The sun slowly crept over the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape. The air was thick with the sound of shovels striking the earth and the murmurs of excited whispers. Various professions clamored together at the corner of this shadowed lands to excavate lost secrets. Tents...
Piggybacking that being a literal proud, sentient dragon would be a fun concept, but is certainly difficult to pull off in RP in terms of creating lasting engagement.
Under the metal mask, his eye twitched as he was forced to listen. He pretended to read along the scroll, then balked at the presumed notion of their venture. Saving children? Such an act of unmistakable kindness would be a blemish on his records of misdeeds conducted in the mortal realm! And...
A heavy silence hung over Willa's explanation. The tension behind the demon's lance not faltering for a second. Then a scoff, from behind the mask. He had no reason to believe a neophyte like herself could summon him from between the realms. Without his consent! And he was yet unaware of the...
The runic writings etched within the tome lay inert, the pages lazing about without a hint of magic across the crease. While nothing seemed to happen outwardly, it was within the astral sea, where the journey begins. Like a spark traveling through the landline, a font of magic traveled from the...