
  1. StuartAnderson

    Realistic or Modern Hallmark season is upon us....

    As it's now hallmark season (according to netflix anyway) I thought it would be appropriate to do a cute, flufy, cliche romance story. i'm look for a MxF romance (me in the male role) which has lots of drama, twists and turns, and of course lots o cheesy flirting/romance! A few pairings...
  2. Yours Truly

    Fantasy im bi, actually

    Hello! > 22 as of April! > I write fanfiction and aspire to start a novel this year! > 500-1k words if I’m truly inspired~ > I prefer male characters, or nonbinary > Any pairings (mxf,fxf,mxm) > oc x oc > anime AND realistic face claims > super friendly, please be my friend, okay? > i love dark...