Are you ready to embark on a grim, mystical space opera where psionics, martial mastery, and arcane technology intertwine in a galaxy teetering on the brink of chaos? Welcome to Coven Chronicles: Lam Naraj, an original roleplaying adventure inspired by the likes of Dune, Warhammer 40K...
── .✦
hi ! i'm valentin (val or v) and i'm looking to get back into rp after quotev shut down a couple months ago. this site is pretty new to me, so please bear with me on that.
i’m currently 23 and have been writing collaboratively since i was about 13/14? somewhere around there. i'm also...
"Welcome to the place that was never meant to be... and the things that were never meant to meet."
The Backrooms have always been a labyrinth of endless yellow-tinted corridors, a place where reality...
"Welcome to the place that was never meant to be... and the things that were never meant to meet."
The Backrooms have always been a labyrinth of endless yellow-tinted corridors, a place where reality...
Hey, you. You might want to wake up now. You don't have much time.
Your eyes flutter open, revealing a mostly blurred view of your surroundings. A few more blinks helped to clear your vision, and would allow you to see that you were inside someone's small personal quarters. You were laying on...
Please check out the lore thread before making your character. When I have approved your character I will send you a discord invite to our OOC/hang out chat!
RS Blackbirds Cry Crew
Long ago we took to the stars and discovered what was once thought to be unimaginable - alien lifeforms. Not too far from our own galaxy lies a plethora of life just like ours, a universe so strange yet so familiar. With this first contact came conflict, and the ending of conflict brought peace...
Dear writer,
This meandering interest check may come across as antithetical to interest checks, so be forewarned. This may also be too many words that say too little. Or vice versa.
I will not be providing a stock set of roles in this interest check—I find them rather limiting. Now, to be my...
You've been here before.
Hihi! Robot girl here, I hear this is where humans make words. Here is what I am looking for in a human:
Having fun talking and brainstorming and obsessing!
And feel free to chat with me about whatever, doesn't have to be story/character related.
Nicholas Harper - @Infab
Lola - @Infab
Anya Kolpas - @joshuadim
Anton - @Breadman
Henry Maken - @Holyhalo
Patrick Knight - @Worthlessplebian
Renard Dupont - @Crocodile
Adrian Felski - @dikdik
1. Please, be nice.
2. No power or metagaming. You have a lot of freedom and slack, but...
Character Sheets
This thread will be for players' character sheets. They can develop their characters and post their full profile here for approval, reference, and use in-game. If need be, profiles can be edited on the fly.
Here's some basic information on the two different races, as well as...
Welcome to Lethe.
If you're here on Lethe, you either volunteered to move here or were forced to. We don't envy you. This moon is primarily having its guts mined out by the three great empires of the Kentaurus Spiral, and you're forced to play nice (by the Galactic Preservation Conglomerate)...
The year was 1749.
The clouds were enriched in a permanent greyness, the skies, hoary and empty. When night approached, the ceiling of the earth was starblown and cloaked in an immense darkness as if the entire universe had been drained of its very life source..
On one night, crested deep...
The year was 1812.
The clouds were enriched in a permanent greyness, the skies, hoary and empty. When night approached, the ceiling of the earth was starblown and cloaked in an immense darkness as if the entire universe had been drained of its very life source..
On one night, crested deep...
Appearance: (picture required. Art only. Description optional)
Aliases (optional):
Age (Minimum age 21):
Profession (See #character-creation in the discord for help. A relevant profession is not required but recommended):
Home City:
Theme (optional):
The Damned of Deep Dreams
My father had just died due to an unknown cause. And as the eldest child, it was according to family tradition that I sort through his things. And so I sorted through his office. My father was obsessed with sorcery and the occult. So it was no surprise that I found...
Hello, I am a roleplayer looking for a long-term roleplay partner. I have the following storylines, characters, and other narrative elements. Which are parts of my various cosmic horror stories.
Nalishor-Elder God
Atstojuah-Elder God
Baelmarka-Cursed Book
Scorned-Biological Disease
So, recently I've been going through a very hard moment in my life, at the same I've been getting into some horror manga, principally a few stories writen by Junji Ito, my favorites until now being Uzumaki and his iteration of Frankenstein, so taking on inspiration from the works I've been...
If you think you fit what I'm looking for, please send me a message telling me a bit about yourself and what plot/pairing/words from the word bank interests you, and a writing sample! I am open to creating new plots from scratch as well!
-I am based in EST, 20+, she/her pronouns
-I have...
Seeking Partner:
Cosmic Horror - Globe-Trotting Adventure - Occult Mystery
I am seeking a partner for an advanced, long-term roleplay centered on two siblings traveling across the globe in the mid-to-late 1920s, discovering and trying to stop a global conspiracy to invoke the powers of...