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  1. MagusKaliem

    Viewpoint How do you feel about self-inserts? Is it weird for you or just me?

    My feelings towards self inserts can be split into two. 1. If the self insert feels like a natural part of the world without it being thrown into someone's face then it shouldn't be to bad, they are a living breathing part of the world without much of a problem. They could just be working a job...
  2. MagusKaliem

    Experiences Fandom roleplayers, how many rp in the same fandom can you handle? And what about playing the same Canon characters over and over?

    Honestly depends on the fandom? If the fandom has some good people with good knowledge of the content then it isn't too bad! If people are insufferable? Then it's a bit hard to get into.
  3. MagusKaliem

    Character Theory There's a knock at your door... It's the last OC you roleplayed.

    This would depend on which character, although majority of them would only have a single question and that would be "Why?"