Picture taken by sequs-art-tunnel on Tumblr!
I tried searching whether or not anyone has made a thread on it but it appears not! So I was wondering where you guys had even heard of this game and if you play it, here's a couple of questions for you! If you haven't played it, you should...
It's a shortened version of my main username, Aruite, which is literally "by walking", a conjugation of "Aruku" which is "to walk". I used it for a character I had once and when changing usernames that's what came to mind.
Hello! I'm Aru, I'm completely new to this site but migrated after a certain forum closed down, although I haven't roleplayed there since 2013. I've been roleplaying since I was a kid but I haven't felt the motivation to much as of late so I'm hoping that that spark will be reinvigorated...