Fawnpaw, noticing her mentor motion for her to follow, pulled her ears back, took one last look at Stormkit, and scampered to Flickerwing. "What do you think Snakestar will say about Stormkit?" She asked.
Olivebranch was walking back toward camp, still empty pawed, when the scent of squirrel...
A well worn narrow path zigs and zags deeper and deeper until it is almost to much,then a new scent tickled your nose. Moonfalls, a very large underground cave with a single pink leafed tree that sits beside a very small set of waterfalls that flows into a pool that hold the tree's island.
"It looked like the fox ran off, out of the territory, but the others went to make sure." Acornfall mewed, hoping to calm the queen. Fawnpaw was quietly checking the kit. "Flickerwing would be better at knowing what she needs... But I know she will need a mother..." Fawnpaw muttered. As...