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  1. D

    Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)

    Ooooh! Okay. I'd reeeeeeally, really like to play in this if it's okay. I have two concepts for you! One's a Chiaroscuran conman Fiend with a Malfean urge to utterly destroy the realm and a motivation to "always bring down the house", Danny Ocean style, and the other's a Midnight Caste...
  2. D

    [Exalted 2E] The Spectre Wars

    Ooooh, iiiiinteresting. Sign me up!
  3. D

    Hey guys!

    Hey yeah? Didn't know he was a dublin lad. Thanks!
  4. D

    Hey guys!

    What up folks! I'm djehuty3. I'm a 21-year-old Dublin-based actor. Who's also desperate for a game of exalted. Hi! :)