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  1. Axiom Days

    Other How do so many people on here type such funny comments? I sure can't.

    Personally, I've felt like that before. I think it takes social experience of some sorts, that's why I try to use every opportunity to increase my charisma. Be it banter, or bland shitposting.
  2. Axiom Days

    Journal My child is playing demonic video games. Help!

    No shit, Sherlock.
  3. Axiom Days

    Journal My child is playing demonic video games. Help!

    Did you just assume my gender, you fucking newfiend?
  4. Axiom Days

    Journal My child is playing demonic video games. Help!

    God bless you all for taking your time to read this. I recently found my son playing a video game called "Persona 3." I was doing house chores while he was playing it in the living room. It seemed like a child friendly and educational game at first. The characters were at a school and learning...
  5. Axiom Days

    Journal And yet another miracle happened to me today...

    The only thing keeping me from turning this into a shitpost is the fact that I'm 80% sure that a mod is watching me right now after my previous escapade.
  6. Axiom Days

    Journal And yet another miracle happened to me today...

    What is this blasphemy.
  7. Axiom Days

    Journal And yet another miracle happened to me today...

    DEUS VULT. Get it right, ya pleb.
  8. Axiom Days

    Journal And yet another miracle happened to me today...

    Urge... to shitpost... rising.
  9. Axiom Days

    Opinion Opinions on some stupid stuff

  10. Axiom Days

    Opinion Put your money where your mouth is.

    I used to trust people, but then they started taking advantage of it.
  11. Axiom Days

    Opinion Opinions on some stupid stuff

    Hey, now. Slow down a bit.
  12. Axiom Days

    Other MBTI Personality Types

                                                                  INTJ Introvert(44%)  iNtuitive(16%)  Thinking(50%)  Judging(9%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (16%) You...
  13. Axiom Days

    Opinion What do you think of asexuality and aromantics?

    The mods are gonna have a field day with this topic.
  14. Axiom Days

    Opinion What do you think of asexuality and aromantics?

    Well, personally, I think human beings as a specie are hard-wired to re-produce, or in general have a sex drive. The idea of not having one seems completely alien to me. I dunno.
  15. Axiom Days

    Opinion The most Annoying Kind Of People

    Nah, I just wanted to make that double post joke. I couldn't care less about feminism.
  16. Axiom Days

    Opinion The most Annoying Kind Of People

    People who take anything that isn't a compliment as an insult.
  17. Axiom Days

    Opinion The most Annoying Kind Of People

    Highly opinionated feminists.
  18. Axiom Days

    Chitchat Any Confessions?

    Confession - I believe any internet trump supporter is automatically a troll
  19. Axiom Days

    Chitchat GMs and RPers that actually RP!!

    I'm here for the pirates, bruh.