Nakano Nagi
Traveling, huh? Yeah, that was about what she figured out of Kiki. Just like her, really. Hell at least she got the opportunity to take after her parents - no, no, bad Nagi. No resenting her friend for shit that was out of either of their control. It wasn't like Kiki was acting like...
Nakano Nagi
Nagi snickered at Kiki's burp, matching it with an equally grotesque one of her own after a moment.
"To be fair," She started after, killing her second beer in the meantime and tucking the can away. "We were all pretty fuckin' worried when you pulled that shit. Old man was two...
Beatrix Fortagon
This was laughable. Unarmored and barely armed rabble against some of the finest Sanghalo and Nortalis had to offer? The only thing stopping the locals from being slaughtered en masse was the limited amount of forces that had been brought into the city thus far. And that only...
Beatrix Fortagon
Yet more pointless back and forth from all parties involved. It had even gotten to the point where this incompetent girl daring to make demands of her saviors had to be bailed out by her own knight. And wasn't that just amusing? At least this one knew how to grovel. In the most...
Nakano Nagi
She stuffed the last of her takoyaki into her mouth and washed it down with the rest of her current beer, belching slightly before starting to speak.
"Oh yeah, an alternative route. Bitch, we call that cope." Nagi passed another can over to Sakiko with a slight grin, taking some...
Think I'm probably gonna back out of the Hope app. Tamer concept is fighting me a lot and I realized the main points of my idea skew too close to Nagi as it is.
I already had a the skeleton of an idea and a line cooked up for Hope.
Basically, focusing more on the determination/never give up aspect of the Crest, so iron willpower and all that.
Kotemon > Dinohumon > Knightmon > MedievalGallantmon
Crest of Despair Line:
DarkKnightmon >...
Honestly, if two characters had been an option, I could've been open to making a second one to fill out the cast.
As a side note, we currently have two Virus, two Vaccine, two Data attributes in the top ends for our Megas. Shockingly balanced type cast for a Digimon rp so far.
Nakano Nagi
Oh, for fuck's sake. She recognized the voice before the figure emerged from the brush. Nagi visibly relaxed, taking another swig of beer as she shot Sakiko a casual wave.
"Yo, Kiki. Shit, you get lost or something? Picked this spot because I figured no one'd be bored enough to...
Deck check for an event tonight, yeah. My main comp deck is Imperialdramon, mostly built Marcus for fun. Looking to build the Kendo/Gravenova/Mirage deck though since I already have the entire MirageGaogamon core.
Nakano Nagi
"Kid!" A shout came through the house as Nagi was putting her sneakers on, pack slung over her back. As much as she liked looking nice in a kimono, it wouldn't suit what she was going to do today. Damn shame. "You gonna go enjoy the festival?" Her dad asked from inside.