]feed[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]basics[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]persona[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]biography[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div style="overflow:hidden"][div class=overflow] [div class=posttitle][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]orrinatwater[/div] [div class=date]june 5th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e0/a6/b8/e0a6b8b9b1a3eaf17d3f28c8b6121ca5.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]orrinatwater[/div] [div class=quote]the one and only time i set foot in a library[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:280px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]orrinatwater[/div] [div class=date]july 17th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3c/e3/ba/3ce3ba26597b9353987a59648043094c.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]orrinatwater[/div] [div class=quote]sick lighting[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:555px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]orrinatwater[/div] [div class=date]august 25th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f0/61/8b/f0618b2f9e13038f4bee649a054c0c65.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]orrinatwater[/div] [div class=quote]guess i'm a model now[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]orrin atwater[/div]
the intro[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]full name[/div] orrin nathaniel atwater

[div class=box]nickname[/div] ori

[div class=box]gender[/div] male

[div class=box]age[/div] nineteen

[div class=box]d.o.b[/div] april 9th

[div class=box]p.o.b[/div] bellville, cape town, south africa

[div class=box]sexuality[/div] bisexual, male leaning

[div class=box]height & weight[/div] 5'10 | 151lbs / 68.5kg / 10.8 stones

[div class=box]hair[/div] dark brown, wavy

[div class=box]eyes[/div] light brown

[div class=box]body & skin[/div] ectomorph body type, olive skin tone

[div class=box]scars & markings[/div] scar on his collar bone from surgery, lots of scars all over his arms and legs from various activities

[div class=box]tattoos & piercings[/div] wolf tattoo on his bicep, crown tattoo on the back of his neck, barbed wire tattoo wrapped around his left wrist, earring in his right ear

[div class=box]ethnicity[/div] orrin has irish, english, german, finnish ancestors however, he does not live in any of those countries

[div class=box]accent[/div] south african

[div class=box]face claim[/div] nick robinson[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/e5/95/65e595c4b284e88fc7c3fecfb52e00fc.jpg);background-size:180%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]orrin atwater[/div]
the persona[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]positive traits[/div]
loyal: orrin is very, very loyal to his friends, his father and whoever he deems worthy of his loyalty. he wouldn't ever dream of betraying anyone.
determined: once he sets his mind on something, there is absolutely no backing out of it. once he's in, he is in.
charming: he has long since mastered the art of charming his way in to or his way out of something. if he wants something, all he has to do is plaster his mega-watt smile on his face. if he doesn't want to do something, all he has to do is use his words and he's out.
ambitious: succeeding in life has always been a thing of major importance. he will do everything in his power to succeed.
clever: he's always been a very good problem solver and can figure out most things thrown his way. in a tricky situation? don't worry, orrin will figure it out.

[div class=box]negative traits[/div]
impatient: he has never been the most patient person in the world. if something doesn't happen when he wants it to, he gets angry.
short-tempered: he's always held a short fuse on his temper and when that fuse goes out, he's very quick to lose control.
stubborn: when orrin does not want to do something, he won't do it. simple as that. it's pointless to try and get him to try.
vindictive: it's best not to betray, hurt or double-cross orrin because he has always had this scary strong desire for revenge. think he's forgotten? nope. he'll get you back soon.
defensive: he's always quick to defend himself or his actions even if they didn't require a need for him to be defensive.

[div class=box]likes[/div]
beaches: growing up in south africa, he was at the beach nearly everyday. if he doesn't get to the beach frequently, he becomes grumpy
sunshine: the rain makes him sad
warm weather: again, growing up in south africa, the weather was usually warm so now he's used to it
music: orrin likes all types except for the screaming stuff
dogs: let him adopt 10000 please
donuts and cupcakes: they are the best desserts hands down
pasta: he loves stuffing his face in carbs
pizza: his favorite food
coffee: he drinks lots of cups per day

[div class=box]dislikes[/div]
horror: he does not enjoy being scared. no thank you
asparagus: it has a weird texture and makes his pee smell funny
chad's: take your basic ass elsewhere
tik tok: he doesn't understand the craze
snapback hats: wear a baseball cap or nothing thanks
rain: it's depressing
cold weather: he'd much rather be hot than cold
winter: snow? no thanks. hardly any sun? no thanks

[div class=box]mental ailments[/div] he has been diagnosed with general anxiety and adhd, both of which he is on medication for [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a2/f1/dc/a2f1dc59830e341bd9c9062dc47b3e3d.gif);background-size:180%;background-position:100% 0%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]orrin atwater[/div]
the background[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]godly parent[/div] erebos

[div class=box]powers[/div] shadow manipulation, fog generation

[div class=box]strengths[/div]
fog: his fog is so thick that no one, absolutely no one, can see through it apart from himself
stamina: he can run for hours without getting tired
courage and resiliency: orrin is just very courageous and bounces back from everything

[div class=box]weaknesses[/div]
shadows: yes, he can travel through shadows, but he hasn't figured out how to do it for longer than a few minutes at a time
physical strength: he's not exactly the strongest physically
emotions and attitude: they still sometimes get the better of him

