
  1. UnderBough

    Multiple Settings Bough's Interest Check (Fantasy and Fandom [Star Wars, Adult Animation, Gothic Lit, Classic Movies])

    Hello all! I introduced myself on the intro thread, but I figured I'd stick my interests here as well. I've been roleplaying since early middle school (so over a decade) and enjoy roleplaying in fantasy/speculative settings and fandom settings, but I am open to other things. Just ask! My style...
  2. TheMysticNamedFae

    Fantasy Dracula Retelling!

    What I Am Looking For Hey everyone! Normally my posts are a little different but I´ve been itching for something specific in particular recently. I am a big sucker for Dracula stories; Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Dracula Untold (2014), Castlevania...etc There is just one thing bugging me the...
  3. j0lly.ranch3rs

    Fandom "I Need to Get Out of a Toxic Relationship!"

    "I Need to Get Out of a Toxic Relationship!" • • Okay so...I know this movie like JUST came out, but I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I am currently looking for someone to play Renfield for me! I do have a plot in mind and while this is a roleplay where I would rather not double, I...