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  1. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    Hiii, I figured I'd pop into OOC as well to see how things are. Hopefully I'll be able to join in.
  2. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Multiversal Travelers OOC

  3. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Multiversal Travelers Sign-Up

    Name: Commander Video Fandom: BIT.TRIP Are they a Traveler?: Yep! It's even canon! Birth Gender: Male Preferred Pronouns: He/Him Appearance: Personality: CV is the adventurous type when it comes to the Multiverse. He is always fascinated at what each universe shows off. He's one to enter...
  4. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Multiversal Travelers Sign-Up

    OOC LINK: MAIN THREAD LINK: Here we have the application thread! Here is where you apply your character as stated before. RULES: Please, common sense here. No Mary...
  5. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Multiversal Travelers OOC

    MAIN THREAD LINK: CHARACTERS THREAD LINK: RULES: No bad mouthing people here. Respect others here. We are all human. Common sense! Respect others and their...
  6. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL

    You're in!
  7. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL

    I just added them!
  8. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL

    THE DARK HEROES Madfang Ragewolf Ragewolf is the first Dark Hero to be faced by the Patapons, representing Rage. He wields two claws and wears a red mask shaped like a wolf. Ragewolf is believed to be Makoton. Silver Hoshipon said that he once gave his soul over to the Dark Ones. He also...
  9. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Settings/Locations

    Patapon Hideout Dark Hero Hideout Patapon Training Grounds Field of Angry Giants Arena of Valor Cave of Valor and Depths of Rage Snow Field of Sullied Tears Racing Alley of Purity Tower of Purity and Heights of Lust Plateau of Pompous Wings Range of Justice Castle of Justice and...
  10. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Swords are used by Taterazay, Guardira and Tondenga from Level 6: Common Sword: A standard-issue sword. Light and easy to wield, but massive damage, no! (Attack Element: Slash) Ice Sword: Magic sword mantled in the coldest of cold. Can freeze enemies, deal critical hits and knock them...
  11. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Blades are used by Taterazay from Level 5 and Myamsar from level 8: Common Blade: This standard-issue blade deals less damage than a sword (bad), but more critical hits (excellent). (Attack Element: Slash) Lightning Blade: An enchanted blade that summons lightning, deals critical hits...
  12. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Spears are used by Yarida, Kibadda, Piekron, Wooyari, Taterazay from level 10, Charibasa and Pyokorider from level 15, and Naughtyfins and Buzzcrave. Common Spear: A standard issue spear. It's made to last, but sadly the end isn't pointy enough to inflict much damage. (Attack Element: Stab)...
  13. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Used by Wooyari from level 11 and Naughtyfins and Buzzcrave. Common Lance: The excessive length of this standard-issue pike is nothing but standard. Only a well-trained warrior can handle it well.(Attack Element: Stab) Ice Pike: Magic lance with chilling power. Has powerful freeze...
  14. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    These weapons are used by Kibadda, Piekron at level 7, Pyokorider, Charibasa at level 18. Wooyari and Guardira from level 15. and Naughtyfins and Buzzcrave. Common Halberd: A standard-issue halberd. Nearly worthless in battle, but if you fall on it, you'll probably survive! (Attack Element...
  15. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Used by Destrobo, Bowmunk and Ragewolf. Common Arm: A training arm. Inflicts little damage. (Attack Element: Strike) Ice Arm: This arm make of compacted permafrost freezes foes. (Freeze) (Attack Element: Strike Ice) Repel Arm: This rough arm sends foes flying. (Knockback) (Attack...
  16. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Used by Myamsar at level 10 and Piekron at level 12. Common Dagger: This standard-issue dagger is well-loved for its sturdy but compact design. (Attack Element: Stab) Critical Dagger: This dependable dagger with critical effect is used on the battlefield to finish off enfeebled foes...
  17. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Used by Myamsar at level 15. All Shivs boost defense and have a Shield-breaker chance. Common Shiv: This standard-issue shiv is shaped so that it slips past your foe's shield and delivers its blow true. (Attack Element: Stab) Poison Shiv: This shiv is laden with a fast-acting poison...
  18. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Used by Grenburr, Cannassault at lvl 15, and Ravenous. Greatswords provide extra hitpoints and resistance to status effects. Common Greatsword: A standard-issue greatsword. "Great" because it's durable, but is actually a bit useless. (Attack Element: Slash) Critical Greatsword: A sharp...
  19. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Grenburr can use greatblades starting at lvl 14. Greatblades provide high critical rate and high damage, and resistance to certain status effects. Common Greatblade: This standard issue greatblade used in training boasts consistently high attack power. (Attack Element: Slash) Flame...
  20. Neo-G Essent

    Fandom Uberheroes United REVIVAL - Items

    Used by Cannassault, Tondenga at level 10, and Grenburr at level 20 and Ravenous. Common Axe: A standard-issue axe. Great for cutting wood, but (strangely) not so hot when it comes to cutting enemies. (Attack Element: Slash) Stagger Axe: A magic axe designed for making enemies stagger...