Welcome to the Tomorrowverse OOCT Thread!
The Tomorrowverse is a dynamic, ever-evolving world where the future is shaped by heroes, villains, and the choices they make. Set in a seemingly normal society teetering between progress and peril, this RP explores the building legacy of this...
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Upon closer inspection, a small appendix could be spotted in the bottom margin of the flyer, just below the combined logos of The Pillars. The font was small enough that it wasn’t noticed upon first glance, almost as if it hadn’t been...
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Hi ! I'm Valentin (Val or V) and I'm looking to get some plots started. I made a recruitment post a pretty good while ago, so if you're someone who messaged me back then and want to bump the message feel free!
I’m currently 23 and have been writing collaboratively for about 10 years. I...
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I need help. I've been obsessed with this idea for nearly a year now and it took actual literal therapy to get me to try and ask. I REALLY REALLY want to do a specific superpower academy roleplay, where I can play as myself. There's one major problem. I can't write it. Not as in I physically...
This post is tagged 18+ simply because romance is optional, and I wouldn't feel comfortable writing such with a minor.
Hello there!
Sorry for the very simple formatting, but I'm admittedly not the type for flair. I'm looking for a long-term roleplay partner who is passionate and/or knowledge...
The year is 2287, Two hundred years after world war three and the Quar Grey invasion...
Earth is a planet mostly destroyed by humanity and said alien invasion. When the world collapsed to nuclear fallout and sentient life from beyond the skies... Those who survived did so in vast underground...
Hello, looking for a few things! First off, you can call me El (they/he). I'm 21 so you MUST be 18+ to roleplay with me. If you don't like the plots I have and have something else in mind, feel free to shoot me a message anyways. I'm burnt out right now so I'm looking for anything between a few...
Hello hello ! My name is Chariot ! I’m currently 22 years old and I use she/her pronouns !
I’ve been inactive from this site due to burnout and just generally being busy, but I’ve recently gotten the itch to make oc’s and roleplay again so here I am !!
My preferences :
- I am open to doubling...
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Kendall swept the floor at Vought HQ as a lowly janitor who didn't get paid as much as he should have. No one respected him at Vought, and it showed by his check that he got in the mail every Friday. Ken was a little pissed off at the amount of money he was making, it barely covered his rent...
Red tendrils shot out of Carnage breaking the glass of his chamber and impaling several Shield scientists who were studying him. He growled and leapt out of his confinement chamber attacking any Shield personnel that rushed into the room and killing them or turning them into infected husks. The...
The world needs the Avengers, now more than ever.
Basic Info
The original six Avengers never existed on Earth 818, so the villains can wreak havoc as much as they please. Many counts of killings and crimes against humanity had already happened. No one can stop the supervillains...
So this is a bit of an odd nibbling that’s been creaking my skull lately, but I’ve been musing on the worldbuilding possibilities of modern comic book powers in a fantasy setting. That person isn’t a fire wizard, they just have pyrokinetic superpowers, for example. Take a character, or at least...
Chapter 1: The Battle of New York
The Tesseract was the strongest artifact on earth so far that Shield had uncovered. They had the Tesseract in a secure location that they thought was unbreachable with the amount of security they had watching over it. The artifact was kept in a case in the...
In one of the infinite universes created by Barry Allen's tampering with time, General Zod has successfully killed the legendary Kal-El, known as Superman to the public. During this time, mankind is beginning to understand time travel only at its barest bones, but they know enough to realize...
Okay SO, This is a long shot that someone will want to RP this but I am hopeful.
This show has been with me since I was a child and now I have the power to play dolls with someone [hopefully] who is just as passionate about it as me.
You can have Peter I don't care, my ass is on...
Hey, guys, this is just a thread where you can post any ideas you have for the RP, your character's relationships with others, questions or comments you may have, or if you simply just want to chat with your fellow RPers. Please, don't be afraid to put forth any ideas you come up with! Anything...
A few ground rules before we get started:
- This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve...
I have a few plot ideas in mind. I have a fondness for anachronisms (things out of their time and place). Time travel, Isekai, etc are common themes for me.
I only have time for one RP. I have a heavy work load IRL. That said, I still tend to manage about a page or more per post. I detest...