Forged in Love
In the bustling streets of modern Athens, the ancient gods live among mortals, their powers diminished and their identities concealed. Though they have adapted to human lives, remnants of their divine essence linger, drawing mortals into their orbit and complicating...
The Death of Olympus // a PJO RP // Character Thread
You can use whatever sheet you desire for this roleplay, and you can provide as little or as much information as you wish! It doesn't have to be crazy coded and can just be a simple sheet as well, do as you see fit! Additionally, this isn't...
<fa-solid fa-quote-left Percy Jackson and The Death of Olympus
A new era of heroes
I need your help
1 new recording* fa-solid fa-arrow-rotate-left fa-thin fa-backward-step fa-thin fa-pause fa-thin fa-forward-step fa-regular fa-heart
You click play.
There was static.
"Is- Is this th-" There...
The Death of Olympus // a PJO RP // OOC Thread
Hello everyone! Welcome to the OOC thread for "Percy Jackson and the Death of Olympus". This will be the official OOC spot for everyone to discuss their characters, ideas, or other plans. Remember, I am more than open to listening to what ideas...
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// reddit part
fa-sharp fa-up
fa-sharp fa-down
r/help • Posted by u/ThrowAway_Halfblood 25 days ago
The Gods are missing from Mt. Olympus and the world is going to end!!!!
fa-regular fa-bell
// main body
Alright, now that I was able to grab your...