
  1. Yunn

    Multiple Settings afterdark — a supernatural adventure/sol interest check

    subtitle subtitle text afterdark afterdark fa-regular fa-folder-open home fa-solid fa-folder plot fa-solid fa-folder roles fa-solid fa-folder rules overview The town of Heshun is a small village with over ten centuries worth of history. The...
  2. AnemoVictorious

    Fantasy MOONLIGHT [OPEN]

    PROLOGUE: OF THE MOON AND THE SUN Designed and coded by Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. . . . // accents // left side // // right side // // header // Ignis SolaceBlaze of Glory // location + tags // tags: Moonbeam Resistance cs link...
  3. Sahji

    Multiple Settings Rest Inn Recruitment and Player Hangout [ALWAYS OPEN] [EVERYONE WELCOME]

    Welcome to Rest Inn! Consider yourself checked in. Your character was "pulled" out of their own dimension and wakes up at the Rest Inn, with the impression that they are safe and simply need to be here. If they try to "wake up", well... they do. This isn't torment, punishment or limbo, but a...
  4. Sahji

    Multiple Settings Rest Inn [ALWAYS OPEN] [EVERYONE WELCOME] [WALK-IN]

    Welcome to Rest Inn! Consider yourself checked in. Your character was "pulled" out of their own dimension and wakes up at the Rest Inn, with the impression that they are safe and simply need to be here. If they try to "wake up", well... they do. This isn't torment, punishment or limbo, but a...
  5. Hobo Heart

    Realistic or Modern Calling all Ghost roleplayers (MxM, casual, Always open)

    It is I, the dead bride, here to ask any Ghost roleplayers to PM me for a chill roleplay As for myself will be using my favorite character Hobo Heart, a human version for this rp, along with a character sheet so that you can understand a bit of how he will be acting in this setting You don't...
  6. AnemoVictorious

    Fantasy MOONLIGHT - npc gallery

    plz dont delete the credits! >A< . . . . .Moonlight NPC Gallery This is NPC gallery for the roleplay Moonlight. The first tab is this landing page, the second is for characters associated with the Moonbeam Resistance, the third for the Slayers of the Holy Sun, and the fourth for others not...
  7. AnemoVictorious

    Fantasy MOONLIGHT - characters sheets / applications thread

    plz dont delete the credits! >A< . . . .Moonlight Characters Sheets This is Character Sheets and Application thread for the roleplay Moonlight. The first tab is this landing page, the second is for characters associated with the Moonbeam Resistance, and the third for the Slayers of the Holy Sun...
  8. AnemoVictorious

    Fantasy MOONLIGHT - OOC

    plz dont delete the credits! >A< font . /* MIDDLE BOXES */ /* IMAGE */ /* BODY */ Welcome to Moonlight's OOC thread! There is an OPTIONAL discord server (NOT REQUIRED), so if you'd like an invite to that, please shoot me a DM. Code here to not seem so empty. Hi Shifty. Okay, go crazy and...
  9. AnemoVictorious

    Fantasy MOONLIGHT - lore thread

    Sanguinia: The realm vampires and angels inhabit. Vampire: The blood drinking magical beings that inhabit most of Sanguinia. They have elemental abilities, and mostly reside within various kingdoms. Angels: The winged magical beings that inhabit lesser parts of Sanguinia, and who have a...
  10. AnemoVictorious

    Fantasy MOONLIGHT - a vampire rp [OPEN]

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. . . . . // accents // content wrapper // // start of top // // start of title // MOONLIGHT // end of title // // start of tab covers // ---- tab cover 01 ---- fas...
  11. LucarioDude

    Realistic or Modern [M4M] furry high school rp.

    Discord preferred pls. Looking for a casual roleplay as two students going about life, screwing around together and whatnot. My character will be Lucas, who is an otter. He’s also an incoming freshman who loves soccer, and will do his best to get the starting spot as striker, since most...
  12. dreamthieves

    Fandom 「Remnants of Heaven」A Jojo's Bizarre Adventure AU Story

    You awaken in a bed that feels... incorrect. Opening your eyes, you find yourself to be in an unfamiliar place altogether. Thinking back, you have no precise memory of where you are or how you got here. Except... a faded memory. A memory of your own death. No, of course it's not a memory. You're...
  13. AnemoVictorious


    plz dont delete the credits! >A< font . /* MIDDLE BOXES */ /* IMAGE */ /* BODY */ This is the OOC thread for Simulated Ascension, a Homestuck-based RP! Here you can chat and plot with others and ask questions! ...Ignore the random code I'm using here. It just looked too empty if I posted...
  14. GojiBean

    Fandom Pokémon Interest Check!! (Closed)

    Hoyo! OOC Discussion! Most of us know it. Many of us love it. And dammit, I wanna RP it! Why? I dunno. I've been hankering to get a Pokémon RP up and running lately so here I am giving it a try once again! Let's get to the nitty gritty! RP Differences From The Games! This RP is not...
  15. Garului

    Fandom Fandom/Crossover Interest check

    Hello! I am new here, So I apologize if I end up making any mistakes with posting. With that said, I am looking for any sort of fandom RP. I can use either my OCs or canon characters, I'm quite comfy with using both. I usually do one-line responses, but if need, I can do semi-lit responses...
  16. Lady_Zenkins

    Multiple Settings Remade this since the old one SUCKED T-T

    A little about me: I'm 15 years old and autistic and I use she/her pronouns more about me check my about me in my profile. RULES VERY IMPORTANT MUST READ: You must be around the ages of 14-18 years old no older no younger and I only do romance rp with people around the ages of 14-16. and I'm...
  17. AnemoVictorious

    Fandom SEVER THE MARIONETTE'S STRINGS - In Character Thread

    plz dont delete the credits! >A< . . /* NAME BOX*/ Klara Eichel /* IMAGE */ /* BODY, HAS A HIDDEN SCROLL */ Klara had never expected that the bard she had befriended was her own nation's Archon. She'd heard rumors that Kimaris took a human form to watch over Mondstadt and experience the city...
  18. Lost Martian

    Multiple Settings Lost Martian's Collection of Plot Ideas

    Hello, I’m Lost Martian, a fairly recent new member to the site. I’ve done 1x1 RPs before on different sites, but not in awhile. So I’m itching to try it again. I can play either Male, Female, Alien being, whatever. Also playing multiple characters is fine. As for romance, I don’t like it being...
  19. TheSpeck

    Multiple Settings Welcome to Forest Glade (casual, supernatural/lab, small group!) (CLOSED for now :])

    It wasn't always like this... At least not before the change of ownership. Forest Glade used to be an institute where those who were affected by the outbreak would take refuge and build new lives. Now , it was just a bloodbath, one that no one could escape, not even the people who worked for...
  20. AnemoVictorious

    Fandom SEVER THE MARIONETTE'S STRINGS - Character Sheet Thread

    Sever The Marionette's Strings Character Sheets (This is Ugly. One day maybe I'll make something prettier. I... hope to at least.) INTEREST CHECK If your character gets a reaction, this means they're accepted! Remember that you need to be in the Discord, as it's a mandatory OOC - Shoot me a DM...