[div class=box]preferred weapon[/div] though he would prefer to just escape in the shadows, his go-to weapon is knives

[div class=box]fears[/div]
major: losing people he loves and being responsible for it. orrin has always feared that family members or friends will die and it'll be his fault. for example, he goes to a party and asks his dad to pick him up and a car accident happens and dad dies. even though he physically didn't cause the accident, he was the reason his dad was on the road and he'd blame himself. or he'd lose control of his temper and hurt his friends or family member. and now that he's the leader of this little group, this fear has increased. he's terrified that a decision he makes will have bad consequences and one his friends will suffer as a result.
minor: uncontrollable fires. he's fine with bonfires and fires in a fireplace but a wildfire? yeah no. a house fire? also nope. he loves his house and does not want it to burn down.
minor: clowns and dolls. they're just so. creepy. how anyone can enjoy them is beyond him. they just terrify him.

[div class=box]history[/div]
marissa atwater had no idea what she was getting into that one july night in 1999. erebos, also known as evan, had always been keen on her, wooed her, wined and dined her. so, it was no surprise that she soon became pregnant with orrin. nine months later, on april 9th 2000, little ori entered the world.

he was a relatively quiet baby, contrary to what he becomes as he grows older. he didn't cry much, slept more often than not, always ate without a fuss. no problems, no nothing. that soon changed, however. orrin managed to skip the terrible twos and threes and headed right into the slippery sixes and sevens.

tantrums happened very, very frequently. he hated following/listening to directions and when confronted about it, would often have a meltdown. he had trouble focusing in school and would often go off topic/do his own thing or distract the other students, leading to him being sent to the office, detention or home.

the older he became, the less the tantrums happened, the more the explosive outbursts occurred. eventually, marissa couldn't take it anymore and took orrin to both a therapist and a psychiatrist where he was diagnosed with adhd and anxiety. he was given medication for it which soon proved itself to be successful as the outburst started happening more infrequently.

but when they did happen, they were more charged, more forceful. and then something strange happened. his outbursts started bringing fog with them. if orrin got angry, he would be encircled by swirling fog or surrounded by shadows. hella confused, marissa set out to find evan. after months of trying to find him, he suddenly appeared. he listened to everything she had to say and then surprised her with the lovely revelation that oh, he can control and generate fog and shadows. well, that would explain orrin.

marissa vowed to herself that she would never tell orrin who his father was, nor would she tell him about his abilities in hopes that they'd disappear with age. they didn't. when orrin turned twelve, even he couldn't ignore the fact that he could do some pretty weird shit. he asked his mother, figuring she could explain what was going on. however, she just pretended there was nothing wrong with him.

well, he just called bullshit on that. at thirteen years old, orrin set off on his own little quest to find his father, much as his mother had done years before. it took him significantly less time since erebos was keener to talk to his own son rather than said son's mother. it was there that orrin learned all about his powers/abilities, what he could do and how to control them. then he found out his mother knew the entire time.

the very second he got home, orrin confronted her and she admitted to wanting to stamp the powers out of him. and, well... he heard enough. orrin packed his bags and left without another word. as a thirteen year old, there wasn't much he could do in terms of lodging, so he added enough of his allowance and birthday money to get a motel room for a few days.

on day three, someone knocked on his door, someone who claimed they were from camp olympia, whatever that was. at first, orrin believed this was some sort of scam. but after they explained what it was and the type of campers there, he began to believe. at the end of the story, he didn't need anymore convincing, and off to camp olympia orrin went, where he's been ever since.

over the years he's been at the camp, orrin developed quite a few close friendships with him as the leader of the pack somehow. though he'd never had many friends before, for some reason, this core group seemed to have made him their leader. maybe it was because of his charming ways, his unwavering loyalty or mega-watt smile. who knows. all he knew was that these people looked up to him.

not only did the camp give him lifelong friends, but it also taught him how to use and how to control his powers. it took a while, but he eventually learned how to master and use his abilities safely. the anger outbursts still occurred, but the camp staff helped with this, too. they worked with him on getting them under control. turns out that the emotions and outbursts were what was prohibiting him from using his powers to the fullest.

now, with the anger under wraps and power figured out, orrin was finally given his first quest. and not just a quest--the leader of one. he's a little nervous since 1) this is his first quest and 2) though he's gotten his anger under control, there is still the occasional outburst. he just. really hopes he doesn't let anyone down. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by undine[/div]
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[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Sebastien Renard
Alias: Seb, Bastien
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
D.O.B February 22nd
Face Claim: Florian Neuville


Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 154lbs
Body & Skin: Mesomorph | Pale
Scars & Markings He doesn't have any noticeable scars since he uses his powers to heal himself.
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: Tattoo on the inside of his forearm
Ethnicity: Belgian
Accent: Since he was born in the Dutch part of Belgium, it makes Sebastien have a strong accent while speaking English.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]
in depth

Vices:Arrogant: Sebastien is known for having an arrogant personality where he thinks he is above others due to his powers, he believes he is the most important because he is charge or healing everyone if it wasn't for it, everyone would be dead by now.
Blunt: Sebastien tends to say what's on his mind without sugar-coating his words, he doesn't really mind if he ends hurting the feelings of everyone is better to know the truth rather than making up something so you wouldn't hurt the person.
Demanding: Sebastien strives for perfection and he can't accept anything below that, he tends to get extremely angry when he sees people slacking.
Secretive: Sebastien keeps everyone out of his personal life, he doesn't like to sare about himself or his past he prefers to not get involved in someone's life.

