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Realistic or Modern ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧We Are the Champions✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ IC



✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Oracle Academy is a university in Japan not known only for its prestigious students and participation in worldwide activities from sports to classic arts, but for its teachers. In this story, we will not be writing from the typical perspective of high-school students, but rather the teachers themselves, as they deserve the attention.

I will inform you beforehand that, for the sake of progression and relationship development, there will be many spontaneous time-skips within this story. I will give writers a warning to wrap up what they're doing, the reason being so that we can proceed to events or more spicy content. I hate when a RP sticks too long on one specific period.

RULES ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
1. If it takes too long for some people to finish their character sheets, being that I can finish one within twenty minutes, I will commence the role-play without them until they complete their characters, thus allowing them to post within the IC thread.

2. I expect everyone to provide the group with, at the very minimum, one post per week. This is something I keep up with and will inform you of should you come close to bypassing the seven day mark. I give each member three chances, the fourth being termination from the story where their position will be replaced.

3. If you are expecting a prolonged absence, please let the group know so that you can avoid losing one of your three chances and so that we can work around it in the story.

4. There will be profound language within this story, so if that is something you are uncomfortable with, then please move along.

5. One thing that I will not tolerate is the criticism of someone's character. For example, telling them that their character should react or act a different way based on what was read in their provided description because characters develop with time--it is inevitable.

6. Fade-to-black.

7. If you have read these and understand them, I expect to see your characters worst fear somewhere in their character sheet.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ ROLES
Principal/Dean: Taken Danoram Danoram

Counselor/Psychology: Taken Danoram Danoram

Mathematics: Taken Cracker Cracker

Science/Biology: Open

Humanities/History: Open

Engineering/Technology: Open

Literature/Languages: Open

Health/Nursing: Open

Business/Accounting: Open

Janitor: Open

If you have any recommendations for a role, please let me know. As they are now, each role listed above is seen in the sense as covering a wide arry of subjects. For example, the mathematics professor would be in charge of anything within the category of math, such as physics and anything else in relation.
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Inochi sits at his desk, smiling pleasantly and staring deep into the camera with an unmoving expression. "Why did I decide to become a counselor, you ask?" He chuckles a bit, "That's simple--see, I had a lot of problems growing up. I was given away by my real parents when I was six, had my name changed. I also thought I was gay in high school, so that was interesting."

"All in all, I decided amongst all of my personal issues that I would become a person who could fix such conflicts in others. I think I've done myself well."

Walking through the corridor, Inochi carries a suitcase in one hand and a hardback book in his other as a student follows him. He glances back at the boy, continuing to walk--"So you've just enrolled for the spring semester?" The boy nods, seeming misplaced. "I see... You'll enjoy it here. I find great joy in abandoning my personal life to come to a place where such things, like ex-fiances and self-resentment, can be left behind and forgotten."

As he says this, the kid narrows an eye--just one--at the back of Inochi's head, almost feeling worried for his health. "Are... you okay, Counselor?"

"Hm?" Inochi stops walking to turn around and stare deeply into the boy's eyes. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" He then looks over at the camera and pinches his lips together in an awkward fashion, "I did it again, didn't I?"

Back in his office, answering questions to the mysterious cameraman whom we may never know, Inochi pinches the bridge of his nose, slumping depressingly into his massive chair. "I'm not depressed. People ask me that a lot because I tend to go off on tangents about off-topic conundrums, but it's just a form of humor, I promise you that... Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return something to a colleague."

Inochi is seen quickly pacing down the hall to the fitness area where Shion Okudaira can likely be found. Under his arm and tucked out of sight, he carries a book titled Curing Depression for a Friend--the camera just barely catches it. He scampers across the court with a flailing hand at Shion, "Instructor Shion, good morning. It's great to see you--Hi. Remember that book I borrowed some weeks ago, uh, the one for my, uh... It doesn't matter. I thought I'd return it." Inochi offers a friendly smile, holding the book out and exposing its title. The cover shows a picture of a sobbing woman being warmly embraced by a man, both of which are naked to represent the barren, empty feeling of depression.

Back in his office, he stares at the camera, tapping his fingers on his desk. Inochi clears his throat, "My sister's friend just had a baby. She's... going through some things."

