Interaction: Calixto (Guild Hall) @Fenrir the Wolf God
As he listens to him, he nods along with all Calixto says and pays deep attention, when he says he knows nothing off the aquatic monsters he shakes his head in sadness. He didn't know too much about what the guy had said, out of his...
Interaction: Calingo @Fenrir the Wolf God
"Hmm" Gol pondered; "I can see where you're coming from" he said a bit disinterested, "WAIT! not a griffin? That ruins all the stuff I've written in my..." he cuts himself off and seems to go back into thinking, "Not a griffin huh... I've only ever...
Interaction: Calingo @Fenrir the Wolf God (GuildHall) (@Genii Possibly Barry? don't mean to drag you in or busy you.)
Gol viewed the buddy pair across the table, he could see the nervousness the griffin had, "Although he looks like a high-climate or mountainous griffin to me he appears skittish...
Interaction: Calixto (in guild hall/Outside?) @Fenrir the Wolf God
Golemnus led the way, this was what he came looking for on the frontier, something fun and exciting. He led the charge to the guild hall, returning to where he just came retreating from. They were no less than a short walk...
Interaction: Calixto infront of guildhall
@Fenrir the Wolf God
Gol was brought out of his fixation with a jump of auditory stimuli, he had accidently gotten so wrapped up again he went into a rambling stupor. He listened to the man's words with a smile, yet his hands never stopped writing...
Gol, book in hand, had exited the guild hall after he realized the weird looks, he was giving people had started to be returned back to him. He was in the middle of adjusting the strap on his travel pack before Gol spotted his newest subject of fancy. It was beautiful, white and well-groomed...
Hey, I just realized I probably should've asked sooner, but has Calixto entered the guild hall yet, I've seen the post, but it seems you're outside, and I'm not sure if you were waiting for someone or something, don't mean to ramble on and constantly ask, just wanted to make sure it was okay if...
Gol snapped awake and alert as he sat up in his chair, he had fallen asleep at his table. He did a dizzying head turn as he checked out his surrounds, 'Yep still in the hall, I wasn't stolen.' He let out a soft chuckle to himself as he looks around his surroundings more in detail, he either...
yeah, was gonna ask who all was in the guild hall. Even if they aren't a veteran Gol wouldn't mind annoying them with a barrage of questioning over monsters and familiars.
@Genii Its fine I like the dwarf, plus you're about 4 people on your own so I'm not expecting an essay... if you were writing an essay for each NPC dialogue I would be intimidated.
He disappointedly puts down the green book, he didn't get any information to go in it, not even folk tales or legends to jot down. "Thanks for the drink, I appreciate your time.", he took a drink of the strong stuff and immediately was thrown for a spin, he should've asked for...
Location: Guildhall
Interaction: NPC Barry
"Yeah, it's a quest about an aquatic monster terrorizing a fishing village, I'm something of a researcher you see, and this is my first-time hearing of a large aquatic monster of this reporting. have you ever heard of anything like this?"