
  1. PawofDestinySaberofPride

    Fantasy Tales of Magic a Journey of Wonder / Roleplay

    This Story/Roleplay involves my oc named cassius moren a greek wizard who lives in london and he goes to hogwarts initially as a first year at 11 years old but for the roleplay side of things he will be 25 years old to simplify things then as for the fanfic side of things my version of the...
  2. Ivybluefire

    Multiple Settings Ivy's Interest Check

    Hi, I'm Ivy! 24 y/o AFAB. I am super new to this website, so if you don't hear from me for a while, please feel free to send a friend request to ivybluefire on Discord! Now, let's get to the important stuff!! [/SPOILER] Tl;dr I'm Ivy, I'm new and still learning how this forum...

    Fantasy (OPEN! // RECRUITMENT) TIDE-CRAWLERS ;; THE ABYSSUM SAGA // Character Sheets!

    REMOVE EVERYTHING IN BRACKETS PLEASE! BASIC Name: Nickname(s): Gender/Pronouns: Place of Birth: (Goes with Class, don’t forget! Slums, Subburbs, etc) Class: Social Class: (Noble, Criminal, etc) Family: (pets, siblings, etc) Weapon(s) of Choice: Alignment: (Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Good, etc)...
  4. SerenityAngel

    Fandom Solo Leveling

    If you have not read the manga or watched the anime, that is alright, just treat it like a DND game and you’ll do great! Though this has only humans as playable characters lol. Would anyone be interrested?
  5. Misaki

    Multiple Settings Looking for (a) RP Partner(s)

    As the title says I'm looking for one or more RP partners. I'm kind of interested in doing a Heartstopper RP. If your interested in that please private message me. Private message any ideas you might have on what you wanna RP ^^ Just some things to add: 1. Never just disappear, I will let you...