assassin's creed

  1. AWriterNamedBruno

    Fandom Multi-fandom Roleplay recruitment

    Hello! :D I am currently looking for rp partners who are interested in the following fandoms: - Marvel - Star Wars (Seen everything except for the standalone live action tv series) - Assassin's Creed - Disney - Transformers Here are some things to know about roleplaying with me to take...
  2. SirNateUnknown

    Fandom Assassin's Creed : Revolution (maybe MxM if romance is even a thing)

    Alright let me just put this down nice and hard, before anything. I am pretty much a geek for this particular game series and the worldbuilding and lore so i would pretty much like to try and stick somewhat in it's common sense so no funny business. Also just to reinforce it, no minors so...