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  1. AbenSur

    Finished [Azuran-Ryke] A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Tyrmar “Our Apologies Ser Storn we’ll make sure your supplies are ready expeditiously! And then we can explore the sights to our leisure before Lady Kuro and Annabelle return.” With the second half whispered into Mao’s ear, Tyrmar quickly pulled the cart closer to the smithy entrance before...
  2. AbenSur

    Finished [Azuran-Ryke] A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Tyrmar A splattering of red bloomed on Tyrmar’s dark cheeks as he swiftly turned himself away from the salacious beast women, though his body was tempered like steel he was embarrassingly weak to acts of affection so he was interested in moving past this before he was caught sputtering all...
  3. AbenSur

    Finished [Azuran-Ryke] A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Tyrmar “Well met Lady Thistlehart, while I doubt my assistance will match the standards of someone of your standing I’ll be sure to do my best, even if it’s just hauling!” Following the proprietor out towards the shipping yard broke way to the sounds of crashing waves and constant movement of...
  4. AbenSur

    Finished [Azuran-Ryke] A week at the Docks (PT1)

    Tyrmar In the aftermath of the expedition against the hive alongside respected adventurers and the scum of the Empire Tyrmar find himself on the path of life with no immediate priorities to take up his time. The adventurers guild could wait for as long as needed, he’d heard tales of the lands...
  5. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Tyrmar After a successful bug killing Tyrmar had hoped the rest of the endeavor would be as straightforward as possible, that is until he was reminded that friendly fire was a known thing for a reason. Despite dispersing the majority of the sound the others had still gotten into a kerfuffle...
  6. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Tyrmar The carapace of the guard bug easily fell under the weight of his strike, the wave of force passing through it and the entrance wall allowing them a greater amount of area between themselves and the main party. In but a single exchange his companions dispatched the bugs in their own...
  7. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Tyrmar Deeper and deeper the group trekked into the bowels of the nest, each step carrying with it the chance of sudden ambush from the slumbering beasts. As the way made itself known they were allowed more room much of which was covered in the eggs of the insects they were there to slay. The...
  8. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Tyrmar As the like minded and most forward thinking of the hired warriors gathered, and Aedrianna, Tyrmar found his eyes falling upon each of their arms and demeanor in the face of scouting ahead. As Shotgun Blowjob made their presence known once more he allowed himself a chuckle before...
  9. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Tyrmar Though the trek around the camp was left to a waste it allowed time for the three parties to prepare for the journey into the cave, of course after causing the East some well deserved trouble before he’d be forced to treat them as comrades on the battlefield. The outliers of the party...
  10. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Tyrmar Taking a potion from Aedrianna’s pouch and gingerly setting in his waistband, Tyrmar took into account the new arrivals who seemed to be adding their own brand of spice to his meals, which was fine as long as it got consumed. As they made their commotion and played with each other...
  11. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Nest-door Neighbors

    Characters - Current%27'] Tyrmar The cave entrance was an obvious entryway to danger, though he’d not seen their aftermath he heard tale upon tale of mutant bugs terrorizing the lands between the See and the Eastern Empire. A result of the war strategy Tyrmar gave his life for, and now a means...
  12. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar “Hmmm, while his delivery was quite rough I won’t lie and say the thought of an unknown exploration doesn’t fire me up.” With a wry grin he turned away from the steaming scar in the tundra to turn to the rest of the group, if in truth they would have to traverse a different route...
  13. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar ‘Khisanth eh?’ Sending off a quick prayer to the deity in particular, Tyrmar sadled up next to Viktor and his men whistling as steam rose off of the surroundings of the larger beast they’d felled. While it certainly seemed alright for the time being there was no reason to risk the...
  14. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar As the body of the giant worm fell through the ice melting the ground around it Tyrmar let out a breathe of satisfaction as his fists shook from the force of his blows. Truly this was an experience that he couldn’t get enough of, and the fact that he was surrounded by able warriors all...
  15. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar Truly no matter the place, the battlefield was always chaotic and ever changing, just as he’d believed they were free of further assault an entirely different version of enemy came forth to attack. Taking a moment as his hand healed, Tyrmar sped forward only to be halted by the wave of...
  16. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar The weight of the civilians was near nothing to Tyrmar as he speedily returned them to a cart further from the fissures in the icy rock, even though the situation may have looked dire the fact that they’d all been grouped up instead of separated by the icy winds amongst a horde of...
  17. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar To say Tyrmar’s charge ended anticlimactically would be an understatement, he hadn’t expected the beam of light that seemed to cut through all the darkness created by those damn undead birds and send them crashing to the ground. Once again he’d been too slow and too far, even as the...
  18. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Frozen Kingdom

    Tyrmar The biting colds were a stark contrast to the warm slightly damp forest of the See that he’d trekked through only a short time ago, reflecting on his journeys there he couldn’t help be reminded of the aid he was given, both in his resurrection but also in them giving he him provisions...
  19. AbenSur

    Graded [Frontier] Runaway Slaves [Part 2]

    Tyrmar Well that was certainly a spectacle, though healed of any traces of poison Tyrmar still fell flat on his ass from Ceylan’s display of divine magic. In the time since he’d awakened in the world there had been many examples of the power of magic the world held. But to know that a being...
  20. AbenSur

    Realistic or Modern ♡ Misfits of Yearwood Academy ♡ | IC |

    Adam Mallus Mood: Nervous, Excited Mentions: Basically Everyone ‘Is this Gossip Girl or something?’ Adam pondered amused as more and more teenagers came to join everyone in the lobby. As he heard Leon respond to his awful reference he felt his smile grow wider as they sat down to snooze. Not...