legend of heroes

  1. Doomyfish23

    Fantasy The Iron Empire- ICRP

    Ferrous city Palace, The throne room. 8:16am As Eric approached the tall gates to the throne room the two guards at either side would stiffen and salute at his approach earning a nod from Him which would cause them to get into their more relaxed position. Much to his surprise the guard on the...
  2. Ameagarichi

    Multiple Settings 1x1 Roleplay Requests!

    Hello! My name is moonichi and I'm in the mood to write! - I'm genderfluid so my pronouns may vary. Just ask me whenever you want them! - I've got 5+ years of roleplay experience under my belt. But recently in my life, things have gotten a lot busier so I can't write like I used to. It's...