Tired Princess
Gilded Continent
The Four Kingdoms Lore
This page is for the lore and world building of the Gilded Continent. Below there will be five separate posts for each kingdom, Homeland included. These posts will be expanded as the roleplay goes on, areas are explored, people are created and the story progresses. Anything you'd like to add to the official 5 posts can be PMed to me. Aside from that, you can post what you'd like, but only if it pertains to world building. Layouts of castles, lists of servants, descriptions of clothes and locations, businesses within kingdoms, very minor characters, towns within the kingdom, geographies of the land, creatures, that sort of thing.
Character Sheets:
† Compromise Brings Delusion † CS Page
† Compromise Brings Delusion † OOC Page
Interest Check:
Compromise Brings Delusion (Arranged Marriage) (Accepting)
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