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  1. BrokenTh0ughs

    Evaria High School

    Name : Ryo Age :16 Sex/Gender :Male Part of Japan where you come from : Tokyo Personality : Very welcoming and happy, sometimes to much some people even consider him 'creepy'. Ryo is really good in most classes, except he can't keep his mouth shut for a second. Likes : Food, Laughing...
  2. BrokenTh0ughs

    Death wood High

    Name: William Jefferson Age: 15 Year In high: Freshman Race: Human Crush: None (yet) Bio: William grew up in London, England. His family is very poor, and they gave their last money so he could go to highschool. So he would problably get a good job in the nearest fute, and not end up...
  3. BrokenTh0ughs

    The Ancient Forest

    .Ups sorry I'm an idiot it wasn't meant to be sendt.. Sorry :x
  4. BrokenTh0ughs

    Here we go again, i had once a profil but i forgot the password, stupid me :X.

    Here we go again, i had once a profil but i forgot the password, stupid me :X.