Shaded Shaded @NivieApple @Rayvian @NightPhoenix ChunkyBeef ChunkyBeef mikko mikko Leaf Fi Leaf Fi Sega Sega finbutt finbutt (Take your time responding everyone. This is a casual RP :) but for those of you who haven't posted a character sheet yet, I would rather that you do so before posting. Thank you!)
Ichiro Fuyuko

Ichiro stood stiffly behind his desk, it was positioned in a corner of the room. His hands were dutifully working by placing different text books into a corner shelf below some shelves that held personalized items. The white haired man was quiet, contemplating whether or not to cast a glance back at the student who sat even more rigidly in front of his desk. It would have been awkward if Ichiro even knew what that meant, nothing was weird or out of place to him, the only different was a set of brown eyes staring at him nervously. His locks of white hair fell over is bright blue eyes, shadowing his sharp features as his back remained to the young man sitting anxiously still.

“What did he do? Well, for one thing, he completed an entire project on his own,” Ichiro commented, blue and sharp eyes glaring at the reflective camera lense. “Usually a teacher would be proud, but no. Believe it or not this was a group bonding moment, I wanted the students to understand that health isn’t some joke. They shouldn’t rely solely on themselves to get better, they can reach out for help which this student did not,” he explained further, it was a little odd. The white haired and foreign looking man didn’t seem to be joking though. “Ah, the punishment! I made him get back with his group and gave them a separate topic, sure might have been a bit extreme but that student didn’t even communicate with the group members, one of them told me about it. He would have gotten away with it if she hadn’t told me.”

Ichiro fiddled around with a pen, making a few clicking noises before looking away from the lense. “I don’t think a single doctor could preform a surgery by themselves, having nurses and machines to help them. Projects in school are similar, this might not be surgery but it sure is if their grades flatline. They’ll need all the help they can get!” he commented dryly before regaining himself. “Right, next question?” he smiled, blue eyes not exactly catching onto his grin.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll take a look at your project you did on your own, it won’t be graded but I will still give you feedback. Just remember next time, don’t be a lone wolf, we have plenty of those. We need some team players next time,” Ichiro dismissed as the student seemed to catch onto his dismissal. With a swift ‘Yes sir, Mr. Fuyuko’ the brown eyed student quickly moved on down through the hall. This gave Ichiro time to leave his classroom himself, casually strolling with his hands stuffed elegantly into his pockets as he walked. He adorned a white ‘doctor’s’ coat. It was the type they would wear over their scrubs, he had thrown it on as he left the classroom.

“This old thing? My little brother gave it to me, if anything I feel like me becoming a doctor was more of his dream than mine,” Ichiro informed, chuckling to himself he pointed to the stitched in letters, “See here? His name was originally stitched there and he tried to cover it up with the help of our sister, it’s quite amusing,” Ichiro mused. Sure enough, he showed the camera the odd stitching. “Or maybe this was when he was learning how to even write properly, I could be wrong.”
Arata Katsuo
It was just another day for Arata moping away happily while humming a song "Everything must be clean, so clean that you can eat off the floor". He then proceeds to mop even harder. His mopping is slow because he concetrates too much on one area like his life depends on it. He then turns around, tired and sees the mysterious cameraman. "Wew this was tiring. Oh hello there, for how long have you been setting there? Well a long time I guess." he laughs wholeheartedly an puts on a warm and relaxed smile. "Let's take a break, shall we". Arata takes a cup. That is no cup in fact it's an ash litter. He hates littering and so he carries one wherever he goes.
He goes outside, of course followed by the cameraman, takes a seat on a bucket that he had put there a long time a ago. He then proceeds to light up a cigarette, takes a puff turns at the cameraman, gives a smile, and then looks off into the horison. "You know what I hate the most about me, but also love? My perfectionism/stubborness. Yes, this has lead to many things some good some bad and sometimes it led to nothing. For example, I play piano. At times this is the best trait that a pianist can have. Being able to know that you have masterd a song can be the best drug that someone can ask for but at other times it can be the most infuriating thing, knowing that you can make an original song sound even better but it gets even more complicated, is the most annyong thing. And as an example for something that had led to nothing: I used to have an old car from my grandpa. He was old and couldn't drive anymore so he decided to give it to me. I was a bit skeptical about it at first because it was an old rusty car that was loud and smelled like gasoline. The inside was nice tho. Anyways, as time passed by the care broke more and more and it being my grandpas car I did now want to give it to the scrapper and let him down. I did all I could but in the end it was way too expensive and labour intense to keep on repairing it. Which also brings me to another point: I am the adamant to the idea of if I can fix it then why ask someone else.".
And so Arata finishes his cigarette and tosses it in his ash can. "Enough slacking, back to work!"
uhm, i didn't know how to interact haha so it's just a short one for now i think pls let me know leaf fi if you want me to edit out the interaction

