west empire

  1. Elvario

    Graded [Shikoba Village] Sky High Prices

    This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it. Whilst the current one is just a 1x1, feel free to hit me up if you're interested in RP'ing with these character / in this setting in the future, or look up the Isekai Hell setting and RP's in general...
  2. TheTimePiece

    Community "I May Have Been Reincarnated and Enslaved but I Still Got Game!"

    This is a submission for the January 2024 Isekai Hell Resolutions Writing Event featuring my character Ryuuji Kamimura. ---- It was the start of a new year and Ryuuji had some personal goals which he wanted to reach since being reincarnated in this new world. There were all sorts of skills that...
  3. TheTimePiece

    Graded [Liudong Lianhua Monastery] 'I'll Make Them Flourish No Matter What! I Can't Believe My Slaves Are This Capable!'

    Hello viewer! This rp is part of the Isekai Hell community! If you like fantasy and or anime feel free to check out the links provided to see if it is something you’d be interested in! --- Time: Mid Morning Temperature: Temperate Place: Toward the South West part of the West Empire, On a...
  4. Elvario

    Graded [Gnollbone Village] Unwelcome Saviours

    This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it. Please let me know if you wish to join this RP, so that I can help your character get an interesting entrance into the story and make sure they've got a goal being there. What to expect out of character...