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  • Users: Kacie
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  1. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    Folks, I PMed CrazyIvan a bit ago, and haven't heard back. I'm stuck on a business meeting this coming week, and if I'm bored out of my skull in my hotel room, bored enough to brave the censure of work laptop balking at this website, I'll be posting regardless.
  2. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    I've been waiting for CrazyIvan to post IC -- it's been the 4th of July here in the States, and he might have been running around pulled three different ways, for all I know. I'm off on a business trip this next week, and my work laptop balks at this site. That said, if I'm stuck in the hotel...
  3. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    Two thoughts on the Celebrant; 1) it is more interesting to invite the Celebrant, and 2) it has already been declared by Cyl. By previous agreements, #2 is sufficient. While the Celebrant is a security risk and potential hostile, I'm betting that Fangs will see it as an opportunity for soft...
  4. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

    Mirror's PP isn't helpful for much except summoning demons. We could make sure those don't work on critical interior structures or too much of the defensive work. Otherwise I'd say sure, go for wyld-shaped robots.
  5. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    How's about the first design on the form of the 2nd? Beauty + not-directing-weapon-towards-vitals!
  6. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    CI - go ahead and do your defense, then do whatever attack you'd like. Work's been bad, I've been bad, etc. Sorry. :(
  7. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Nexus 1:0 - Invocation & Invitation of Fates Intertwined

    The shock of bones on orichalcum and unmovable fists results in splinters flying everywhere - debris of buildings, crates, block'n'tackle, and bone shards are flung through the air, and had lesser beings been standing in defense, they would have been shredded. But Exalted? Landing in carpet...
  8. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    As per discussions earlier - Mirror wants to spend 8xp to get Demon Summoning 1st circle, 1PP on summoning demons for the Manse, and 1PP on tracking down info on the Neverborn, regarding her goal of finding some way of freeing them that doesn't doom Creation. For actions, she would be very...
  9. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    I second Cyl - reproducing River's tattoos on armor is really cool.
  10. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    Please do! I had a long debate on whether to end it earlier, but felt there was more that needed to come up in combat.
  11. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    All righty! That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm still not thrilled. I'm sure there's a way to get our snazzy image over here, but I haven't figure that out yet.
  12. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    Okay - so apparently I have to migrate the game into the new system. I'm totally unenthused about this, but it has to be done.
  13. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    I'm not interested in hunting down the hurter/killers of HAM on my own, but if Flicker proposes a joint assault/hunt -- that is something Mirror would seriously consider. Flicker is a strong ally, and in Mirror's opinion, did the hard thing at Ankss. Flicker making a convincing IC argument to...
  14. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    First - ugh, I hope you're okay with those hours, JayTee! Sounds very unfun. :( Second - gah, work. Gah, meant to post earlier. Gah, stupid domain change, missed how fast you guys posted to my last post. *facepalm* Enough on excuses. Repost on combat suggestions: How's about I...
  15. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Nexus 1:0 - Invocation & Invitation of Fates Intertwined

    What was one small hole quickly begins to fray and unravel from multiple points. Misuro takes a best guess at the primary 'eyes' for this carpet of skulls and bodies, and takes a great swipe - the bones crumble to dust as if desiccated, the bodies act like dried, caked mud struck by a plow...
  16. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Nexus 1:0 - Invocation & Invitation of Fates Intertwined

    Misuro cleaves the skulls coming at him, somehow fending off flailing body-parts, and then has an adrenaline pounding ride to avoid drowning on fetid corpse-water as the resulting tidal wave swamps the docks - he fetches up on the half-collapsed roof of the warehouse, and him the only thing not...
  17. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    I am guilty of being late. :( Work was surprisingly bad on Friday. Events today leave me without brain. Sunday.
  18. Kacie

    [Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

    Really, for reals, expect an update tomorrow. Got the clarification I needed, plus the motivation.
  19. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

    I'll be spending 1 PP on the Manse (and 8xp to learn Demon Summoning from my mate). This satisfies the urge to help kick up the power of PCs, by contributing to our floating force-projection and energy source for Siham's crafting. I'll spend my other PP on investigating the Neverborn. This...
  20. Kacie

    [Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] OOC Thread

    Add me to the list of people having some issues getting to this site from work. I'm able to get around it without much effort right now.