princess "pip" perkins
Location: redacted.
Mood: tired.
Interactions: touma hideki.
Tags: Leaf Fi Leaf Fi
Clothing: plain white button up, black knee-length pleated skirt, bright yellow pumps.

"introduce myself, explain my profession, talk about it a bit... right?" you gesture to the camera and mouth to her that it's already filming. her eyes grow wide and she immediately raises a hand. "let me do it again." and that's fine. at least, it was for the first time she's asked for a do-over.

it's now the third try.

"hello there, i'm a teacher here. so, my name is insert your-oh." here we go again, but she stops herself midway, raising a hand to the camera. surprising that she could still remember the cue when she's already messed up the introduction. it's thrice now. third time's not the charm. "don't read that, makes sense..." she's going to tell them to let her do it again. "let me do it again."

some time has passed, sure, but hey, the seventh time's the charm. "my name is princess i. perkins. ms. perkins by the kids. pip by my friends. but don't call me pip on school grounds. teacher for accounting. in the higher levels. a cpa and graduated from the local university." and before she forgets again, you point to the cue card, underlining the words on it with gusto. "oh, and i became an accountant because accounting was fun." it would've been nice to have gotten an essay from her. sometimes inspirational, preferably. but hey, you'll take your victories where you can find them.


the next time you spot her, she's chatting up one of the other interviewees, a tall red-haired individual. and from the looks of it, she's ranting. a lot. "can we switch? just one class. please. i'll get down on my knees and beg." and she's about to, but then she takes one look at her skirt and decides against it. "nevermind. but let me teach one of your lower level classes. i know math. i can teach them." why is she asking, though? "i don't think my classes like me. i need something that isn't a room of dead eyes watching me." wow, she's certainly the talkative type, isn't she?

Touma Hideaki
Interacting with: Pip ( finbutt finbutt ) don't worry lmao you helped my writers block by interacting with him <3

"There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that understand math, and those that are confused by it. You'll usually find that those in the latter category saying they dislike or hate it, but no one really hates it, because... Well, you can't hate what you don't understand." The confident nod was juxtaposed with the groan that followed. Touma pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezing shut, "No, no, that's... Cut that, please? I'll restart."

Silence... Then...

"Hey, you watching this right now! Stop what you're doing!" Abruptly, the large man kicked his chair backwards as he stood, slamming one of his hands down on the table, the other pointing a finger down the lens. "Yes, you! Answer this, what is- Ahaha-hahahahaha! Did I scare ya?!" Touma boomed with hearty laughter before sitting once more. "I probably should have warned you first. I won't do it again, promise!" Raising both hands, he shot the person beyond the camera a boyish, content smile. Then, once his laughter drifted, he waved a hand. "Okay, okay. Scrap that. Start again."

Touma's eyebrows pricked upwards at the odd request, and for just a second, his gaze flickered over to the camera watching their interaction.

Pausing for a second, Touma's brows knitted together before he shook his head. "Actually, can we do introductions in a bit? You can add it in post, right?" Glancing to the silent camera person, seemingly, he got the answer he was looking for as his expression eased. Leaning back in his chair, he began again, "Okay, thanks. Memory isn't the best. Now, this question.. Well, Honestly, I was taken aback, y'know? I actually thought it was the start of some skit she was gonna start." He chuckled softly. "Something for the cameras to soak up, which is kinda funny 'cause, y'know, if they weren't there, it's something you wouldn't consider. So? I kinda.. Took it as an opportunity to try something out..."

