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  1. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better and the recovery process has begun! Onwards and upwards!
  2. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Hey, mayne, how're you feeling? A little better, I hope. What was the verdict on playing Animal Crossing?
  3. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Anything changed? They weren't as funny as before? And is there anything in particular you like about Bojack?
  4. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Just been sitting on my hands waiting for the Triathalon and Wrestling. And good choice of playthrough, I love all the South Park games. I just watch the cutscenes like a movie. Are you a fan of the show as well?
  5. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Oh phew, thought I was getting out of touch haha. What else have you been up to recently? Have you been following the Olympics or catching up on any shows/movies?
  6. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Oh crud, I was trying to be funny, but FMA is Full Metal Alchemist, right? Glad you're doing well! My suggestion is to lightly butter a bowl (so the marshmallows aren't a pain to get off the bowl), microwave the marshmallows until they're melted, then crush some of the oreos and mix them into...
  7. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Ooh, what's your preference when it comes to consistence for your brownies? Do you like them gooey or crispy? Is it a free-for-all or team based competition? Also, I love multiverse stories because they rreally let you tap into your creative side regarding interactions! Also, Allow me to pitch...
  8. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Word! Thanks for the reassurance! I'll keep you posted on my progress! Here's the RP in question! TLDR; A goup of people who had been trained to be killers since they were young are left to their own devices when their adopted father is killed by a vengeful son. The character I came up with was...
  9. TobiornotTobi

    Chitchat covid sick thread.

    Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that, buddy. I hope the sickness passes as quickly as it came! I've been obsessed with honey recently and am currently figuring out how I can incorporate it into my baking. Think a layer cake with honey icing and drizzled in honey could be a good idea? Or is it...