
  1. ChaoticNeutralRogue

    Fantasy Channeling Lestat Brat Summer | An Original Vampire Search [MxM or MxF]

    Bonjour~, Iโ€™m Rogue: your friendly neighborhood chaos goblin. Iโ€™m trans-masc (he/they pronouns), almost thirty, and a massive dork, who enjoys roleplaying games of the video and tabletop variety. Feel free to geek out with me. I write as a way to decompress, and storytelling is my creative...
  2. EclecticSpica

    Multiple Settings Seeking Roleplay Partners! fxm | 1x1

    Ohai there c: I'm new to RpNation but not to roleplayingโ€”I've been in the scene since the old GaiaOnline days and have also dabbled in FFXIV RP. I'm on the hunt for FxM roleplay partners who enjoy immersive storytelling, rich character dynamics, and a mix of romance, adventure, action...
  3. Satana

    Fantasy ๐ต๐“Š๐“‡๐“ƒ ๐’ป๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š

    Decades ago when supernaturals were in hiding, feuds between vampires and werewolves were not an uncommon occurrence. Ruling, power, and strength has always been a cause of disturbance between the two, but nothing severe has ever come out of it. A push and pull, if you will. Only, over time...
  4. Wonderkind

    Multiple Settings Plot cravings so partners wanted!

    Hiya! I have a regular search thread but these are some plots I'm really feeling right now so I figured I'd create a space just for them. A short info of me first. Feel free to ask if I didn't mention something. She/her, in my twenties. I write multiple paragraphs, usually between 2 and 6 but...
  5. photocopy

    Multiple Settings โ˜† ๐•ฃ๐•’๐•ง๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•จ๐• ๐• ๐•• ๐•™๐•š๐•˜๐•™ โ˜† ๐•”๐•™๐•’๐•ฃ๐•’๐•”๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ โ˜† ๐•จ๐•š๐•ก โ˜†

    โ˜† JOINING FORM โ˜† Required | Optional Name | Species | Age | Gender | Sexuality | Personality | Appearance | Backstory | Clubs | Relationships | Other MEMBERS [/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING][/HEADING]...
  6. photocopy

    Realistic or Modern does anyone do high school/college rps anymore

    I have an rp that I wanted to revive & bring to RPnation from years and years ago but idk if anyone does these anymore, would anyone be interested in a slice of life college/high school rp? (also this is my first group interest check, sorry if im doing it wrong!)
  7. Grimm

    Fantasy Unbound (A supernatural vs vampire rp)

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( โ€พฬ โ—ก โ€พฬ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  8. magiMerlyn

    Fandom Cirque du Freak rp anyone?

    I'm looking for someone to rp Steve/Darren with me because I'm starved for fics (ao3 only has 37 works with that pairing!) I'd prefer it to be after Darren becomes a Vampire Prince and Steve becomes a Vampaneze, it's been a good couple years since I read the books but if you want to have Darius...
  9. junegloom

    Realistic or Modern Into the Night - Open

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( โ€พฬ โ—ก โ€พฬ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  10. KyloGlenn

    Multiple Settings i'm coming out of my cage (fandom & original search)

    Every year, just about this time, I come back on this site to search for roleplays. Just like I'm cursed to be banished and locked away, except for on one night - Halloween. Anyway, hello. My name is Arabella. I've been roleplaying off and on for...way too long. I don't know when to stop. Below...
  11. maddiemoomoo

    Fandom Bully/Canis Canem Edit inspired RP ?

    18+ only I am an adult! Hello everybody! I haven't roleplayed for about 2 years, and I've missed it a lot. I decided to make a post here to get back into the hobby! ^_^ About Me My name is Maddie, I'm a 21 y/o university student in the ADT timezone. I have been roleplaying for about 10 years...
  12. xtinag90

    Fandom Lost Boys Vampires Fandom Recruitment

    I am wanting to start a Santa Carla, Lost Boys roleplay. I am looking for people willing to roleplay as different characters in the fandom (David, Max, Lucy, etc). Or if you have any OC characters, they are welcome too. I am open to any timeline in the story and characters from all three movies...
  13. ValidEmotions

    Fantasy Soulless, Breathless, Heartless || Recruitment

    Active Characters Lore Thread Main IC Thread This is a world of humans. Located in the United States, the city isn't a giant, overly populated one like New York City or San Francisco. However, it's not a middle-of-nowhere small town either. More mid-sized, with a population of roughly 200,000...
  14. R

    Fantasy Vampire Hunter and Vampire King

    (Looking for an adult male to play the Vampire King.) Raina is a vampire hunter who has dedicated her life to killing hundreds of vampires. The Vampire King is finally within her reach. The story starts with her sneaking into his castle one night to kill him. There will be some kind of...
  15. Allycena

    Fantasy "Ruin Me."

    Hello, everyone. This is my new updated thread. Let's get a few basics out of the way before we get into the nitty gritty. ***!! Craving plots below !!*** My name is Ally. I am 26 and have over twelve years of creative writing experience. I write in 3rd p.o.v., past tense. I love many...
  16. strawberryspiral

    Fantasy OOC Murder in the City of Devils

    Just a place to discuss ideas and what have you concerning an RP taking place in Los Noctis City 2024. @Grimmlock @Pumpum @joestar @Garbage.
  17. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings Murder in the City of Devils Interest Check
    Index: Murder in the City of Devils

    A RP for anyone interested in participating in a horror/mystery setting within a fictional Los Angeles referred to as: Los Noctis, the city of Devils. Recently, there has been an upsurge of supernatural sympathizers who have chosen to accept arcane beings into their communities as rightful...
  18. strawberryspiral

    Multiple Settings OOC Murder in the City of Devils: CS applications

    Open and accepting applications! The following is a rubric for Murder in the City of Devils character sheets. Picture(s) of Character HERE- Name: Face Claim: Pronouns: Age: Profession: Species: Abilities: Weaknesses: Skills: Bio: Personality: Moral Alignment: Motivations/Aspirations...
  19. espmodeus

    Multiple Settings Original 1x1 search !

    Hello hello ! My name is Chariot ! Iโ€™m currently 22 years old and I use she/her pronouns ! Iโ€™ve been inactive from this site due to burnout and just generally being busy, but Iโ€™ve recently gotten the itch to make ocโ€™s and roleplay again so here I am !! My preferences : - I am open to doubling...
  20. FaeFoolery

    Realistic or Modern Court of Blood

    Court of Blood