
  1. rinne012

    Fandom Looking for some Fandoms!

    Hey all! Just wanted to give some of the fandoms I’m looking for right now. A little about me, I’m 18-22, partners need to be 18+ and ALL CHARACTERS must be at least 18 as well, if they’re not they’ll be aged up. I write about 4-8 paragraphs but that is dependent on the scene and what I’m given...
  2. rinne012

    Fandom Looking for partners!

    Hey all! I’m going to keep this relatively short, I just wanted to give some of the fandoms I’m looking for right now. A little about me, I’m 19. I write about 4-8 paragraphs but I could very easily write more if given enough. I write in the third person and can post at least once a day! I also...