The dark pelt of the tomcat seemed to glisten slightly with the rise of the sun, the first rays of this cold day. He uncurled his body from it's sleeping position and extended his paws outwards, his back arching as he stretched with a grumble. His ear flicked, the tufts of fur at his eartips...
My cat is a tomcat, a long-haired black cat with a sleek body, shiny coat and pale yellow eyes. His name is Blackstar, and as a warrior, he was known as Blacktail. Obviously, he would take the position of leader, if that's okay.
As a second character, if I am allowed, I have a she-cat who is a...
Ash didn't go to pick anything up, not really trusting anyone. She had let out a sigh and looked down at her hands then her hoodie pockets, closing her eyes to rest them as she sat in the corner in the darkness. "How long do you suppose these doors will hold if the dead were to find us?" she had...
She narrowed her eyes and frowned, her body tensing a little as she mumbled. "Before this I was planning on getting a job as a detective, but the outbreak took place before I could finish my course." she huffed, letting out an exhale as the blonde girl rambled on for more than a few minutes...
Ash watched the scene roll out, watching the large rat escape the building then saw the Marine walking out. She leant against the old, dust-caked walls and let out a small sigh, looking at her gloves then her knife, of which she had pulled out to take a look at. It seemed almost normal nowadays...
Ash frowned. "You're oddly salty for the fact he just gave us an opportunity to learn about the weaknesses of the zombies, and gave us a route into this place. Yes, I'll admit it wasn't the smoothest plan and now there are more zombies, but what would you have done. Sat there still for 20...
Ash sighed a little in relief, staying quiet and low seeing the infected near the tank, a little surprised the marine new so much in such little time, following him and rolling her eyes seeing the person in front of her nearly trip over and fall face first on the floor. "Idiot." she mumbled...