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  1. Kaemisc

    Multiple Settings Looking for RP Partners

    I'm down for a Harry Potter RP. Do you do OCS? I'm not very experienced in character RP
  2. Kaemisc

    Fantasy SoulBound

    Plot A sounds really interesting. I'd love to RP this if you want to PM me.
  3. Kaemisc

    Fantasy Fantasy Partner Search!

    Hey, I'm fairly new to RP, but the second world sounds really interesting. I'd like to hear more about the world. If your still looking for an RP partner, go ahead and PM me.
  4. Kaemisc

    Fantasy Dragonslayer

    Hey, I'm interested in this RP, but I have no clue how to private message yet.
  5. Kaemisc

    Introduce Yourself!

    Um, Hi, I'm new. My names Kae. I was told to test out this website to practice my writing skills so I'm trying it out. We'll see how it goes.