Search results for query: *

  1. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    "You guys are not very supportive friends." James huffed. "But fine! I'm going." He was practically buzzing with nerves as he walked up to Evans. "Excuse me? Hello!"
  2. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom Anything for our Moony

    "Okay." Remus started eating, trusting that Sirius would talk to him if he needed to.
  3. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    James groaned. "Okay, fine! But if this goes badly, I'm blaming all of you." "I don't know, James. She wasn't in the magic boat." Remus shrugged. "Maybe it's not meant to be."
  4. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    "You think so?" James played with one of the flyaways like a teenage girl, grinning and kicking his feet. "Do you really think I should go all in now? What if it's too soon?"
  5. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    "Now?" James turned bright red and tried to find her. "But I have to prepare first! Write a whole speech..." "A speech seems excessive." Remus frowned. "Fine, Remus. Tell me how they do it in your books if you know so much." James crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "They're fiction, James."
  6. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom Anything for our Moony

    “You look a little sick…”
  7. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    James picked his head up. “Where?” He turned to find her. “You haven’t even properly met her and your love sick.” Remus shook his head fondly. “I’m worried about what’s going to happen when you do meet her.” “Love at first sight.” James sighed dreamily.
  8. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    “Wow! My greatest ally siding against me!” James flopped on to the table, narrowly avoiding his plate. “I’ll never recover.” Remus carefully pushed James’ hair aside. “You’re going to get food all over your hair like that.”
  9. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom Anything for our Moony

    Remus sighed. It was hard for him to feel hungry. He usually wasn’t fed much. “You okay, Sirius?”
  10. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    “I’d need to be with you when you bought the ticket.” James paused. “And in a boat.” Remus shook his head. “I don’t think they’d let you bring in a boat.” He was quickly accepting his role as the frequently ignored voice of reason, James and Sirius much more likely to chase any form of chaos...
  11. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    James raised his. "To the Boat Besties!" Remus relented and raised his glass. "To getting to Hogwarts and James somehow being right about where we end up." "More like to James not losing hope because of his cynical friends." James stuck out his tongue before taking a hearty swig. "Ahh, pumpkin...
  12. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    Remus gasped. "Woah... that's... I've never seen this much food in one place." "Merlin's beard, finally!" James started scooping up food into his plate. "It smells so good." Remus wasn't sure what to do. How much was he allowed to take? He didn't even recognize half of these dishes.
  13. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    "Absolutely! I don't care what spells he knows. I can take them." James flexed. The entire room went silent as the last person was sorted. Professor Dumbledore stood up and started giving a speech. James groaned. "Lads, I am so hungry. I'm about to die." Remus smiled. "I think it's almost done?"
  14. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    “I… I don’t know. I guess I’ve never really had friends before, so I can’t argue. But, I’m worried about you two. You don’t even know if the other one’s a first year. He could know some really nasty spells.” Remus looked down at the table.
  15. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom Anything for our Moony

    Remus shrugged helplessly. “Does your mom really expect us to finish this?” James hummed. “I don’t know. Do you want to take that chance?”
  16. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    “Didn’t you not like this idea either, Peter?” Remus sighed, upset he lost his one ally. “Why are you on their side now?” James smirked. “Maybe he just knows we’re the winning side.”
  17. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    Remus sighed, covering his face. “You two are going to chase those boys to the end of the earth, huh?” James scoffed. “He steps on your foot and then makes fun of you for reacting like you were hurt! That’s utter rubbish! No one gets to do that, least of all a slime ball like him.”
  18. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    James scoffed. "Severus? More like Snivellus. Gross." He rolled his eyes. "We're going to put him in his place tomorrow." Remus sighed. "Look on the bright side. We're all in Gryffindor. I'm fine. He's far away from us. We don't need to fight! We're good." James scoffed. "Oh no. I'm quite...
  19. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom The Marauders Chronicles 1x1 (closed)

    James grinned. "Yes! It's going to be perfect!" Their happy conversation was interrupted by another name. "Snape, Severus." James wasn't going to pay attention until he saw who it was. "Hey. That's the guy. The one who made fun of Remus!" Sure enough, the same greasy black hair and pale skin...
  20. AlmostImmortal

    Fandom Anything for our Moony

    Remus joined him, sitting beside Sirius as plates of food magicked before them. He was almost overwhelmed by the amount of food on the plate.