Quickly, he focused again on Pip, his hand crawling the the back of neck. "I don't know... Business ain't really my forte..." He sighed. "But even so, don't ya think it's better to tackle that kinda thing head on? Get down to the source of the problem!" Touma offered with a small growing of confidence. "If your students are bored, well, you gotta liven them up a lil! And I know exactly how." Slamming a fist into the palm of the opposite hand, Touma flashed a self-assured grin, "Let me sit in your next class as a student."
shion okudaira.
interacting w/ camera crew & inochi.
el gimnasio.

shion was never particularly great with cameras. she had remarkably few photos of herself, wasn't very photogenic, and thought that she sounded more like a fourteen year old boy than an adult woman. at this specific moment, she was wondering what prompted her to submit a job application to this school, instead of any other school anywhere else on the face of this earth. like, there was no way they did this at schools in north korea, right?

that thought was only 57% serious.

her office was not very big, only a little larger than your standard walk-in closet, but she liked that. she had a desk, littered with papers and student notes and a cup of now-cold matcha, and a swivel chair with an embroidered butt pillow made by her sister. there was a bookshelf, upon which there sat a snorlax plush, and the literature was mildly suspect---dime romance novels and self help books, perhaps more manga than is rational, and an oddly thick one titled how to know you've still got it. she wishes she had tidied up before this damn documentary started.

shion clears her throat. "this is actually only my second year here. i haven't been back in japan very long." she moves the mass of papers on her desk to a centralized area, and flings herself up onto it. "i went to america to live with my sister for a bit, got higher level schooling to open up some options. i didn't want to be a teacher, really, or to come back to japan, but my dad got sick and i decided it'd be for the best. i'm happy about it now, even though kids suck." she grinned and tugged at the red in her hair, then paused. "wait, can i like, say that? don't get me wrong, i totally love my students, even when they're assh-not nice. shi-oot. shoot." she groaned, and dragged her hands along her face. "can we cut that? i'm so not trying to lose my job today."

it takes about three more tries for her to get through her introduction without swearing or insulting someone. it's been a rough morning. having grown claustrophobic in her room, she moved herself and the cameraman (who is kind of cute---she'd have to ask touma-sensei the statistics of hooking up with him later) to the gymnasium, where she sat cross-legged on the stage. her face lights up when she sees inochi cross to her, and she hurries to make herself a little more presentable. he was always so proper and professional, and she was, well, not. it'd be a miracle if he viewed her as colleague instead of a student, or a mascot. her youth had its downfalls.

"counselor inochi! hey!" shion offers up a warm smile, and takes the book from his outstretched hand. "i totally almost forgot you had this, but isn't it kinda interesting? i hope it helped. postpartum's a bitch. i hope your sister's friend wasn't hit too bad." she winces. "err, sorry? that was inappropriate. but i'm super glad you were comfortable enough to ask me for it! lemme know if you need to borrow anything else. the okudaira library is always open." she winks clumsily, and makes a mental note to bludgeon herself with the book after he's left. this is why your coworkers don't invite you out to staff karaoke night, doofus.

Danoram Danoram


The camera shifts its focus on Inochi and Shion, zooming into Inochi's face unexpectedly--that would be cut later.

"The Okudaira library is always open," Shion winks and Inochi winks back, but it seems forced as that's not something he usually does. He clears his throat, blue eyes staring to the side at the camera's lens, "I'm glad," he looks back at Shion with his usual smile and tries to think of something else to say.

Flash-forward to his office, he crosses his legs at his desk while fiddling with a pen, "I've always gotten along with my co-workers. I make it a point to make their days easier."

"That reminds me," Inochi perks up, finally, "I heard the other day that you recently received a shipment of updated wellness documents that require organizing--and some new equipment, yes?" Crossing his arms, he provides an offer that no sane person would turn down--not in this school. "If it'll help, I can lend a hand in that. I don't know much about health and fitness as you do, but I listen well."