Virtues: Confident: Sebastien knows what his abilities are what he can do with them, he shows his confidence in his actions without showing any sign of doubt.
Loyal: Even if Sebastien doesn't like getting too close to someone he is loyal to the people he cares about and takes their trust completely serious.
Independent: Sebastien is an independent person that prefers doing the things he wants and not to depend on someone that would limit his being.
Protective: Sebastien tends to be protective of everyone that he knows, he would rather suffer the consequences and being hurt rather than seeing his loved ones in danger.

Spicy food
Rainy days
Watching movies

Dislikes: People who doesn't take things seriously
People crying
Hot beverages
His father

Mental ailments: Dyslexia & adhd [/b]
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Bio:Sebastien was the only child of Nora Renard, a single mother who had to work two works in order to provide the best life she could to her son, even if Sebastien grew up with not having a luxurious life and living one day at the time, he was happy with being able to be with her mother and didn't mind not knowing who was his father.

While growing up Sebastien turned out to be a troublesome kid that always wanted to be outside and doing reckless things he never put a second thought in every action that he did so he was the kid that was known for visiting the emergency room more than was accepted, even if her mother tried to make him calm down Sebastien couldn't keep steady.

It wasn't until he was eight years old that when he hurt himself while playing Sebastien decided to kissy boo boo just like her mother did thinking it would make him feel better it wasn't until he did that the wound started to heal while looking at it Sebastien thought like if it was taken out from a fantasy movie.

As time passed Sebastien started not to get in trouble and the visits to the emergency room decrease, he tried to live the best life his could due to the economic situation of his family, but still, he always saw how his mother struggle to make ends meet when he turned fifteen he started to sell drugs and get into fights in order to get some money to help his mom, something that he wasn't proud of but knew it was the fastest way to gain money.

At the age of 17, the police caught him and he was sent to juvie and he stayed there before he turned 19 , during that time Sebastien's mother got sick and was sent to the hospital barely making out, at the time Sebastien thought everything was his fault for making his mother get sick and not being able to help her even if he was able to help her with his ability.

When he was free from juvie he was still under a patrol officer making sure that he wouldn't get in trouble again, once he was free he encountered people that told them they were part of camp olympia and that if he was starting for a change on his life due to his past actions the camp was the opportunity he was looking for, with blind trust Sebastien believed in them hoping he could become a better person for his mother.
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Godly Parent: Asclepius
Powers: Healing: Pretty standard, the user is able to heal injuries for themselves, or other people around them. like every power, there are limits, and so the healing can not be used to bring a person back from the dead, nor can it be used to treat fatal wounds. in such a scenario, the healing would only eradicate some of the pain, but a fatal wound will remain fatal. small injuries can be healed in full, whereas bigger injuries only have the healing process sped up a little. healing also applies only to humans and demigods, and no other living creatures/things.

Energy Transference: This applies only to humans and demigods, and also mythological creatures, but essentially, the user is able to draw on the energy of a person or mythological creature to either strengthen themselves, or to pass it on to someone else in need of it. this is a very useful ability out on the battlefield, to prevent people from tiring out. energy can only be taken from a person's life source, which will eventually be replenished on its own in due time, so if quite a bit of energy is taken, it can cause fainting spells. the user can also just transfer his/her own energy to someone else, though it would render them weaker for a short period of time.

Strengths: Power: If the wounds to treat are not severe Sebastien can heal more than one person at the same time.
Mental: Sebastien is good at time management and focusing on things.
Physical: Sebastian has good endurance due to his power that uses his energy.
Weakness: Power: Both of his powers have a limited range, he needs to touch the person in order to transfer his energy or heal them.
Mental: Sebastien has a big ego so he tends to be difficult to work with on a team.
Physical: He is not the best fighter since he tries not to waste his energy on it to be able to heal others.

Preferred weapon: Needles. They often serve a medical purpose, being used to strike acupuncture points. They have little killing power, however, they can effectively be used in battle to incapacitate or even kill their target by aiming for vital spots.

Fears: Mayor: Sebastien is afraid of losing his loved ones, especially if he couldn't save them by using his powers he takes his failures of not being able to heal someone when it was needed too personal.
Minors: Sebastien is afraid of heights when he was a child it was something that terrified him, now he can handle it more but he still gets anxious and scared.
He is also afraid of spiders he finds them disgusting and would prefer to stay away from them.

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