After taking a woefully long time, I've only got the Skills left to write and the Class to decide on, whoo! Hope you found a sufficiently grubby, not-grubby fella earlier than it took me to try and figure out how to draw foxes.
If I don't get my character sheet done in the next twelve hours, I'm free for a-whacking. Until then, I'll be lurking around and side-eyeing my notifications for this thread.
I saw Melty Blood floating around back in Ye Olden Days of the early 2000s, I think there's a new game for it called Type Lumina. The art looks super cool, and though a story built purely on Arcade mode sounds pretty wild, the player interpretation of a level or ability is always fun to see...
Heyo! Another new person looking to join if the desired player cap hasn't been reached, reporting for potential duty. I do have a relatively higher level of knowledge when it comes to mythology from China, Japan, and the Philippines compared to my familiarity with other sorts of myths, so I've...
Greetings, new, old, and eldritch being folks of this RP site! Whether I'm a juke, a void, or any anomalous amalgamation of the two, I'm not sure exactly, but you may call me Juke. I tend to find my roleplaying partners living on the other side of the world, seeing as I reside in Southeast Asia...