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[div class=title]THE BEGINNING.
Blackthorne has been a catholic institute of learning for learning since 1855; the staff and their ways of teaching has been nothing but praised over the years. Students who attend the Institute are promised prosperous, bright future, as long as they do well with their academic studies. Their hallways have been notably littered with religious imagery, even the students' blazers have the Cross intertwining with a lucky horse shoe. Past students have gone on to become successful politicians around the world, famous sports players and renowned musicians. The school only accepts the best of the best, and nothing else. The application process is rigorous and stressful, with only a select group of applications making through every year. The whole student body is made up just over three hundred students, ranging from the beginning of secondary school (around the age of eleven to twelve) and finishing with their gcse's (around the age of seventeen to eighteen). Blackthorne strives for excellent results for their students.

[div class=title]THE HISTORY.
Before Blackthorne became the school it's known as today, the building used to belong to Edward Blackthorne III and his large, unusual family. The town always had their doubts about the Blackthorne family, their judgemental and possibly envious eyes studying the long, winding gravel road that traveled up to their home. The whole family seemed to live in the house, including their aunts, uncles, and parents of Edward. All had an aura of eccentricity about them, no one with the Blackthorne name was quite sane in the town's opinion, which was very much valid in the sense that the Blackthorne family weren't the ordinary type. The town called them cult-followers, believers of Lucifer and their souls belonged to him. While that might have been the case with a first glance, the Blackthorne family were world-renowned occulists.

For generations, the family have been studying religious ideas and the intertwining connection with the supernatural. Tracking the monsters which lurked in the dark and figuring out ways to protect the innocent from the evil. So far, they've been pretty much accurate with their research, yet the task of teaching the town about what they've learned was an impossible task. The people of Broadchurch were traditional folk -- some would say they were old-fashioned, the Blackthorne family would've called them stubborn. The townpeople didn't care for the demon-loving family that haunted their town, or for their nonsense on demons and the supernatural. On a cold, autumn night, the town retaliated with their finest sharpshooters and gunmen. With heavy feet and loaded guns, the people of Broadchurch raided the Blackthorne mansion, spilling the family's blood while they were asleep. Edward's youngest son, Louie, awoke before he could meet his death and escaped in the dark of the night.

Louie grew older and started his own family in France, still continuing his family's studies as a hobby instead of being a purpose for life. He became an educator; a professor, of religious studies and philosophy. After the change of a generation, Louie returned home to Broadchurch with his family. With the wealth under his name, the last of the Blackthorne's rebuilt his childhood home into a boarding school for the future generations. He knew the town was still full of the monsters and ghouls his children, and created specific instructions for his eldest daughter -- Anathema -- to follow with her new staff of educators to protect the children from the Damned. Louie died ten years after the opening of the Institute, the responsibility as Head being handed through the generations for nearly over a century. The current Headmaster is Mr Oliver Callahan, who is a distant descendant of Edward, Louie and Anathema.

[div class=title]THE STAFF.
[/div] Following her father's orders, Anathema began the a small secluded group called the Shrike. With close analysis and decision-making, the Head of the school selects a small group from their staff members who believe are fit to be apart of the Shrike, and trains them in the dark arts and demonology. Of course, this isn't included their pay, the Blackthorne's weren't naive when it came to business, but offered other perks during their stay at the school and the possible protection from the Damned once they left if they were ever haunted or cursed. Those who are chosen into the Shrike are taught everything the original Blackthorne family learned and any new discoveries that have been made, they were taught about when the use the right weapons against a vengeful demon or a weeping ghost. There wasn't a choice to not be apart of the collective, and if the teacher were to reject, the Head had ways of making sure the teacher didn't speak about the possibility of hauntings around their school.

The Shrike are on a need to known bases; all members are engraved with a small, hidden tattoo which also acts a protection of sorts for them, in case if there ever was a need for it. They are the protectors of the school and students, with the Headmaster or mistress acting as their leader. There hasn't been a disruption since the tragedy, until now.

[div class=title]THE STUDENTS.
[/div] The students are known to be the brightest in the country thanks to the polished education and curriculum Blackthorne offers. With funding from the (not so cheap) fees they recieve each semester, Blackthorne is able to stay updated with the evolving changes of society and technology. Their grand architecture is a reminder of their rich past history, which excludes any mention of the supernatural to keep their worries at bay. The Blackthorne uniform is considered conservative yet sleek with elegance. The students are required to keep their uniform neat and correct at all times, and to wear their house pin, otherwise the consequence will result in a detention.

Students are also not allowed to leave campus grounds during school hours. There is some leniency between ages; those who are eleven to thirteen must stay on campus at all times, unless they're under a teacher's supervision. Students who are fourteen to sixteen can leave, once they notify a teacher of their choice, and must return to their dorm by nine pm. Those who are seventeen and above are allowed to travel to Broadchurch until eleven pm. If there is no communication between staff and student about plans of leaving may result in suspension or possible expulsion.

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