
  1. ArcticWasHere

    Multiple Settings Just looking for an RP! :)

    Hello! :) I go by Arctic here online and I’ve been rping for the past few years and I’m looking to find someone to rp with who hopefully shares similar interests! (I’ve never made a post like this so please don’t make fun of me 😭) I like potato chips and chocolate! ALSO THANK YOU FOR READING...
  2. bat.

    Multiple Settings rebirth (revamped search, open)

    hello! my name is bat, and i'm (allegedly) a pretty cool guy. i'm kind of just hoping to pique some interests and maybe get some balls rolling. welcome to my super-hot-and-sexy roleplay search, where i search far, wide, high, low, inside, outside, over the river, and through the woods for a few...
  3. MissMakeBelief

    Fantasy (Open) 1x1 Fun Personas Exploring My World

    (( Gonna open up by saying I'm looking to RP with someone around my age (18 to 21) and I don't care about profanity although keeping it at a minimum is preferable. This is the first one I'm opening so I'm not gonna be uptight or no-nonsense with it. I wanna have fun that's all. I have six...
  4. Fus ro dah

    Multiple Settings Seeking friends for chill RP

    About Me I’ve been away from the site for… oh boy, a long time now. My writing muse dried up for ages and with RP being hard to find lately, I found my way back here. I’m very much out of practice for RPing, I’ll write as much as I can but don’t expect long posts from me unless my...
  5. Snowberry

    Multiple Settings Welcome to Bleakwoods Circus! (Modern fantasy) (Open!)

    Plot: Your character has recently moved into this town, unaware of the surrounding area's history. To most it just seems like a small town that doesn't have much to offer. Its quiet, vastly different from where you originally come from. During the day the town seems like nothing, the people are...
  6. Ufomi

    Fantasy Of Friends and Writing

    This is the first post!