it's showtime !
YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TO #general. (FOR A FULL LIST OF AVAILABLE CHANNELS, TYPE /help IN THE CHATBOX) - 1. Please try to be inclusive of your fellow roleplayers. If it's not IC for your character to respond to every little thing, don't, but do make an effort where it is applicable!
2. No inappropriate usernames, naturally. Any jokes made on here should abide by RPN's standards.
3. Subject to change as needed. - Please PM to both me ( satanael ) and Percy ( polydeuces ) your character sheet!
USERNAME / Alias - (Please use alphanumeric characters! As cute as emojis in a username would be, it'll be a bit of a nightmare to write into our replies.) / (If different from their username, what does your character go by online?)
Character Name - (Self-explanatory.)
Age - (This will be visible to all in-game characters, unless your character's profile page is private!)
Location - (This will be visible to all in-game characters, unless your character's profile page is private!)
Time Zone - (This will be visible to all in-game characters, unless your character's profile page is private!)
Blurb - (This is what appears on their chat profile and is public to everyone, unless you specify that their profile page is private!) - suwushi - Atsushi Hayes
wild_child_1999_ - Korri Davis
niceandaccurate - Piper Milton
asutā - Angelina Young
galaxzee - Elizabeth Dupont
alstroemeria - Casper Ollila
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