As a busy-body, Inochi's work is always finished. It also stands that he doesn't deal with many students throughout the day, especially during the beginning of the semester, so he usually has nothing better to do but help his co-workers.

mikko mikko ((Lmao, I'm straight winging this post since we don't have much foundation to write from yet. Hopefully we'll get there soon, though.))

"Ah, so this?" Enpu pats his working desk, built for an architect. The tilted board was full of rulers and pointers, covered in dozens of papers with technical drawings. "This is, this is my workplace." he hesitantly explains to the cameraman who zooms in on projects that are overlapping each other. "I- uh. That's my bed, right there." Enpu points to a modest mattress on the floor.
"I'm- aware that's maybe not the right choice for a place to sleep, but, see, I can only rent a one-room apartment..." he scratches his head, and looks away, to the floor.

"But enough!" he quickly passes onto the next subject; "Let's see where I work."
Enpu rushingly puts on his coat and opens the door of his apartment, inviting the cameraman outside.
The scene cuts to a tram, full of people hurrying to their workplaces in the early morning. Enpu is peacefully sitting on one of the seats, crushed between an old lady and a guy who seems to be a boxing olympics champion.
"I do own a motocycle, but- I like trams." Enpu hesitantly admits. "There are many people, you know. People always go somewhere! And look, isn't it wonderful?" he points out the window. The morning mist still hasn't settled down, and the trails, busy streets, lights of the city look dreamy, engulfed by the light fog. "There we see streetlights, wires, connections..." he starts explaining, his eyes getting lost in the view.

"Ah! We are here!" he suddenly jolts from his dreamy state as the tram stops on its next station. He gets up, gets his bag, and starts heading for the exit, occassionally looking over his shoulder to see if the cameraman is still following him.
"So, we go here- we need to walk two or three streets, but I enjoy walking. Especially in the cities. You know, everyone's moving to countryside these days, healthy life and what not... But I personally prefer the city life." he explains to the camera. "I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but- look! Look at that bridge!" he suddenly points to his left. "There you see the top of the human civilization! There are cars gliming all over it! Isn't that amazing?" he whispers.

He walks the next few blocks, passionately explaining to the viewers of his life what he sees. He ends up taking the longer route, nearly getting lost, pointing at buildings and cafes, distracted at 'what's behind that corner?' and such.
He finally reaches the schoolgrounds.

"And, uh. Here's where I work." he broadly gestures at the school windows. "How about we go inside?" he opens the door to let cameraman in.
naisu naisu !! and glad i am to help >w<

princess "pip" perkins
Location: faculty room.
Mood: tired. but now a little excited.
Interactions: touma hideki.
Tags: Leaf Fi Leaf Fi
Clothing: plain white button up, black knee-length pleated skirt, bright yellow pumps.

"let me sit in your next class as a student."

he sounds like he's come up with an absolutely revolutionary idea, but, you know, that just sounds absolutely ridiculous. what's he even planning to do to liven them up a lil? holler? cheer every time a kid answered correctly? or maybe he'll be subtler about it. thumbs up from the back row and all that. honestly doesn't seem like a feasible solution to her problem of having, in her words, a room of dead eyes . but damn, she's, well, all over the idea; she saw the ad, bought the ticket, boom, she's completely on board. she looks, what's the word for that expression she's making? wide-eyed, mouth agape, kinda like saul on the road of damascus but not blind? the word surprise just doesn't cut it. too mild. flabbergasted. or maybe amazed. in awe?

yeah, in awe. like he just solved world hunger. your very technical, very high-tech equipment manages to record something from her: a long drawl of "yeeeaaaaahhhh...". she follows up on that with enthusiasm. maybe a bit too much enthusiasm, because she just about growls "yes. join my class." and yeah, just about expected that response, and hey, you suppose you can't complain if it'll mean more moolah in your hoohah, right? more drama, more fun times, more realness from the teachers.

"next class, wait, uhm..." you barely know her, but you'd honestly be surprised if she can manage to remember her schedule. and you were right, she doesn't, because after about a few seconds of uhms, she walks over to probably where her table is, and unfortunately, you can't see much of what she's doing, but she's quick enough to return back to the other person and already shuffling through her notebook. "any free time at 1 or, uhh, there, 3? or 10, uhm tomorrow. when's your free-time?"


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