undertale pairings

  1. Sarge-Loves-Fandoms

    Fandom Undertale Search

    Hello all, my name is Sarge and I'm currently on the hunt for someone to roleplay Undertale with. I'm starting to lose hope at his point though, and I'm about to exhaust all my usual haunts. Anyway, a little about me. I'm 33 years old, so my partner needs to be an adult. My post length varies...
  2. Blissy

    Fandom Looking for a Sans-Centered Roleplay Partner!

    Hi! You can call me Blissy! I'm new to this website, but I came here because I'm hoping to find a long-term (or short-term is fine too XD) roleplaying partner who also enjoys sans/sans, undertale, and au-centric roleplays. Just to get it out of the way first, I require potential roleplay...
  3. FlareTale

    Fandom Looking for good Grillby/Sans and Dream/Cross or Dream/Ink partners

    Lately in UnderTale, I have been really into Dream Sans, who I play as female, and those she's with, as well as Grillby and Sans as a pairing. I have a few ideas for both so if your interested in these pairings and have ideas of your own, please shoot me a DM!! I will go into more details in the...