marble hornets

  1. Cavecatzz

    Fandom Creepypasta Rp

    HI!!!To start off-im completly new to this site so i would much rather take the role Play to discord. Anyways!!You can call me Katz since i go by It on social media-im 18 year old digital/traditional artist.They/them !! im looking for someone to roleplay OC x canon (Xvirus although could be...
  2. PandaMasterXL

    Fandom Roleplay 1x1

    Looking for a My Hero Academia, JJK, Creepypasta, Hetalia, or Total Drama roleplay. Roleplays must be detailed, so 1 paragraph minimum per character (aka 5-7 lines). Up to 3 love interests are allowed. Roleplays will take place in private message on discord. I will send my discord username after...