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  1. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    4672 Ojhmar observes for a few moments. Eyes narrowing before widening beneath the goggles which- in those moments, he could not be more grateful for. The monsters. The creatures that lurk in the shadows, from the tales they told their children were there. He -knew- it. The Feral quickly...
  2. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar for once, did not rush head-first. Though indeed that was his initial instinct, he was soon halted by Ibrahim motioning to him. Perhaps relaying well the message, that in this room, the train-cart might by one of the better points of cover available. So indeed, Ojhmar knelt by one of the...
  3. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Being underground was one thing. Being underground with enough explosives to leave nothing but a pair of boots with two stumped feet in them was another. Being underground with a big bag of explosives on him inside a screeching rattling metal box was a completely different story. Ojhmar might...
  4. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar's eyes narrowed, as he grit his teeth and bearing the yellow sharp canines towards Helly as she walked on past him. Cursing his inability with technology to be able to retort to the woman, as he's forced to silently froth and glare at her with a deepening scowl. But still- he stays his...
  5. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar stood silent- as the gates opened to the train platform beneath the earth. And at its sight, the savage's eyes widened and the color drained rapidly from his face- as the very hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand out. His fingers twitching uneasily around the hilt of his...
  6. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar walked along the gang- his eyes narrowing. It was subtle, but to all those who would actually follow the savage's facial expressions and bodily language- they'd spot quite clearly, terror in his eyes whenever he stared into the dark, rushing his steps as they walked, at great unease. When...
  7. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    "So what ya' be sayin' is... These'a explosives." Ojhmar pauses. "An' if we be gettin' shot, burned, or exposed ta' heat, they go off. On our backs." He slowly leered at the Cogboy. "Can't we jus' call up one of'da Emperor's mighteh metal birds an' get outta here?"
  8. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar, having been near to the box at all time, peers at it as it was opened- taking the Sergeant's words to heart for the time being, though keeping his Eviscerator at hand, far from relaxed after their bloody victory. And as Aleskander the mechanical man opens the large chest, Ojhmar's brow...
  9. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar, who had conveniently sat upon the box, one knee bent to his chest, the other outstretched to rest his boot upon the ground, with the hefty weapon leaning against him and serving as a makeshift armrest, blinked at the odd gift. "...Ya' want dem ta' be able to see us?" He inquired...
  10. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    "Well maybe if she could see she might'ave warned ya' friend bout dat bullet den?!" Ojhmar snapped back at her- breath turning angered and heavy, but that same unsettled grin spreading to his lips, before suddenly- the usually meek Ibrahm barks aloud at the tribal man in his tongue. "JERUF...
  11. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar pauses from his heavy hauling, setting the box down if need be. He bore his broad grin as ever- but now there was fury in his eyes as Helly spat out her insults. "Ya' be careful now." He said, bearing his sharp teeth as Ibrahm also strides with Alskandr as a separation barrier, glaring at...
  12. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar nodded to the Sergeant. "Aye, sarge." He said, exchanging yet another tribal conversation with Ibrahim as they walked to secure the large box. He lazily let the head of his Eviscerator rest on it, as his companion gave him a most disapproving scowl, speaking in hushed whispers- though the...
  13. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar made reach for his knife slowly- the thought of scalping his enemies and leaving their remains as warning for any others. Then he recalled something about Orkz and fire, something about fancy fungus. But whatever it was, it went against the manual- so he avoided doing it. He aimed to...
  14. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    A Guardsmen's duty was to die for the Throne of Terra. To fight and protect. So for that moment being, the commissar was the closest thing to fight and or protect! So when he got into the range of another ferocious sprint- he burst into one! Feet slammed against the floor as he hauled all his...
  15. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    3814 Ojhmar sends himself down into a squat, skidding aside bloodied heels as he shot his glance to his shooter- only to see a hole form in his head. An improvement for an Ork'z beauty, if any. However there are THREE more to die- and for Ojhmar, that was enough. However, he was not one to...
  16. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    Ojhmar did not steer from his course. He dashed across the ground, most of the noises drowned out entirely by the unearthly roar of his Eviscerator. And once the Orc was at reach- he broke into a sprint, gathering at all his weight and momentum before leaping forward- Eviscerator held up high...
  17. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    3622 The probably brain-damaged Savage didn't seem as frightened as he should be as heavy munitions rounds tore through the air and whizzed by him and his comrades all about, leaving deep puncturing wounds on the ground- as he broke into a forward sprint and let loose the roar of his...
  18. Bones Johnson

    Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

    "Terra's skies!" Ibrahm calls out in fright, kneeling by the same cover as the Feral worlder as the Orcs arrived. The Feral man bore his broad grin once more at the sight of battle- and quickly spoke to the man by him in his native tongue. "Ma'hmjook mik'tal!" He said to him- a thing Ibrahm...