
  1. sleepwalkinq

    Fandom Multi-Fandom Search! :)

    (Control+F if you're curious about a specific character or fandom) Alexander Hamilton [Hamilton the Musical] Robin (Male) [Fire Emblem Awakening] Kamui/Corrin (Male) [Fire Emblem Fates] John Marston [RDR2] or [RDR1] Connor RK800 [Detroit Become Human] Gavin Reed [Detroit...
  2. Vernorexia

    Fandom Fandom RP Search - Mainly Seeking Only Murders In The Building and She-Ra and MLP

    Hi, my name's vern, I am an adult literate rper. I prefer fxf and prefer to play females but that that's not all I do. Main ships I am looking for are Thabel and Glitra. Here are just general fandoms before I share my main ship interests. Main (italic is my role) Oxenfree - Alex x Nona, Alex x...
  3. BerryBlitz

    Fandom Looking for 1x1 Partner! I am interested in multiple fandoms.

    Hello. I am looking for someone to roleplay with. I have a lot of experience but with only the same person. I can do third or first person POV. I usually like first person if we play play multiple characters. I play a bunch of different genres but I enjoy dark themes so I will probably have...