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  1. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    I hope everyone here likes the work I'm putting in on Arystace, my own role play. I duly hope you'll look at it, because I am always thrilled to share my ideas with the community. Sincerely Alice PS: Take a look at the new history I'm beginning to go into immense detail to create for...
  2. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    Well, fly is going to sleep now. ._> Later hater. O.o
  3. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fantasy Arystace V0.175

    AlipheeseFateburnXVI updated Arystace V0.175 with a new update entry: Arystace Patch 0.175 Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    We're weirdos and we know it... ._. *Proceeds to break into a spontaneous break dance*Score one for magic!! *Proceeds to turn into a frog, then kiss myself so I become a prince.*
  5. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    Yum? :c
  6. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    I'm a dead fly though already. O.o Can you even poison an Angel? O.o
  7. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    -Unyielding has killed wild fly- -What? Unyielding is evolving!--Congratulations, your Unyielding has evolved into a pizza!-Yum! *Eats pizza* *Muffled voice as I talk with my mouth full* What?!?! I got bored!!
  8. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    Bzzt! Bzzz... *Falls to the floor* ; _ ; Game Announcer: OVERKILL!!!!
  9. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    Hora, hora!!! Aaaaaaaah!!!! *Squish**Slides down the wall as I make a light buzz*
  10. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    I happen to be a nutty rap lyricist. :P (Thoughts: Like they didn't already know Alice, you goof.)Someone get me the fly police!! O.o I'm a poor little fly about to be swatted! O.o
  11. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    We really aren't? O.o Hes talking about swatting me in words that don't even rhyme. O.o Can't you see this is an attempt to kill a poor little fly? O.o Someone get the fly police. ; _ ;
  12. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    OoO You evil little boy!! Santa is not bringing you presents this year... O.o
  13. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    *Takes out my brain, and implants it in Traceless* I feel you man... ._. I sometimes feel mindless when I write myself. ._.
  14. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    Morning! I'm new to this chat, and new to this site, but I'm more than happy to speak to people where I'm welcomed! They call me Alice, mate! Hope I can be a good part of your day! ^_^ Feel free to check out my writing too, if you wish!! Alice
  15. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    For the purpose of entertaining this chat I will do something that can be considered entertaining as follows. I will keep you on your toes You can guess, but never know All the things that I keep close My dark secrets hide down low I'm your sunshine and your rain I'm your pleasure...
  16. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    I will never be boring I will never be fun I will always keep you guessing I will keep you on the run You will not know everything Everything I have in store And just when you think I'm done I will prove that there's still more Alice
  17. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    And that, my friends, was the birth of knowledge. From that day forward, Unyielding knew everything. The end. GG
  18. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    I reviewed the whole RP, and I was asked to introduce myself here, and you know I cannot simply refuse a polite invitation.
  19. AlipheeseFateburnXVI

    Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

    #That-Moment-When-The-Author-Of-This-Resource-Asks-You-To-Come-Talk-On-Out-Of-Role-Play-Chat Since you were so kind as to invite me, I have decided to come straight to you. Call me Alice if you will. My profile information page is probably useful here, but since I've said it once, I'll say it...