
  1. Misty Gray

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - Interest Check

    The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames San Francisco, USA, 1920 : CS :: IC : Introduction San Francisco, a city built on dreams; dead or alive. Whether your dream is to star in the movies or simply make ends meet, the Golden City won’t make it easy. To survive in this town, you need deep...
  2. Forevermore

    Realistic or Modern π™½π™΄πš†πš‚π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™½πšƒπš‚ -- Accepting

    ----image---- ----main content---- ----tabs cover---- ----button---- ----* * *big word here---- Read ----* * *tab title here---- home ----button end---- ----button---- ----* * *big word here---- All ----* *...
  3. Forevermore

    Realistic or Modern π™½π™΄πš†πš‚π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™½πšƒπš‚ [CS]

    ~The WIP thread for the Character Sheets. Tune in soon!~
  4. Forevermore

    Realistic or Modern π™½π™΄πš†πš‚π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™½πšƒπš‚ [OOC]

    βœ¨πŸ—žοΈπŸ“° Welcome to the OOC for NewsPrints! Comments, questions, concerns, and chatter go here! πŸ“°πŸ—žοΈβœ¨