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  1. Marceline_idue

    Poetry I love yous

    Gentle deer Gentle deer, please run From the men From the men with guns I know you need to, I know you want to Be safe, even if I cannot be Run please, run without me Gentle dear Gentle dear, so swift In the wind In the wind you fly
  2. Marceline_idue

    Poetry I love yous

    I plead I bleed I wish for you to be Oh darling, I love her, please mother Help me
  3. Marceline_idue

    Poetry I love yous

    I made a net of leaves one lonely windy day To try and catch your heart With a river in the sky But the leaves all blew away And the water turned to air I tried to catch your heart, dear lover But failed, to my own dismay
  4. Marceline_idue

    Poetry I love yous

    I am not sure when My heart became yours my rose But I know it now Because my heart aches To be without you daisy And it will not stop The beat of my heart Playing along to your metronome A sad broken tune
  5. Marceline_idue

    Poetry I love yous

    I love you my dear The hardest words, I find, lie Like a silver tongue I love yous, just hide The feelings I have inside No matter, I'll lie I hope it will suffice My mind is desolate, dry Without your love near
  6. Marceline_idue

    Other An Idue dump

    Plot Generator with 500+ Short Story Ideas I got bored so I found a prompt generator I liked. "He had waited twenty years to return it." He had waited twenty years to return it. It wasn't like he couldn't at any time, no that wasn't it. It was the fact of facing her again, and he would have to...
  7. Marceline_idue

    Other An Idue dump

    TW: Mentions of death, animal death, depression, self harm Prompt: “It’s okay, we’ll be okay. You can rest now.” I can’t leave them. They need me. My family. My people. They won’t know what to do. What if they cry? Who will be there to comfort them? Who will make sure they eat? Or what if they...
  8. Marceline_idue

    Other An Idue dump

    TW: May be triggering for some It was his eyes the kind of stare that stripped you down until your ivory bones were on display he took my memories my hopes, my dreams, the very thoughts from my skull and poured them out in front of me for all the world to see displayed them like trophies ones...
  9. Marceline_idue

    Other An Idue dump

    I’m just making this for me to dump my writing stuff! I take criticism and the like. I wanna try to improve my writing as much as possible. Hope you enjoy the insides of my mind. <3